Primary Research Articles for Understanding Godtype

Introduction to Godtype: Evidence Time & Space is encoded within the Bible & Human Cognition »

**VIDEO and Godtype INFOGRAPHIC at Bottom of Post** Welcome,  After 16+ years of writing and using “Illustrations” to help inform readers on our supernatural research subjects We’ve  finally gone to…

Feb 14 2014 / No Comment / Read More »

Godtype diagram – A brief outline of the (4) person(alities) of the Holy Trinity »

Nearly 15 years since first learning of Cognitive Personality Theory &  soon realizing that my own minds understanding of the Judeo-Christian teachings of the Holy Trinity were looking right back at…

May 26 2012 / 7 Comments / Read More »

Isaac Newton and the Jerusalem Temple – DNA Encoded in Hebrew Letters »


Jul 31 2015 / No Comment / Read More »

The True Date of the Exodus – 1604 bc: Confirmed by Godtype Pattern Research & Butler’s Chronology »

7Part 1 of this important Bible Code breaking research is available here / Though we do review it below Mene…

Jun 2 2014 / 1 Comment / Read More »

Obelisks and 6660: A virtual ride through time and space »

Please click on images for full size Illustrations:  Like all cracked codes, (Especially our MUST READ breaking of Daniel’s WRITING…

Oct 1 2013 / 7 Comments / Read More »

The Ancient Triquetra: Symbolic of the Holy Trinitry »

The symbol at the center of the Godtype illustration is best described as a Triquetra.   An ancient symbol with…

Sep 20 2012 / No Comment / Read More »
Supernatural Pattern Research

Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin: Daniel’s hidden prophecy of the end of the age »

  Mene mene tekel upharsen. Godtype’s Biblical code-breaking research from many years ago…… Absolutely confirmed with the 520 year half-life of DNA.  !!!!NEWS / RESEARCH UPDATE!!!!  06/01/2018. CLICK HERE for RECENT RADIO Interview Reviewing these Amazing discoveries. Our research below from many years ago documents…

Jan 21 2014 / 17 Comments / Read More »

Chapters in History: The Godtype code & PI (3.14159) hidden within the chapters of the Bible »

Note: This is an updated essay. The original Research Essay only correlated the 6 books & their Chapters that discovered to represent time as we understand (due to the simplicity of the Godtype Patterns!) This is evidence of true RESEARCH and not CONSPIRACY theory!  True research…

Jun 22 2013 / 7 Comments / Read More »

The Godtype Code & Jubilee Periods of the Bible: Permanent waves of Culture »

How does one describe the impossible?  Coincidence after coincidence lining up and substantiating Godtype’s premises and theories.  An understanding that Man is truly created in the image of God according to Genesis 1:26.  But, what does this  “Image” mean?   Godtype research shows it has nothing to…

Dec 28 2012 / No Comment / Read More »
Milton Thomas X

The 6,000 years of our Human Epoch & its 2,000 year divisions »

An updated essay originally posted on our SRI website in 2015.  Describing the 2k year divisions of time as well as the subtle ways the…

Aug 18 2018 / No Comment / Read More »

You Can’t Always Get What You Want – Rolling Stones’ Mr. Jimmy & Godtype’s Fringe Research »

Jimmy Hutmaker Quote:  “You Can’t Always Get What You Want,  But We Do Get What We Need….. From God”  The last thing on earth that…

Jun 14 2015 / No Comment / Read More »

Isaac Newton’s original Color Wheel correlation with Music displays the Godtype Continuum »

The Following Illustration is simply conjecture….  But I could not help but “See” the Godtype Continuum (1,5,4,2,1) (41.66%, 33.33%, 16.66% and 8.33% resonate)  frequencies and…

Sep 30 2014 / No Comment / Read More »
Book Essays

Personality godtype illustrations and essays in the works

Notes for  ESSAYS in the WORKS Recent radio interview (January 2019) reviewing most of these soon to be written essays Need a FilmTypes essay on the new Marvel Infinity War movie.  The Gate that was opened…

Feb 20 2017 / Read More »

Isaac Newton and the Jerusalem Temple – DNA Encoded in Hebrew Letters


Jul 31 2015 / Read More »

Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin: Daniel’s hidden prophecy of the end of the age

  Mene mene tekel upharsen. Godtype’s Biblical code-breaking research from many years ago…… Absolutely confirmed with the 520 year half-life of DNA.  !!!!NEWS / RESEARCH UPDATE!!!!  06/01/2018. CLICK HERE for RECENT RADIO Interview Reviewing these Amazing…

Jan 21 2014 / Read More »

Matthew 16:23 – “Get Behind Me, Satan!” A Godtype understanding.

