The 12 apostles correspond with the 12 primary personalities of humanity. istp, isfp, istj, isfj, estp, estj, esfp, esfj, infp, infj, enfp, enfj. Please see our Research Essay Link Here
Albert Einstein "The distinction between the past, present & future is only - a stubbornly persistent illusion"
Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness" in the image of God he created them.
The 12 apostles correspond with the 12 primary personalities of humanity. istp, isfp, istj, isfj, estp, estj, esfp, esfj, infp, infj, enfp, enfj. Please see our Research Essay Link Here
PLEASE: What is the personality type of each of the 12 apostles. Can you please give me their names and next to it their personality type. I connot find an orticale listed all of them together.
As an INFP, I really apriecpated the comment you made about INFPs and the link you provided about types and all the information there about relationships, career, parenting and more.And yes, this is a tool that can be helpful, with lots of variation among us all about how it fits or does not. I actually did take the Myers Briggs test (and my spouse did too) way back when, and sure enough some of the challenges you now write about were true for us in a general way (and some were other factors).I was married for 15 years, together for 18+, and while we ended up divorced we are both devoted parents and have two two grown children. Maybe the Myers Briggs has its limits and can be distorted in its interpretation, but if it and the information here helps others find a more conducive path for being in a relationship, having a career and children, I’m all for it.While I love to work (especially on my own), career has had its challenges for me, even on the other side of raising children (where you can amazingly do all kinds of things you may not think you can do when it’s just you). I have studied and pursued careers on the INFP list (writing and counseling at least), in hopes of finding that balance of working and bread-winning, which definitely goes in waves for me.And while I’m not a big fan of online dating sites, the comment by Christina about starting one which includes Myers Briggs types is intriguing .