Radio Interviews:
01-04-19. A great interview. Reviewing the godtype patterns of time, hidden in our history and encoded within the patterns of cognition and the chapters & verses of the Bible. Including the FOUNDING FATHERS CODES. Israel’s Shimon “Peres” 500 year & America’s Adams (Father type)+Jefferson (Son type) 50+50, Father+Son jubilee code where both men lived exactly 50 years beyond the midpoint of the writing on the wall cycle in 1776 and died on July 4th 1826! Ps… Adam = the father of all humanity? Jefferson = son of Geoffrey, Geofrey = Gods peace or Peacefull King! Click Radio Interview link here

The simple pattern of space-time and human cognition
06-01-2018 Click here or IMAGE below for Audio Interview Link or this link to Global Newsmaker Radio complete Archivies. What a wonderful Interview with my friend Patrice Sheridan on her Global News Focus program on Fridays at 4pm Pacific. This is our #1 recomjmended Audio for you to listen / download, as Patrices questions touched upon all the best Godtype broken biblical codes.

Milton Thomas Fleitas interview on the “Godtype” time codes by Patrice Sheridan CLICK IMAGE FOR INTERVIEW
04-25-2018 Click here for Audio Link or Image below for link to TFR’s Radio Website. Though we did not get into all of the Godtype codes I wanted to talk about, Rob gives a wonderful POV on Godtype’s original broken code of the 153 possible interactions within human cognition and its relation to Yeshua…. The 17th Type that we must all have a relationship with! We had a great two hour conversation, Rob Skiba had been a long time fan of our work at, having researched similar ideas and concepts himself many years ago. Concepts we have done our best to “prove” here on Yes! Rob is one of the leaders of FE…. We personally debated this years back, but there is one thing I am absolutely certain we both agree on…… one thing that ties us together….. Yeshua and his sacrifice on a cross 2000 years ago.