The -Identical- Relationship

Albert Einstein "The distinction between the past, present & future is only - a stubbornly persistent illusion"
Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness" in the image of God he created them.
A Godtype understanding of (NF’s) & their Champion ENFP. As a rational eNtp I’ve spent a lifetime “believing” that my “Rationality” was simply another term for “Logic”. Logic was my personal domain – Like captain Spock on the enterprise I thought logic to be cold and factual, simple and dispassionate. Honest at any cost, […]
Why Dietrich Bonhoeffer is iNfj He is said to have been a Good listener by his colleagues & friends. Excellent student, father says he’ (Dietrich), did his work naturally and tidily. Enjoyed painting, reading and sculpture, reading fairy tales then acting them out with his sisters. Piano lessons began at 8 years of age. He quickly learned […]
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The symbol at the center of the Godtype illustration is best described as a Triquetra. An ancient symbol with an unfortunate controversial history. Labeled by many fundamentalist as occult or pagan. These narrow minded “Believers” unfortunately apply the concept of Evil to any symbolic imagery which has been used by “non-Christian” groups prior […]
If there can be more controversial topics (I like to think of them as “interesting”) this is the place to find them. For many years I published articles under a pseudonym of Milton Thomas X or my screen name Babel as the editor of SRI, This was necessary because of the […]
The ENTP’s are the “Originators” of personality types. Appropriately number 0000 on the Godtype periodic table. Understanding that these personalities strive to understand all of Nature which includes an ability to “mimic” the 15 other temperaments that differ from themselves. They are the pretenders of society – capable of fitting into almost any role that they […]
Digital Sequence Based on Godtype Periodic Table: 1 . 0 . 1 . 1 Core Value: Humanity Super Power: Mystical Function Sequence (in time): 1. Mental model – Ni (inward intuition – location: heaven) 2. Sympathy – Fe (outward ethical logic – Time: looks forward) 3. Analysis – Ti (inward correlative logic – Time: looks back) […]
The (12) Undeniable Traits of the ISFP – Composer / Producer Quiet nature Aloof (to others due to quiet nature) Eccentric Private Impulsive In tune with their senses Composed Highly Appreciative of Art Taking Action on their Internal Intuition Devoted Companion Artistic Composer (3) Possible Weaknesses Alienation of Friends and Loved Ones due to […]
The (12) Undeniable Traits of the ESFJ Provider / Facilitator Caring Pragmatic Gregarious Ability to “read” people Hero Worshiper Energetic Sensitive to the needs of others Encourager Empathy Confident Sympathetic Cooperative (3) Areas of Weakness Controlling Discouraged by Criticism Emotionally Vulnerable Percentage of Humanity = About 10% Primary View of “Time’ = […]
The (12) Undeniable Traits of the ESTJ – Supervisor / Implementer Godtype Decisive Organized Responsible Outspoken Hard Working Digs in and get the job done Community Minded Leader Traditional Respect of established institutions Pragmatism Decisiveness Devotion to Logic (3) Areas of weakness requiring work: Overly Aggressive Building relationships with their followers Appearance of not considering other perspectives […]
Ayn Rand iNtj Quote showing the NT sequential view of time: “We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: The stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizen may act only by permission. Which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of […]
Digital Sequence Based on Godtype Periodic Table: 1 0 0 0 Core Value : Independence Super Power: Intelligence Functions: 1. Analysis- Ti 2. Brainstorming- Ne 3. Memory – Si 4. Sympathy – Fe The (12) Undeniable Traits of the INTP – Architect / Theoretical Thinker Logical, Conceptual, Ingenious, Pursues understanding, Loves Ideas, Questioning, Detached, Adaptable, Independent, Reserved, […]
The Godtype Periodic Table is in simple terms a “relationship table”. It is the crux of the Godtype Code book’s mission to give each person who reads it the tools necessary to live by the most important commandment given by Yeshua during his ministry: The Golden Rule: Love your neighbor as yourself, we must […]
Glenn Beck 2.0 With some insights into Glenn Beck’s temperament due to a similar “Godtype” and years of research into “The Image of Man” as described in (Genesis 1:26). Perceptive rationals such as Glenn Beck, Walt Disney, and St. Paul all shared the preferences of extraversion, Intuition, Thinking and Perception (ENTP). This personality is labeled the […]
