The Bible, The Number 17, Jesus and the NF (Intuitive Feeling) Son Types. An on going study and research notes on the number 17 representative of Jesus Christ and its Biblical refferences. Represented by 16.66% of humanity and the four Intuitive Feeling temperaments. These Idealist are by chance represented by the “Champion” ENFP, the “Healer” INFP, the […]
The Bible, The Number 42, God the Father YHWH and the SJ (Sensory Judging) Father Types. An on going study and research notes on the number 42 {41.66%) representative of God the Father and its Biblical references. Represented by 41.33% of humanity and the four SJ Sensory Judging temperaments. These Guardians of society who are overwhelmingly represented in our armed forces were by […]
The Bible, The Number 33.3, The Spirit of God and the SP (Sensing Perceivers) Spirit Types. An on going study and research notes on the number 33 representative of the SPIRIT (Ruah Ha Kodesh) and its Biblical references. Represented in Godtype by a ~ , THE CENTER OF TIME/SPACE. Represented by 33.33% of humanity and the four Sensory […]

Digital Sequence Based on Godtype Periodic Table: 1 0 0 1 Core Value : Competence Super Power: Conceptualizing / Operations Functions: 1. Mental model – Ni 2. Deduction – Te 3. Empathy – Fi 4. Looking – Se The (12) Undeniable Traits of the INTJ– Mastermind / Conceptualizer Godtype (3) Areas of possible weakness:

So, Bono is surely an NF Idealist, but which one? is Bono an ENFP or an INFJ? INFP or ENFJ? These are the two most widely “Thrown” personality types attributed to Bono. The way to figure out ones personality is often to simply listen. Listen to his words. listen to his history. His admittance of […]

This Research article was originally posted on SRI a few days after Steve Jobs passing. But is explicitly tied to the work of Steve Jobs: Technical Marketer Extraordinaire passes Steve Jobs was the quintessential ENTP Inventor*, and a role model for that small percentage of the population […]

A Godtype understanding of (NF’s) & their Champion ENFP. As a rational eNtp I’ve spent a lifetime “believing” that my “Rationality” was simply another term for “Logic”. Logic was my personal domain – Like captain Spock on the enterprise I thought logic to be cold and factual, simple and dispassionate. Honest at any cost, […]

Why Dietrich Bonhoeffer is iNfj He is said to have been a Good listener by his colleagues & friends. Excellent student, father says he’ (Dietrich), did his work naturally and tidily. Enjoyed painting, reading and sculpture, reading fairy tales then acting them out with his sisters. Piano lessons began at 8 years of age. He quickly learned […]

Benjamin Franklyn: ENTP

The (12) Undeniable Traits of the ISFP – Composer / Producer Quiet nature Aloof (to others due to quiet nature) Eccentric Private Impulsive In tune with their senses Composed Highly Appreciative of Art Taking Action on their Internal Intuition Devoted Companion Artistic Composer (3) Possible Weaknesses Alienation of Friends and Loved Ones due to […]

The (12) Undeniable Traits of the ESFJ Provider / Facilitator Caring Pragmatic Gregarious Ability to “read” people Hero Worshiper Energetic Sensitive to the needs of others Encourager Empathy Confident Sympathetic Cooperative (3) Areas of Weakness Controlling Discouraged by Criticism Emotionally Vulnerable Percentage of Humanity = About 10% Primary View of “Time’ = […]

The (12) Undeniable Traits of the ESTJ – Supervisor / Implementer Godtype Decisive Organized Responsible Outspoken Hard Working Digs in and get the job done Community Minded Leader Traditional Respect of established institutions Pragmatism Decisiveness Devotion to Logic (3) Areas of weakness requiring work: Overly Aggressive Building relationships with their followers Appearance of not considering other perspectives […]

Ayn Rand iNtj Quote showing the NT sequential view of time: “We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: The stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizen may act only by permission. Which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of […]

In light of the 2012 Election, I could not help but see some similarities in the styles, temperaments and Historical patterns between Mitt Romney and Harry S Truman. Though these two men find themselves in opposite political parties separated by time and space – They are very similar not just in personality, but in their […]

David Horowitz: An ENTP (Trinity Godtype) Profile David Horowitz most famous Quote shows the “NT” rational’s virtual view of Time. “A key of the mentality (present) of the left is that it judges itself by its best intentions (future) and Judges its opponents ‘America” chief among them by their worst deeds (Past). Likewise A quick […]

Digital Sequence Based on Godtype Periodic Table: 0 1 1 0 Core Value : Likability Super Power: Easy Going & Friendly Functions: 1. Looking – Se 2. Empathy – Fi 3. Deduction – Te 4. Mental model – Ni The (12) Undeniable Traits of the ESFP – Performer / Motivator Godtype Sociable, Practical, Friendly, Caring, Hands on, Fun Loving, Observant, […]

Digital Sequence Based on Godtype Periodic Table: 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 Core Value : Security Super Power: Devotion Functions: 1. Memory – Si 2. Sympathy – Fe 3. Analysis – Ti 4. Brainstorming – Ne The (12) Undeniable Traits of the ISFJ – Protector / Conservator Protector, Relentless, Loyal, Sense of Personal Duty, Nurturing, Instinctive Action, […]

Digital Sequence Based on Godtype Periodic Table: 0 1 0 0 Core Value: Dominance Super Power: Shrewd & Clever Functions: 1. Looking – Se 2. Analysis – Ti 3. Sympathy – Fe 4. Mental model – Ni The (12) Undeniable Traits of the ESTP – Promoter / Conqueror Godtype Active, Pragmatic, Direct. Easy Going, Observant, Realistic, Adaptable, Efficient Annalytical, Spontaneous, Adventurous, Experiential (3) Areas of weakness: Low tolerance […]