You Can’t Always Get What You Want – Rolling Stones’ Mr. Jimmy & Godtype’s Fringe Research

James Lee Heutmaker aka
Jimmy Hutmaker “Mr. Jimmy”
April 18, 1932 – 2007
On my final visit with Jimmy was in 2001 just prior to moving back to California. He spoke directly and at length to me for one of the first times. It was if a veil had somehow lifted.
The owner of the local funeral home reported in the local paper that Hutmaker stopped in for most funerals and visitations at his business.
Jimmy was once asked why he came to so many funerals. Jimmy responded…
“Because it was the second most prayed-in building in the world” after churches “He felt closer to God here.”.
Jimmy Hutmaker Quote: “You Can’t Always Get What You Want, But We Do Get What We Need….. From God” The last thing on earth that I wanted to do was mix our supernatural “fringe” research with Godtype. For the first time in seven years of writing online and even doing radio interviews under a pseudonym of Milton Thomas X. I was preparing to finish a more “mainstream” Scientific & Philosophical work which would allow me to finally use my real name & come out of the closet so to speak.
Within the pages of the originally planned book and website their would only be technical and scientific data, No mention of crazy supernatural phenomena, talk of UFO’s or Christian apologetic responses to the ancient alien phenomena which we had been dealing with for many years on No mention of the patterns of history which repeat themselves over and over again. Patterns which I have seen since childhood & documented with an occasional “predictive” essay on our SRI website and online Praeternatural magazine. (
This fringe study and apparent ability to interpret these patterns required me to hide behind a pseudonym all these years. In this brave new world we live in – having your name attached to any “Fringe” subject can be an irrevocable decision. How would a business client react after a simple Google search? This was not what I wanted for Godtype, it was suppose to be of this world – to be as mainstream as possible. It was suppose to get along…. Godtype was meant to …..Co-Exist….
Pulled time & time again back into the world of the Supernatural. We broke several viral articles between 2010 & 2013 ((100,000+ visits)) One of these ground breaking essays was my work on the Supertramp Breakfast in America cover art and its biblical and collective unconscious implications.
Even more interesting was the fact that I am the owner of a commercial website at and this was the first album cover that I ever purchased back in 1979. The tipping point so to speak of a life long love of this wonderful and yet manipulative art form. This was clear evidence of the supernatural appeal and occasional abuse of the human subconscious by a force which I am still trying to understand. These occasional bouts of inspiration – of many seemingly unrelated research essays which I would “wake up to” began to fill in the pieces to a vast and yet simple puzzle which we began to put together within the pages of Godtype.
In early 2013, My spirit was on the verge of an emotional breakdown. After predicting and discovering several occult commemorations that inexplicably came to pass on the exact dates I had projected. I asked our creator for peace and wisdom into what did all these statistically impossible essays mean? “Why Lord, do I see so much of the occult’s handiwork?”
I was distraught at the time and could not understand the recent death of such a brilliant and kind soul as David Flynn back in December of 2012. (Author of Temple at the Center of time) He was so young. He loved the Lord. He left a young family. His research was so important. I was in fact angry at God for one of the first times in my adult memory. I, I, I.
This open prayer written online seems to have been answered. Not in my selfish timing , but in God’s time. On February 11th of 2013 news of Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation was one of the keys. (A year earlier, I called and asked my friend Chris Putnam who was a profesional editor to take on the Godtype book project….He was so excited on the phone as he explained to me Tom Horn had asked him to Author his own research!) Research PREDICTING THE COMING RESIGNATION OF THE POPE. Everything fell into place. As if time had begun to run backwards and entropy had reversed itself in front of my eyes. I found myself once more writing essays based on “Illustrations” and “visualizations” much as William Blake did centuries ago. A quip of a prayer a few weeks earlier before going to bed in which I naively asked the Lord for a David Flynn type (geo-earth) discovery came to pass with in moments of waking up…. I just “knew” where to find this strange timeline – the discovery was statistically impossible once more. A strange UFO / Papal time-line on earth. (similar to Flynn’s Roswell discoveries) I have now come to understand that Pope Benedicts resignation was a visible prophetic point in time – the reason for the flood of discoveries which we documented in our essays on The shadow of the monument.
This initial puzzle piece (Papal timeline) turned out to be a Rosetta Stone for our Geo Earth anomalies on earth. This research which if it anything at all – it is assuredly a fun and interesting chapter for even the most ardent of skeptics as it allows all of us to repeat and experience these discoveries for ourselves with the use of Google Earth. When asked on a radio interview the other day….. are you a psychic? where do you get this information from? The answer is simple, I am as psychic as a rock. This ability is more inline with the young Joseph’s ability to Interpret dreams. Dreams are at their core nothing more than patterns of “Time” & “Space”, A language which manifests within our minds in some of the strangest forms. The understanding and ability to recognize patterns is the most important ability to interpret dreams.
