Stephen Wolfram’s discoveries perfectly match the patterns of Human Cognition (Godtype)
Stephen Wolfram’s Discoveries in His Most Important Book “A New Kind of Science” Perfectly Match the Cognitive Patterns Discovered Here on Godtype.
Back in 1987 I was 22 year old self taught Computer Geek crazy enough to leave a career in Architecture to create a computer graphics company building high end workstations (infinity design systems). I did not understand it at the time, but I was born an ENTP. I had no real choice but to do what I was born to do….
Steve Job’s (fellow ENTP) Apple computers’ and Amiga’s (motorola based) systems had built in audio and graphics superiority over PC’s at the time. This was the niche we chose to exploit – Building High End PC based workstations capable of (Dollar to Dollar / efficiency ) outperforming MAC’s and Amiga’s multimedia capabilities while also giving workstations (SGI, HP, Sun) a run for their money.
As we helped pioneer the PC Computer Graphics revolution many of us take for granted today… We were also involved in many “visual” aspects of computer graphics science… From 3D engineering, 3D Animation, non-linear video and even 2D digital cartoon animation, multimedia etc. As I travelled the country presenting our software, workstations and peripherals in those early pre-photoshop days we needed a “paint” program that could display the power (high resolution) capabilities of our systems….
This is where I first came across Stephen Wolfram and his company Mathematica. We began to bundle his early computer graphics painting program (Tempra and Tempra Pro) with most of our computer workstations. Wolfram had created one of the only paint programs capable of the higher resolutions and 16 bit color depths our loaded workstations offered. Our company travelled the country from NCGA and SIGGRAPH trade shows and used Mathematica Tempra as one of the main programs showing off the speed, color depth and high resolutions our workstations were capable of.
The first visual illustration we have posted is exactly as it was “seen” several years ago during the first week of Discovery of the Godtype Continuum. The Godtype Continuum is just a fancy way to describe the “Circuit of Human Cognition”, it is a sequence based on what seems to be a manipulated “Fibonacci” sequence of 0,1,1,2,3,5. The Godtype Continuum sequence is documented through out this research to be self evident in nature… self evident in time….. it is a 12 base system running in reverse (mene) 1,5,4,2,1 (mene). Evidence for the Judeo Christian Creators ability to know the End as well as the beginning of our human story on earth. It is the result of my (entp / NeTi-FeSi / 0000 / Inventor) or more simply, a “Steve Jobs Type” thinking patterns which make up my own personality…. (An extroverted abstract rational similar to both Jobs and William Blake as oppose to the Brilliant Introverted Rationals Stephen Wolfram and Isaac Newton) fortunate to have come of age at the beginning of the “Digital Revolution”.

The original Godtype Circuit intuitively understood due to a lifetime of watching human interactions. It was organic in my understanding, which later became the Godtype Periodic table which gave a 4 digit code to each personality type. What are the odds of this matching Wolfram’s Tables below?
The “Godtype Circuit” Illustration below was created in the first week of discovery. It is organic in its understanding from an ENTP/0000 point of view. And yet it is conveying the exact same “Automaton sequence” Wolfram Illustrated in his book! This was why I realized early on that I would need to convert this organic illustration in a way that more people would understand – by assigning a 4 bit digital sequence and renumbering #1 to #0. In so doing, the illustrations we created helped us possibly crack several of the oldest unbroken codes of the Bible…. The 153 Fish of John 21. Commentators have always told us that they represented the “Types” of people who come to know Christ as redeemer. How interesting that there are a total of 153 possible interactions (Binary Pairs) in the Godtype “Periodic Table”. How interesting as well that Scientists tell us that our elemental periodic table on earth may likely one day reach…. you guessed it… 153 total elements. conceptually understood by a Jewish fisherman by the name of John 2000 years ago! It was a few days later when we applied the digital representations I had visualized nearly 20 years earlier…. We simply followed the original circuit organically illustrated above and ended up with one of the CRUX’s of Godtype research…. The 153 Binary Patterns of Human Interaction (relationships).
Here is a copy and link to what I Naively called “The Godtype Periodic Table”. In it we show the 16 personality types on earth and the many possible types of connections that can be efficiently reduced down to 16+1. Every personality Type was intuitively assigned a digital godtype code of 0000,1000, 1001,1111 etc. WHAT ARE THE ODDS of these PATTERNS Matching Stephen Wolfram’s self evident patterns of digital automana, discovered within computer science?
The Illustration below is one of the primary Patterns Wolfram discovered and devoted a full page to within his book “A new kind of science”. I have as usual added the 4 colors of Godtpe to help you visualize the sequence of cognition flowing through Wolfram’s digital charts perfectly match the sequences of human cognition postulated by Godtype. In the same proportions! With the same back and forth feedback I understood took place between the SJ Guardians and SP Artisans. This circuit according to Godtype intuition travels across All (Extroverts – 0xxx’s) and then comes inward (Introverts – 1xxx’s)
misc notes….
This is an Example of the “Identical” relationship among rationals… as a similar ENTP like Jobs, Looking back I now realize I was mimicking his footsteps at a much, much, much lower level! (I always felt I was 10 years late to the party) I would call our workstations “MAC Killers” The only way to compete with the best was to beat Apple on Efficiency.
By 1989 I was bored…. and opened up one of the first computer Animation consulting studios in Burbank, Ca. (Hollywood) not realizing that Job’s was quietly running PIXAR at levels I just could not afford! at the exact same time.
[…] cognition (information) travel upon its precisely mapped sequences established by our creator. (see our early illustrations / essays that unknowingly perfectly matching the works of brilliant phy… A mapped sequence understood as the Godtype Continuum which travels from the concrete to […]