Mene mene tekel upharsen. Godtype’s Biblical code-breaking research from many years ago…… Absolutely confirmed with the 520 year half-life of DNA. !!!!NEWS / RESEARCH UPDATE!!!! 06/01/2018. CLICK HERE for RECENT RADIO Interview Reviewing these Amazing discoveries. Our research below from many years ago documents the 520 year divisions of “Human” time as we understand […]

Note: This is an updated essay. The original Research Essay only correlated the 6 books & their Chapters that discovered to represent time as we understand (due to the simplicity of the Godtype Patterns!) This is evidence of true RESEARCH and not CONSPIRACY theory! True research establishes a Hypothesis… ie There are Books/Chapters that represent time. […]

How does one describe the impossible? Coincidence after coincidence lining up and substantiating Godtype’s premises and theories. An understanding that Man is truly created in the image of God according to Genesis 1:26. But, what does this “Image” mean? Godtype research shows it has nothing to do about our appearance – it has everything to do […]

The Godtype Periodic Table is in simple terms a “relationship table”. It is the crux of the Godtype Code book’s mission to give each person who reads it the tools necessary to live by the most important commandment given by Yeshua during his ministry: The Golden Rule: Love your neighbor as yourself, we must […]

Glenn Beck 2.0 With some insights into Glenn Beck’s temperament due to a similar “Godtype” and years of research into “The Image of Man” as described in (Genesis 1:26). Perceptive rationals such as Glenn Beck, Walt Disney, and St. Paul all shared the preferences of extraversion, Intuition, Thinking and Perception (ENTP). This personality is labeled the […]

In light of the 2012 Election, I could not help but see some similarities in the styles, temperaments and Historical patterns between Mitt Romney and Harry S Truman. Though these two men find themselves in opposite political parties separated by time and space – They are very similar not just in personality, but in their […]

Godtype at the movies: Marvel’s Avengers Marvel’s new film “The Avengers” is just the latest science fiction blockbuster to demonstrate humanities archetypical relationships and Godtype through out its story line. As we have looked into & researched in the past – Science Fiction film and Television writers and producers are the most likely candidates to […]

I had felt this before on a handful occasions in my life, I was just given a glimpse at the future after many hours of research, study and prayer. I had never heard of Sarah Palin just 24 hours prior to publishing this article on World Net Daily. So what does a good christian […]