The Ninevah April 8th Eclipse prophesied in a 500 year old Mayan prophesy

Albert Einstein "The distinction between the past, present & future is only - a stubbornly persistent illusion"
Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness" in the image of God he created them.
[contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Website” type=”url” /][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea” /][/contact-form] 2 years, and still not complete! I am needing to be careful…. To research these difficult topics extensively in light of Godtype research. .After all, we are taught that the unforgivable sin, is a sin against the Holy Spirit! […]
An updated essay originally posted on our SRI website in 2015. Describing the 2k year divisions of time as well as the subtle ways the Holy Spirit speaks to a certain group of men in these prophetic times. SRI has had few updates of late, the last 3 years of research, Illustrating and writing have […]
01-04-19. A great interview. Reviewing the godtype patterns of time, hidden in our history and encoded within the patterns of cognition and the chapters & verses of the Bible. Including the FOUNDING FATHERS CODES. Israel’s Shimon “Peres” 500 year & America’s Adams (Father type)+Jefferson (Son type) 50+50, Father+Son jubilee code where both men lived exactly […]
Final Interview with Kevin Smith just prior to his passing.
Google+ Gmail Web more ↰ The rapture 6th and 7th of September 2032 and Jesus return 1st of October 2036! 3/12/11martus The rapture will occur in 6th and 7th of September 2032 and Jesus return to rule will occur in 1st of October 2036 and here is why: The way in which Jesus fulfilled the […]
The Bible, The Number 42, God the Father YHWH and the SJ (Sensory Judging) Father Types. An on going study and research notes on the number 42 {41.66%) representative of God the Father and its Biblical references. Represented by 41.33% of humanity and the four SJ Sensory Judging temperaments. These Guardians of society who are overwhelmingly represented in our armed forces were by […]
The Bible, The Number 33.3, The Spirit of God and the SP (Sensing Perceivers) Spirit Types. An on going study and research notes on the number 33 representative of the SPIRIT (Ruah Ha Kodesh) and its Biblical references. Represented in Godtype by a ~ , THE CENTER OF TIME/SPACE. Represented by 33.33% of humanity and the four Sensory […]
The Bible, The Number 17, Jesus and the NF (Intuitive Feeling) Son Types. An on going study and research notes on the number 17 representative of Jesus Christ and its Biblical refferences. Represented by 16.66% of humanity and the four Intuitive Feeling temperaments. These Idealist are by chance represented by the “Champion” ENFP, the “Healer” INFP, the […]
Notes for ESSAYS in the WORKS Recent radio interview (January 2019) reviewing most of these soon to be written essays Need a FilmTypes essay on the new Marvel Infinity War movie. The Gate that was opened which unleashed the hounds of hell into the spherical forcefield keeping a secret high tech realm from the outside […]
Complete Acts 29 Text: ACTS Chapter 29 Verse 1. Paul, full of the blessing of Christ, and overflowing in the Spirit, left Rome, having decided to go into Spain, becuase he had wanted to travel there for a long time, and he thought also to go from there to Britain. Verse 2. Because he had […]
THIS RESEARCH ESSAY HAS BEEN UPDATED – WITH SCRIPTURAL REFERENCES AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. PLEASE CLICK ON THIS LINK (ALSO THE LINK IS MOBILE FRIENDLY) (In Memory of the late David Flynn who introduced me to the works of Isaac Newton) Isaac Newton and the Jerusalem Temple: The Hidden Genome Codes The future Implications to this initial […]
Jimmy Hutmaker Quote: “You Can’t Always Get What You Want, But We Do Get What We Need….. From God” The last thing on earth that I wanted to do was mix our supernatural “fringe” research with Godtype. For the first time in seven years of writing online and even doing radio interviews under a pseudonym of […]
The following research was spurred by the recent episode of “Person of Interest” episode 11 of season 4 “If then, else”. An amazing episode dealing with concepts of time and cognition. An episode displaying a computer “GOD” like entity capable of running simulation after simulation – (A view of time from the N position of Godtype / From ABOVE) […]
Not quite sure where to begin on this “Film Type” research essay. It has been sitting on my proverbial shelf for 5 months now…… We created all of our illustrations months ago during the first week of release of the Teen Age Mutant Ninja Turtles 3D Film reboot. It […]
Stephen Wolfram’s Discoveries in His Most Important Book “A New Kind of Science” Perfectly Match the Cognitive Patterns Discovered Here on Godtype. Back in 1987 I was 22 year old self taught Computer Geek crazy enough to leave a career in Architecture to create a computer graphics company building high end workstations (infinity design systems). I did […]
The Following Illustration is simply conjecture…. But I could not help but “See” the Godtype Continuum (1,5,4,2,1) (41.66%, 33.33%, 16.66% and 8.33% resonate) frequencies and ratio’s within the classic illustration drawn by Isaac Newton in which he attempted to visualize how his research into the primary colors of light had ABSOLUTE correlations with what he […]
7Part 1 of this important Bible Code breaking research is available here / Though we do review it below Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin – Part 2 Amazing. Glorious. These are just a few words to describe our latest discoveries which have taken our Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin research an additional 1040 years back in ‘Time” […]
It seems the Godtype Continuum (8.33,16.66,33.33,41.66) and its biblical concepts are continually encoded and often distorted within the works of modern day Science-Fiction writers? Also, within the pseudo biblical writings of the ancient Gnostics – the original authors of what can best be called “Theo-Fiction”. Teachings which are today championed by Ancient Alien adherents….. As editor of both […]
Glorification of the Eucharist by Salimbeni Years ago I was intrigued by a now 40 year old story of UFO lore being spread about Salimbeni’s painting “Glorification of the Eucharist” possibly depicting the Russian Sputnik satellite as the “model” being painted by many medieval artists. ( also called Bonaventura Salimbeni ) SRI and our […]
