Personality godtype illustrations and essays in the works
Notes for ESSAYS in the WORKS
Recent radio interview (January 2019) reviewing most of these soon to be written essays
Need a FilmTypes essay on the new Marvel Infinity War movie. The Gate that was opened which unleashed the hounds of hell into the spherical forcefield keeping a secret high tech realm from the outside world? What Gate was it that was opened (beginning of Tribulation?) Door #17????. but wait….. this is suppose to be about Jesus and 16.66% and #17? yep. who walks in to save the day after a prolonged period of battle with the demons of the deep….. Marvel’s Christlike response to DC’s Superman….. Thor, the ENFP Champion walks right through that same door and vanquishes all enemies instantly. Gate #17.
Founding Fathers – Adams and Jefferson. 50/50. A Father + Son relationship to the end. A supernatural love story displaying Godtype cognition and time “Great Jubilees”! Amazing FACTS
How Amazing, our two most important FOUNDING FATHERS(Father+Son) relationship was that of Jefferson (son type entp) and Adams (father type entj). These two men ended up quarreling and not speaking for extended time but ended up dear friends to their last days documented by their personal letters to each other…. Remember! Godtype postulates that 1776 fell on the exact midpoint of the Cycle of Empires of Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin…… Godtype Postulates an exact 100 year cycle that travels through time consisting of 50 years (Father and cautious / 1929-1979) and 50 years (son and idealistic change / 1980-2029). These two men both died on the exact date! not just any date….. They both Died on July 4th of 1826…..Exactly 50 years to the day of the final empires birth….. By the Grace of God these two men lived EXACTLY a total 100 years on this Earth beyond the Birth of their nation. A beautiful picture of the 100 year Great Jubilee (Father+son) cycles of time.
Simon Peres (The last Founding Father of Israel) Amazing and prophetic final wishes at his death / funeral Displays Godtype research and a prophetic final wish. The Fathers Domain 41.66% of a 12k system = 5k, or 500 or 50.
As we explain in Godtype’s most amazing broken biblical code teaching the 520 year divisions of time…..”Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin”. The meaning behind Israels last founding Father’s name of “Peres” (500 singular) was key in our breaking of this cypher. Over the years most zealot dispensationist have misused the word Peres instead of Upharsin (500 plural) to pinpoint a date of the return of messiah as 2520 years from this well documented event in 539 bc. That date has come and gone now…. When was Peres death you may ask? well like America’s last living founding fathers Jefferson and Adams passing away at the exact 50 year birthday of their Nation…. Peres just happened to pass away at the 500th Aniversary of the current Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin 520 year cycle that goes back 2600 years 5×520 to Nebuchadnezers death in 564bc…… (3600 years 7×520 to the begining of the Jerusalem Clock countdown at the Exodus in 1604bc).
Interesting, Shimon Peres called the last founding Father of Israel… whose name means 500… Died on the 500th Anniversary of the Godtype Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin cycle we claimed years ago began at the Luthers protestant reformation in 1517 (520 year Anglo American cycle) on September 22, 2016. His funeral which was attended by dozens of world Leaders (Kings) from all over the world was conducted on the last day of the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) sounding the trumpets of the end of the year. Peres long ago chose a song to be played at his funeral, a song / prayer that unbeknownst to him was meant to be played on the Feast of Trumpets! it was named “Our Father, our King”. And required all these leaders in attendance at his funeral to give reverence to the God of Israel. Amazing!
Ivan Panin’s most amazing bible discoveries confirm Godtypes postulations on the importance of #17 representing Christ. And of Mathews gospel representing the Father. He recognized an anomaly in the first (17) chapters of mathew. representative of the irrational 16.66% of Godtype. just more coincidences you may say? Panin was obsessed about the unique patterns he saw throughout the Bible, and like myself it was seeing “anomalies” within these patterns that he wrote about.

The distance between the Sun and the Earth is called an Astronomical Unit. An AU. It is the measuring stick for our universe. GOD is a being of light according to the Scriptures, and Godtype has been claiming for years that 8.33 is the resonate factor of all creation (measuring stick) representing the Holy Spirit / Trinity. So, How long does it take light to travel this distance? Exactly 8 minutes and 20 seconds….. i.e 8.33 MINUTES!
ESSAY ON 8.33% and america being the final country holding on to the imperial measuring system which is naturally tied into our universal system of space(matter)-time (Light).
Astronomical units are used to measure our universe but what exactly are they? They are simply the distance of the Earth to the sun…. so how long does it take Light (The Father is a being of light) to travel this distance? Allowing us to measure it.. Exactly 8 minutes and 20 seconds, i.e. 8.33 mi utes! Cool! But what can represent the Son? Jesus consistantly said he is the Living Waters …… ever wondered what our standard measurement for liquids of a Gallon of H2o weighs? You guessed it. Exactly 8.33 lbs at 66 degrees!
Personality Images in the Works..
Biblical Briggs Myers (God) Types
Father type: John Adams ENTJ
Son types: Thomas Jefferson ENTP
Joseph. ENTP. REPRESENTATIVE OF the 4 NFs. The Christ Types. COUNSELING Kings, TEACHING , HEALING divisions. INVENTING systems to physically save the world (Egypt). #17 is all over Joseph’s life. THIS NEEDS AN ILLUSTRATION as well….
An illustration showing how RATIONALS (NTs) bring systematic order (view from ABOVE taking account of ALL TIME) to their NON VIRTUAL TYPES!
(ENTP+ idealist NF’s, infp,enfp,infj,enfj)
St. Paul. ENTJ. Representing the 4 SJ’s Providing, Protecting, Leading, establishing and managing a church and it’s heirarchy.
An illustration showing how ENTJs St. PAUL bringS systematic order (a view from above seeing all-time) to All Guardian SJ’s. Who tend to see things Parallel. i.e. SJ’s St. PETER, ST. MATHEW, St. THOMAS.
King David. ENFP! Representing the Son Type NF warrior. The Champion over Golliath. Brilliant Abstract Thinkers what can unfortunately get caught up struggling with the Spirit of this world.
King Saul. Representing All “Father” type warriors. All SJ’S (ISTJ,ESTJ,ISFJ,ESFJ)+ ENTJ.
Sons of thunder. James and John. The two NF apostles singled out by the Lord himself As sons of thunder, the actual Greek word used by Jesus describes CONVERSION OF ENERGY! ILLUSTRATION.
St. Peter. Absolute SJ. “On this Rock” he was a warrior, who spoke without thinking (TE), ocasionally influenced by Spirit (S) of this world not (N) Spirit from God above.
ST. MARK, DEFINITIVE NT. Was an outsider, an evangelist.
ST. LUKE’S, DEFINITIVE SP. WROTE acts of the Apostles, the shooting script of the Gospels. His Gospel to the present, the Romans.
St. MATHEW, DEFINITIVE SJ, wrote his Gospel to the Jews….. the PAST
St. JOHN, DEFINITIVE NF, INFP? WROTE his Gospel to the Future…. Church…
- Oh gosh. My crazy understanding of the September 23rd sign in the stars back in 2017. Of the ancient Earth being a moon of Jupiter. Of Jupiters moons following the Godtype cycles. A MIssing moon? My old essays explaining signs always show up a solar year before the event? The Sept 21 sign was a sign of Jupiter! Add a Jupiter solar year(12 ys)? Arrive on Sept 11, 2029. Sept 11 birth of Christ according to Heiser. Sept 11 2000 actually 2000 aniv. of Christ’s birth. 9-11-2029 may be a sign??