Notes for ESSAYS in the WORKS Recent radio interview (January 2019) reviewing most of these soon to be written essays Need a FilmTypes essay on the new Marvel Infinity War movie. The Gate that was opened which unleashed the hounds of hell into the spherical forcefield keeping a secret high tech realm from the outside […]
Feb 20 2017 | Posted in
Book Essays |
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THIS RESEARCH ESSAY HAS BEEN UPDATED – WITH SCRIPTURAL REFERENCES AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. PLEASE CLICK ON THIS LINK (ALSO THE LINK IS MOBILE FRIENDLY) (In Memory of the late David Flynn who introduced me to the works of Isaac Newton) Isaac Newton and the Jerusalem Temple: The Hidden Genome Codes The future Implications to this initial […]

Mene mene tekel upharsen. Godtype’s Biblical code-breaking research from many years ago…… Absolutely confirmed with the 520 year half-life of DNA. !!!!NEWS / RESEARCH UPDATE!!!! 06/01/2018. CLICK HERE for RECENT RADIO Interview Reviewing these Amazing discoveries. Our research below from many years ago documents the 520 year divisions of “Human” time as we understand […]

Matthew 16:21-23 16:21 From that time Jesus began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised up on the third day. 16:22 Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, “God forbid […]

Note: This is an updated essay. The original Research Essay only correlated the 6 books & their Chapters that discovered to represent time as we understand (due to the simplicity of the Godtype Patterns!) This is evidence of true RESEARCH and not CONSPIRACY theory! True research establishes a Hypothesis… ie There are Books/Chapters that represent time. […]

The Godtype Periodic Table is in simple terms a “relationship table”. It is the crux of the Godtype Code book’s mission to give each person who reads it the tools necessary to live by the most important commandment given by Yeshua during his ministry: The Golden Rule: Love your neighbor as yourself, we must […]

Genesis 6:3 This verse is troubling. Especially the way in which most popular bibles used in America translate it. The NLT and the NIV are the worse culprits when it comes to destroying the Bibles most important teachings. New Living Translation Then the LORD said, “My Spirit will not put up with humans for such […]

* After 15 years of sitting in a box, over a year of research completed in the 1990’s into the the many names of the creator as taught in the Bible – this interesting illustration of “the architect” came across my desk. Without any knowledge of who painted it, I was finally spurred to create […]

hour glass and time. Judging vs Perceiving Judging and Perceiving. Can it simply be “Time” that separates them? Personality types are often labeled with an “X” to designate a close (50/50) split on cognitive preferences. Most often in place of either a Judging or Perceiving preference. I have often labeled Perceptive personalities who are running on […]

Godtype at the movies: Marvel’s Avengers Marvel’s new film “The Avengers” is just the latest science fiction blockbuster to demonstrate humanities archetypical relationships and Godtype through out its story line. As we have looked into & researched in the past – Science Fiction film and Television writers and producers are the most likely candidates to […]