The meaning of 33.3: A Judeo-Christian perspective of the Old Testament Spirit (Ruach Ha-Kodesh), and the Holy Spirit from above
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2 years, and still not complete! I am needing to be careful…. To research these difficult topics extensively in light of Godtype research. .After all, we are taught that the unforgivable sin, is a sin against the Holy Spirit!
……In a nut% 33.3 has been usurped by the occult. It is a irrational number representing a percentage % of Gods created earth system. We see it in our research as 1/3, 33%, one third, 4:12. The 33rd parallel etc. It is a “neutral” spirit within our equations responsible for time as we understand. It is Fallen and hijacked since the fall. It will be redeemed by christ at the end. Our research believes it will be at the end of our “”120 “” jubilee years promised in Genesis 6:3. %shell…
Its been now 7 years (I began this difficult essay 2 years ago) since my research partner and I created the website. Our website is highly illustrated, i.e. most of our essays begin with Illustrative art that attempts to explain Godtype’s simple yet abstract concepts and discoveries. These visual artistic illustrations have been key in the dozens of broken biblical codes on this research web site. “A picture is worth 1000 words” is so true! “Seeing” a biblical concept visually and instantly as oppose to “reading” about the same concept over many bible paragraphs across “time” allows the human mind to make amazing connections. To fill in the puzzle pieces of this amazing picture of creation and humanity which we call Godtype.
I am just an interpreter, And was merely a well studied lay person 7 years ago when I began to study our amazing scriptures in light of Godtype. From our first illustrations and essays – there was one paradox that I kept pushing aside and not dealing with…….. It was the issue of understanding the Holy Spirit of Christianity and Ruach Ha-Kodesh of Judaism. Are they the same? Are they distinct? Why do Godtype illustrations manifest the generally occult number 33.3% as representative of the Spirit of this earth (Ruach Ha Kodesh of Ancient Judaism). Why does 1/12, 8.33% manifest as the Holy Spirit of Christian Theology and also the Trinity’s perspective from Heaven?, Is the use of “mene-mene” (eternity) in the old testament representative of the virtual Trinity? The set apart Eternal Holy spirit from above?
Thee are the questions we will attempt to decipher in this essay…. By studying it through the lenses of Jewish and Christian Orthodoxy. And yes, the impossible patterns of Godtype and the dozens of impossible broken Biblical time codes we cracked on this research website. Please listen to my (2) last Radio Interviews dated 06/2018 and 01/2019 Link Here. We ask and pray for God’s wisdom and peace as we set forth to answer all these questions.
Ha-Kodesh in Hebrew means “Holy or Set Apart.” For 4000 years of Jewish history Ruach Ha-Kodesh (Holy Spirit) was referenced by Gods chosen people. We are told in the scriptures that it was a necessity for the high priest to be indwelt with this “spirit”if he entered the holy if holies. If not, he would be struck dead instantly?
There are two spirits codified within our Godtype illustrations…. In confusion or more truthly Naivete’, we refered to them as Spirit 1.0 and Holy Spirit 2.0 in my early essays. They were representative of two distinct great time domains (33.3% 4k year Spirit of Earth) . Often the (8.33 1k Virtual Holy Spirit from Above). seemed to be interchangeable….. I have written and stand by my statements, that the Spirit of this Earth, though Fallen is not EVIL per Se’….It is a necessary “Physical” power system God in heaven allows to continue and operate according to our scriptures. IN GENERAL terms, It is represented by 33.3% of humanity who are our (SP) Sensory perceivers in Godtype, these wonderful people live and view time in the MOMENT! you can say……They are Grounded to this earth! IN INDIVIDUAL terms It displays on earth within each and every one of us. We are all born with the universal stain…. a SIN nature that is represented within humanity due to Satans hijacking of the Cognitive function of (S) Sensing.
Clearly represented within scripture by our Lord himself when he asked Peter… Who do you say that I am? (xSTJ)Peter answered with (N) intuition… he said “” “”.Yet, just a moment later Peter spoke again….”” “”.This time The Lord rebuked him….”Peter, ……..get behind me Satan”. Peter had spoken with the power and lies of the (S)pirit of this world.
These 4 temperaments were named by cognitive scientists names that we clearly assign to the HOLY Spirit from above? The ISTP Crafter, the ESTP promoter/Conqueror, the ESFP Performer and the ISFP Composer. All names attributed to the “Holy” Spirit within christian theology? Just as our intuitive thinking NT rationals are representative of Trinity from above! The most abstract and difficult to understand yet foundational tenet of orthodox Christianity…. The HOLY Trinity…. Represented on Earth by the Cognitive function of iNtuition (N). In all my illustrations created pre 2016…… I had thought that I was often incorrectly assigning the HOLY SPIRIT to the 33.33% 4K year time (SENSORY) domain on our earth. And yet that little voice always was uncomfortable with this…. 33.33 is a number championed by “Earthly” occult believers? I have always presumed that the Ruah Ha Kodesh (S) Spirit of Ancient Judaism and the Holy Spirit (N) of God were completely separate entities and yet my own Illustrations have been contradicting this from the beginning….. we always refer to the N position as the HOLY Spirit? as from above…… And the (s) position of the Spirit of this earth ….. as from below……But they are Distinct in Godtype….. Is not the 8.33% 1000 year time domain of the “Trinity” truly represent the Holy Spirit from above? from which Humanity receives Intuition, knowledge with out actually experiencing (S).