Matthew 16:21-23 16:21  From that time Jesus began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised…

Jun 30 2013 / Read More »

Chapters in History: The Godtype code & PI (3.14159) hidden within the chapters of the Bible

Note: This is an updated essay. The original Research Essay only correlated the 6 books & their Chapters that discovered to represent time as we understand (due to the simplicity of the Godtype Patterns!) This is evidence…

Jun 22 2013 / Read More »
Milton Thomas X

The 6,000 years of our Human Epoch & its 2,000 year divisions

An updated essay originally posted on our SRI website in 2015.  Describing the 2k year divisions of time as well as the subtle ways the Holy Spirit speaks to a certain group of men in these…

Aug 18 2018 / Read More »

You Can’t Always Get What You Want – Rolling Stones’ Mr. Jimmy & Godtype’s Fringe Research

Jimmy Hutmaker Quote:  “You Can’t Always Get What You Want,  But We Do Get What We Need….. From God”  The last thing on earth that I wanted to do was mix our supernatural “fringe” research with Godtype.…

Jun 14 2015 / Read More »

Isaac Newton’s original Color Wheel correlation with Music displays the Godtype Continuum

The Following Illustration is simply conjecture….  But I could not help but “See” the Godtype Continuum (1,5,4,2,1) (41.66%, 33.33%, 16.66% and 8.33% resonate)  frequencies and ratio’s within the classic illustration drawn by Isaac Newton in which…

Sep 30 2014 / Read More »

Celestial Spheres and Globes of Creation decoded: Space-Time Encoded in Ancient Art

Glorification of the Eucharist by Salimbeni Years ago I was intrigued by a now 40 year old story of  UFO lore being spread about Salimbeni’s painting “Glorification of the Eucharist” possibly depicting the Russian Sputnik  satellite…

Apr 24 2014 / Read More »

Isaac Newton’s Study of the Temple of Solomon

A Description of the TEMPLE of Solomon. ISAAC NEWTON’S NOTE’S ON THE TEMPLE. Godtype Notes and Observations Godtype’s Resonate Frequency of 8.33 (1/12) and PI / Time research of the Biblical texts which give us PI to 6 digits…

Oct 6 2013 / Read More »
Scientific Research

Stephen Wolfram’s discoveries perfectly match the patterns of Human Cognition (Godtype)

Stephen Wolfram’s Discoveries in His Most Important Book “A New Kind of Science” Perfectly Match the Cognitive Patterns Discovered Here on Godtype. Back in 1987 I was 22 year old  self taught Computer Geek crazy enough to leave a…

Oct 4 2014 / Read More »

Isaac Newton’s Study of the Temple of Solomon

A Description of the TEMPLE of Solomon. ISAAC NEWTON’S NOTE’S ON THE TEMPLE. Godtype Notes and Observations Godtype’s Resonate Frequency of 8.33 (1/12) and PI / Time research of the Biblical texts which give us PI to 6 digits…

Oct 6 2013 / Read More »

Fourier Transforms: Symmetry, Periodicity, Time-Space & Godtype

Fourier Transforms: Symmetry, Periodicity, Time-space & Godtype Wonderful Lecture Series from Stanford professor Brad Osgood. The Fourier series of physics is the key scientific study which  initially set  out to quantify and understand Heat Transfer & Vibrations.…

Jun 15 2013 / Read More »

Time Travel: Humanity’s gift from God?

Time Travel: Humanity’s gift from God? (originally published at SRI) For many years I have explained to friends and loved ones who venture off into the world of science fiction with the subject of Time Travel…

Mar 26 2013 / Read More »

The Great Harlot of Revelation 17, She’s a Supertramp: 9-11 and Jung’s Collective Unconscious

Milton Thomas X (Fleitas) of – and breaks one of the  years most viral internet story!   “The Great Harlot of Revelation 17, She’s a Supertramp….” Below is the original short essay and…

Mar 7 2012 / Read More »
Film Types

Welcome to the Machine: Godtype displayed in Hollywood, Again and Again and Again……..

The following  research  was spurred by the recent episode of “Person of Interest” episode 11 of season 4  “If then, else”.  An amazing episode dealing with concepts of time and cognition.  An episode displaying a computer “GOD” like entity capable…

May 10 2015 / Read More »

TMNT Super Heroes present Godtype to a new generation.

          Not quite sure where to begin on this “Film Type” research essay.  It has been sitting on my proverbial shelf for 5 months now……  We created all of our illustrations months…

Jan 24 2015 / Read More »

The Rational Prophets of Humanity: Douglas Adams, Gnostics & the number 42

It seems the Godtype Continuum (8.33,16.66,33.33,41.66) and its biblical concepts are continually encoded and often distorted within the works of modern day Science-Fiction writers? Also, within the pseudo biblical writings of the ancient Gnostics – the original authors of what…

May 4 2014 / Read More »

Superman: A visible Jungian archetype that correlates with Godtype and Space-time

Superman has generally been understood as a visible Jungian archetype of the Judeo-Christian deity and the stories of the Bible.   Whether it is the attenuating simplifications of the biblical stories of Father and Son,  …

Jun 18 2013 / Read More »

Godtype at the movies: Marvel’s Avengers

Godtype at the movies: Marvel’s Avengers Marvel’s new film “The Avengers” is just the latest science fiction blockbuster to demonstrate humanities archetypical relationships and Godtype through out its story line. As we have looked into &…

May 1 2012 / Read More »

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