I must now confess that the final tipping point for coming out of the closet (using my given name in interviews) and combining our fringe research along with the Codes of Godtype under one book and within the pages of was decided a few months back.

James Lee Heutmaker aka
Jimmy Hutmaker “Mr. Jimmy”
April 18, 1932 – 2007
On my final visit with Jimmy was in 2001 just prior to moving back to California. He spoke directly and at length to me for one of the first times. It was if a veil had somehow lifted.
The owner of the local funeral home reported in the local paper that Hutmaker stopped in for most funerals and visitations at his business.
Jimmy was once asked why he came to so many funerals. Jimmy responded…
“Because it was the second most prayed-in building in the world” after churches “He felt closer to God here.”.
It was the words of “Mister Jimmy” (Jimmy Heutmaker) made famous by the Rolling Stones which came over the radio as I took a break from “Christian Programming” and listened to a classic rock tune during a long drive from Los Angeles to my rural home in the mountains of San Diego.
“You cant always get what YOU want, but if you try some time – you just might find…. You get what you need.”
In a micro-moment flash of inspiration that everyone experiences, the book and website that had to be published was clear as day! The reason for the geo-earth ventures made sense now. I could hear Mister Jimmy’s voice speaking to me… His words were simply echoing God’s words from the Bible.
What needed to be published was in fact my more controversial and difficult works. God did not put entp-0000’s on this earth to be “Mainstream” no matter how hard we try to conform. You just cant pour all that “fringe” research down the drain.
Basing creative inspiration on a Rolling Stones tune? Well, not quite….. You see, I actually knew the “real” Mr. Jimmy. His name was Jimmy Heutmaker, he was a wonderful soul I had the pleasure of knowing when I worked as a the visualization artist for a large architectural firm in downtown Excelsior, Minnesota. He was a mentally retarded young man when the Rolling Stones visited Excelsior’s local drug store in 1964. Jimmy had ordered a cherry coke but was given a regular coke by the attendant instead. He complained out loud at first, and yet he humbled himself and accepted this “error” without requiring the waitress to pour him his cherry soda and in turn pour the previous glass down the drain.
“You Cant always get what you want….. But we do get what we need.”
Jimmy answered and humbled himself a moment later with those famous words. Such simple and powerful wisdom that millions and possibly billions have quietly sung these words to themselves.
“And my God shall satisfy all your needs according to his riches in the glory of Yeshua The Messiah “ Phil 4:19
Jimmy was in his early 60’s when we first met in the mid 1990’s, He would walk the historic little town of Excelsior at all times of the day, even during 10 degree below winter mornings. A cigar in his mouth, and 3 or 4 watches on each wrist. He was an amazing soul I got to know over the 4 years I worked there. Besides the wave hello when ever we crossed paths in downtown Excelsior, we sat together on many occasions during my lunch hour and he would share with me his wisdom.
He would rarely speak directly, he would most often simply repeat short phrases of “Jimmy Wisdom” while asking me the strangest and probing of questions – too many to count, he truly was just a grown up child. It was this special “Wisdom” of a child which was so simple and yet so brilliant. Echoing God’s promises from the Bible.
I always think of Jimmy when I come across the following passages from the Bible spoken by Jesus himself . Matthew 18:3-4
Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven
Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Sometimes we must humble ourselves just as Mr. Jimmy did.
Recognizing that our Cherry coke may have to wait till the next time, and we need not pour our difficult circumstances within our fallen world down the proverbial drain.
By Illustrating and expanding these three years of research – I hope that I have achieved my objective to give readers a personal trip through the exciting process of discovery. And in so doing allow everyone to grasp what our futures will possibly claim in the coming months and years ahead. Though this is not the “Worldly” Godtype book or website I wanted to publish, it is what needed to be completed at this time, for “We Are Not of This World“.
Beloved, most of us have had the privilege to know a similar soul as mr jimmy in our lives. men and women who the world tells us are “damaged” or “special needs”. Look to these wonderful souls and their child Like wisdom (LOVE) That Godtype shows Christ represented with XXXX . The Lord promises that this wisdom is available within all of us just as godtype infers.
I also pray that we will all learn some of the amazing patterns of Godtype research that give evidence to our age old Trinitarian Christian Faith, strange yet factual “Illustrated” expanded essays. Being a William Blake “type” soul, I truly believe a picture is worth a thousand words.
Milton Thomas X (Fleitas)
originally published
in 5/2013