Genesis 6:3 This verse is troubling. Especially the way in which most popular bibles used in America translate it. The NLT and the NIV are the worse culprits when it comes to destroying the Bibles most important teachings. New Living Translation Then the LORD said, “My Spirit will not put up with humans for such […]
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Discovering your Jewish Roots In the last 20 years well meaning Jewish acquaintances have asked me at least a dozen times- Are you Jewish? You look like my oldest son, Nephew etc. (My 4 year old thinks I’m Mandy Patinkin’s character in the Princess Bride) My standard reply in search of dialog and some humor has always […]
In light of the 2012 Election, I could not help but see some similarities in the styles, temperaments and Historical patterns between Mitt Romney and Harry S Truman. Though these two men find themselves in opposite political parties separated by time and space – They are very similar not just in personality, but in their […]
Princess Diana Quote showing her God Given Healer / Romantic Personality Type: I think the biggest disease the world suffers from in this day and age is the disease of people feeling unloved. I know that I can give love for a minute, for half an hour, for a day, for a month, but I […]
The (12) Undeniable Traits of the iStj Godtype Responsible Finisher Decisive Norm following Respects authority Punctual Hard working Organized Faithful Traditionalist Stiff Self confident Inspector Father types (ISTJs) are faithful, logical and earnest traditionalists who enjoy keeping their lives and environments well-regulated. Highly organized & sensible – They insist to play by the rules. Typically […]
David Horowitz: An ENTP (Trinity Godtype) Profile David Horowitz most famous Quote shows the “NT” rational’s virtual view of Time. “A key of the mentality (present) of the left is that it judges itself by its best intentions (future) and Judges its opponents ‘America” chief among them by their worst deeds (Past). Likewise A quick […]
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It seems that just about every symbol known to man is being attributed to the Illuminati or other secret societies. I can not help but ask myself why on earth do we give these folks so much power? Just look at this collection of “Illuminati’ symbols by Freeman of, (I love Freeman’s work, […]
The Bible teaches about the 12 Apostles. About the 12 Tribes of Israel. The 12 Angels who watch over the 12 Tribes? The 12 sons of Israel (Actually 13, yet only 12 are ever mentioned together) 12 Foundations in the heavenly Jerusalem containing 12 gates and 12 pearls. TWELVE It was research for a book […]
Digital Sequence Based on Godtype Periodic Table: 0 1 1 0 Core Value : Likability Super Power: Easy Going & Friendly Functions: 1. Looking – Se 2. Empathy – Fi 3. Deduction – Te 4. Mental model – Ni The (12) Undeniable Traits of the ESFP – Performer / Motivator Godtype Sociable, Practical, Friendly, Caring, Hands on, Fun Loving, Observant, […]
Nearly 15 years since first learning of Cognitive Personality Theory & soon realizing that my own minds understanding of the Judeo-Christian teachings of the Holy Trinity were looking right back at me from within the documented personalities of humanity. The greatest problem over the years has been describing the paradoxical yet orthodox truth of the […]
The following is the original discovery of the Godtpe Space-Time map. Unknowingly creating a time map just as Erich Sauer did in his most important book “From Eternity to Eternity”. The difference was that by using the supposition that God created humanity in his image, quite possibly “Time” was created in this image as […]
Pope John Paul Quote: “Science can purify religion from error and superstition; Religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes. Each can draw the other into a wider world, A World In Which Both Can Flourish” Pope John Paul II
Digital Sequence Based on Godtype Periodic Table: 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 Core Value : Security Super Power: Devotion Functions: 1. Memory – Si 2. Sympathy – Fe 3. Analysis – Ti 4. Brainstorming – Ne The (12) Undeniable Traits of the ISFJ – Protector / Conservator Protector, Relentless, Loyal, Sense of Personal Duty, Nurturing, Instinctive Action, […]
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* After 15 years of sitting in a box, over a year of research completed in the 1990’s into the the many names of the creator as taught in the Bible – this interesting illustration of “the architect” came across my desk. Without any knowledge of who painted it, I was finally spurred to create […]
hour glass and time. Judging vs Perceiving Judging and Perceiving. Can it simply be “Time” that separates them? Personality types are often labeled with an “X” to designate a close (50/50) split on cognitive preferences. Most often in place of either a Judging or Perceiving preference. I have often labeled Perceptive personalities who are running on […]