Matthew 16:21-23 16:21 From that time Jesus began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised up on the third day. 16:22 Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, “God forbid […]

So, Bono is surely an NF Idealist, but which one? is Bono an ENFP or an INFJ? INFP or ENFJ? These are the two most widely “Thrown” personality types attributed to Bono. The way to figure out ones personality is often to simply listen. Listen to his words. listen to his history. His admittance of […]

Note: This is an updated essay. The original Research Essay only correlated the 6 books & their Chapters that discovered to represent time as we understand (due to the simplicity of the Godtype Patterns!) This is evidence of true RESEARCH and not CONSPIRACY theory! True research establishes a Hypothesis… ie There are Books/Chapters that represent time. […]

Superman has generally been understood as a visible Jungian archetype of the Judeo-Christian deity and the stories of the Bible. Whether it is the attenuating simplifications of the biblical stories of Father and Son, or even the thousands of years old practice of displaying paintings of Jesus Christ dressed in blue and red […]

Fourier Transforms: Symmetry, Periodicity, Time-space & Godtype Wonderful Lecture Series from Stanford professor Brad Osgood. The Fourier series of physics is the key scientific study which initially set out to quantify and understand Heat Transfer & Vibrations. This led its inventor Joseph Fourier’s (1768-1730) applications to be be used in the study of Patterns and […]

Anatomy of a Government Hacked internet connection and discovery due to Google Analytics. As editor of SRI and several other web properties, I also serve as a webmaster so to speak. That is why a bit over a month ago as I checked out the web analytic s offered by Google I began to […]
Jun 12 2013 | Posted in
Milton Thomas X |
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This Research article was originally posted on SRI a few days after Steve Jobs passing. But is explicitly tied to the work of Godtype.com Steve Jobs: Technical Marketer Extraordinaire passes Steve Jobs was the quintessential ENTP Inventor*, and a role model for that small percentage of the population […]