It was Jesus words…. You have seen me, you have seen the Father. I and the Father are One. Etc. Etc. That made us understand the the 4 functions of Jungian Cognitive Theory were Truly only (2) Functions. I have Always Shouted to the world in most my essays…. The Cognitive Functions of Thinking and Feeling are one and the same….. It is simply the Direction in TIME upon which we Look…. Forward = Feeling = Jesus = Ethical Human centered Logic. When we look Backwards to the Past = Thinking = Father = organizational correlative Logic. THINKING = LOVE. The Fathers Love (Thinking) which I have unfortunately seen so many of my Perceptive Christian brothers Reject….. The Son’s Love (Feeling) which I have also, unfortunately seen many of my judgmental Brothers reject as well.
So if the Father and Son are one…… Within Time as we understand
So hete is my question. Is the Spirit of Earth (Rua Ha Kodesh) and the Holy Spirit from above also ONE?
YES, No, well sort of….. The scriptures tell us They were ONE in the Garden….. They were ONE in the original design and CREATION of our Father in Heaven YHWH.
Study our Time maps! The Fathers domain (blue) and the resonate Holy Spirit from above (purple) are tied together at the hip. They manifest on earth and in time in our jubilees. 41.66%+8.33%. 50 years. in Ha-Kodesh (Set Apart and Holy) Spirit Domain are tied together and display on earth across 50 year jubilees. The Holy Spirit (Trinity) 8.33 domains and 41.66% domains are self evident across time as we understand. Time is rational and cautious and it seems to stand still. But so is the 33.3 and 16.6 Jubilee Cycles evident in time….They are also linked at the hip and are represented by Idealism and Kinetic human energy. Time blazes forward towards uncertain ends during these times….
As it is in heaven, so it is on earth. We deal with the Bifurcated time domains in many of our essays. If the Holy Spirit is linked to the father according to Jesus own words does it not make sense that Ruah Ha Kodesh (physical Spirit of God) which shows up with the NF Jesus domains across our jubilees…. This 4k year Time domain actually ended in 29AD at the Crucifixion.
DO YOU SEE IT? It was redeemed by CHRIST on the Cross! We are now at the very end of a 2 day (2k year) time domain which has been redeemed by Christ. Christ Redeems our fallen 33.3 spirit of earth. Ruah Ha Kodesh.

My first Godtype and Time illustration 5 years ago…. Jewish History (yellow orange) should be labeled “SPIRIT / Rua Ha Kodesh” not Holy Spirit. and Millennium (purple) should read HOLY SPIRIT / Trinity. But, if the FATHER and SON are ONE. Is it Possible that Ruah Ha Kodesh of Judaism and Holy
Here is a 4 year old photo (circa 2013) of my “Thinking” chair taken by my 6 year old daughter overlooking this beautiful California countryside….. This is where I was given the greatest gift ever! I got to spend 3 full years as a stay at home dad taking care of my baby daughter , not only was i given time to spend with my daughter, but for the first time in my life i had amazing amount of time to “Think”, ie to LOVE my Lord and my God. Spending most of my day praying and praising and “Thinking” about my creator…. most every Godtype discovery got its start right here…… LINKS: Breaking of Daniels Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin Cycles of Empires,,,,,,,,,,The 153 Fishes of John 21,,,,,,,,,,, Job’s Assertion of the Continents precisely measured and Newtons assertion of the Temple being at the center proven beyond a shadow of a doubt,,,,,,,,,,, The Initial Godtype “Grand” pattern (as originally understood flaws and all), PI encoded within the Chapters and Verses of the Bible,,,,,,,,,,, Isaac Newtons documentation of the ancient Hebrew practices at the Temple displaying Chromosomes and DNA.

My Thinking (Prayer) Chair and our miraculous home we are blessed to live in…… LOCATED AT THE 33.30000 PARALLEL TO 8 Decimal Points
This is why the discovery of this location sitting exactly on the 33.3000 parallel was a bit unnerving a few years ago during the amazing discoveries of the Timelines inscribed on our earth 33.3 was a key latitude inscribed on our earth helping us break those discoveries. Please see essay here..
What are the odds of this? Add the miraculous way in which we found and moved to this property that I have yet to write about and it personally makes me just shake my head…..What are you (God) telling me?
Add the fact that when I finally decided to delve into this topic of the Spirit and Holy SPirit being (2) different entities / personalities of our bifurcated spacetime domain, again I was completely shocked…….. 2 months ago the “Spirit” prompted me to finally CREATE the website Categories / directories for this difficult 33.33 topic that I have been avoiding for 5 years now…… Do you see it…… I noticed it today when i sat down to write…. The 33.33 category and initial post i created two months ago…. ID# 3333. What are the Odds? I finally DECIDE to write the 33.33 essay…… It ends up the 3,333 post on my 5 year old website. Again, what are the odds….