It was wonderful to see that our Godtype discovery showing the number 17 as representative of Jesus Christ within our scientific research of human cognition, was similarly researched by many Theologians including Bullinger in his epic thesis on “Number in Scripture” and also by reverend Greg Austin in the following research paper. Please click on […]
**VIDEO and Godtype INFOGRAPHIC at Bottom of Post** Welcome, After 16+ years of writing and using “Illustrations” to help inform readers on our supernatural research subjects We’ve finally gone to Multimedia. The following video is our first attempt (evidenced by the low volume levels). Please crank up both speaker and youtube settings. […]
Mene mene tekel upharsen. Godtype’s Biblical code-breaking research from many years ago…… Absolutely confirmed with the 520 year half-life of DNA. !!!!NEWS / RESEARCH UPDATE!!!! 06/01/2018. CLICK HERE for RECENT RADIO Interview Reviewing these Amazing discoveries. Our research below from many years ago documents the 520 year divisions of “Human” time as we understand […]
Digital Sequence Based on Godtype Periodic Table: 1 0 0 1 Core Value : Competence Super Power: Conceptualizing / Operations Functions: 1. Mental model – Ni 2. Deduction – Te 3. Empathy – Fi 4. Looking – Se The (12) Undeniable Traits of the INTJ– Mastermind / Conceptualizer Godtype (3) Areas of possible weakness:
A Description of the TEMPLE of Solomon. ISAAC NEWTON’S NOTE’S ON THE TEMPLE. Godtype Notes and Observations Godtype’s Resonate Frequency of 8.33 (1/12) and PI / Time research of the Biblical texts which give us PI to 6 digits when we understand the Cardinal sequence of Godtype… 5,4,2,1. which travels along times arrow within the 50 year cycles […]
Please click on images for full size Illustrations: Like all cracked codes, (Especially our MUST READ breaking of Daniel’s WRITING ON THE WALL) this research began with its Rosetta stone of sorts – the hidden “grand” pattern of Godtype. A prayer to find an earthly representation of “Time” based on the works of the late […]
As discussed throughout, and mystically understood by artist poet William Blake, The four-fold symmetry of the universe displays itself among humanity within the 4 primary temperaments while being linked to time as we understand. In our research essay about the Apostles discussing the likelihood that the 12 apostles were represented by 12 men […]
Matthew 16:21-23 16:21 From that time Jesus began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised up on the third day. 16:22 Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, “God forbid […]
So, Bono is surely an NF Idealist, but which one? is Bono an ENFP or an INFJ? INFP or ENFJ? These are the two most widely “Thrown” personality types attributed to Bono. The way to figure out ones personality is often to simply listen. Listen to his words. listen to his history. His admittance of […]
Note: This is an updated essay. The original Research Essay only correlated the 6 books & their Chapters that discovered to represent time as we understand (due to the simplicity of the Godtype Patterns!) This is evidence of true RESEARCH and not CONSPIRACY theory! True research establishes a Hypothesis… ie There are Books/Chapters that represent time. […]
Superman has generally been understood as a visible Jungian archetype of the Judeo-Christian deity and the stories of the Bible. Whether it is the attenuating simplifications of the biblical stories of Father and Son, or even the thousands of years old practice of displaying paintings of Jesus Christ dressed in blue and red […]
Fourier Transforms: Symmetry, Periodicity, Time-space & Godtype Wonderful Lecture Series from Stanford professor Brad Osgood. The Fourier series of physics is the key scientific study which initially set out to quantify and understand Heat Transfer & Vibrations. This led its inventor Joseph Fourier’s (1768-1730) applications to be be used in the study of Patterns and […]
Anatomy of a Government Hacked internet connection and discovery due to Google Analytics. As editor of SRI and several other web properties, I also serve as a webmaster so to speak. That is why a bit over a month ago as I checked out the web analytic s offered by Google I began to […]
This Research article was originally posted on SRI a few days after Steve Jobs passing. But is explicitly tied to the work of Steve Jobs: Technical Marketer Extraordinaire passes Steve Jobs was the quintessential ENTP Inventor*, and a role model for that small percentage of the population […]
Jungian Terms Active imagination. Method of assimilation of unconscious contents through their experimentation as fantasies in the wakeful state. Alchemy. The chemistry from prehistory until the 17th century, in which laboratory experiments were combined with intuitive, pictorial, partly religious experiences about nature and man. Many symbols which we recognize today as contents of the unconscious were […]
If there can be more controversial topics (I like to think of them as “interesting”) this is the place to find them. For many years I published articles under a pseudonym of Milton Thomas X or my screen name Babel as the editor of SRI, This was necessary because of the […]
Time Travel: Humanity’s gift from God? (originally published at SRI) For many years I have explained to friends and loved ones who venture off into the world of science fiction with the subject of Time Travel – “Do you realize that we (humanity) are actual time travelers! That this is the “Gift” that humans posses that is […]
From the moment Pope Francis was elected the speculations by many christian researchers including myself became clearer. The prophecies of Malachy which we had all skewed to represent a “final bad pope” were eradicated. I had begun to have doubts, within the pages or our Malachy research article that pointed to a 112th “final” […]
How does one describe the impossible? Coincidence after coincidence lining up and substantiating Godtype’s premises and theories. An understanding that Man is truly created in the image of God according to Genesis 1:26. But, what does this “Image” mean? Godtype research shows it has nothing to do about our appearance – it has everything to do […]
Yes, even Villains are created in God’s image. Please understand, ALL 16 types can play the role of a villain – Its a little thing called “Freewill” that separates the Villains from the Heroes! Sometimes the differences between them are difficult to comprehend. Help us “type” the following film characters from “Once Upon a Time”. Here is our preliminary […]