The 12 Apostles: A representation of humanity – Of “Time” itself

13th Century Illuminated Manuscript showing the 12 apostles properly divided into 4 quadrants. See our research into CoverArt
The Bible teaches about the 12 Apostles. About the 12 Tribes of Israel. The 12 Angels who watch over the 12 Tribes? The 12 sons of Israel (Actually 13, yet only 12 are ever mentioned together) 12 Foundations in the heavenly Jerusalem containing 12 gates and 12 pearls. TWELVE
It was research for a book project about 10 years ago about the apostle Paul where I came to understand that there was a deeper reason for Jesus choosing twelve apostles. Why the risen Christ chose only one other Apostle (St. Paul #13), just as the 12 sons of Isarael and 12 Tribes are actually 13 as well! There is always (1) Hidden…… Mene Mene, the 13th Millenium, the missing 13th floor of our older hi-rize buildings? We will study this further at the end of this research.
Understanding the (4) primary temperaments it was obvious that there was only (1) NT (trinity) apostle prior to the crucifixion. It was Judas, arguably a brilliant “mastermind” who was plotting for a physical and political overthrow of the current “system”. (This is what NT’s do) Judas’ social justice worldview, betrayal and ultimate suicide left a hole within God’s chosen and preordained representation of humanity on earth. It was also a picture of Lucifer’s (physical fall from the original Arch Angels who according to tradition was replaced by Uriel – We are told of only (4) of these Arch Angels in scripture – These 4 also coincidentally mirror Godtype. Please see our research essay on the Archangels here.
(12) just happens to be the minimum number in which (1) of each of the four personality types can be represented within a “system”. That is why Christian Theology speaks of only one other apostle commissioned by Jesus Christ himself. St. Paul. 1 in 12 or 8.33 % just happens to be Godtype’s base resonate frequency discovered due to research of cognitive science. (Specifically the life-work of David Kearsey) 1,2,4,5 represented by the irrational numbers of 8.33%, 16.66%, 33.33% & 41.66%. The Godtype Continuum! 1+2+4+5=12, the minimum number which allows for 1 of each Godtype to be represented within a group. (1) Rational-Architects (Trinity) (2) Idealist-Champions (Son) (4) Artisans-Performers (Spirit) (5) Guardian-Providers (Father) ” I and the Father are one” ( 5+2=7, the number of completion). The Godtype Continuum is actually properly displayed as follows when one studies our research…. ~mene ~(1 +2+4 +5 +1 )~mene~ = (13)
What an amazing story. One NT rational (Judas) who witnessed all of Christs miracles first hand and who arguably loved Christ – yet ultimately betrayed the lord with a kiss? Judas was replaced by of all people Saul of Tarsus, The man who’s job it was to destroy the fledgling movement at any cost. He was the early Church’s greatest persecutor! This all changed when he met the Logos of the universe on the Damascus road, being transformed in to the Church’s greatest defender and apostle. An amazing picture of Free Will. One Rational who was given everything (Eternity) throws it away for 30 pieces of silver? By Grace, another rational (1/12 – .833*) gains the world through redemption. (12×30=360)! Again, we have an encoded refference to Space-Time itself…. 30 is 1/12 or 8.33% of 360 degrees…. our human measurement of our Earth (Matter). *.833 represents the base Godtype code frequency. (.833, 16.66, 33.33, & 41.66) (1:1, 2:1, 4:1 & 5:1 represents the factor/vibration) see research here
The 12 Apostles quite possibly consisted of the following personality types:
(1) Rational (Trinity Godtype) – Judas (iNtx Rational Mastermind) *Replaced by Christ himself with St. Paul (eNTx Rational Visionary / Field marshall)
(2)Idealist (Son Godtype) – Certainly, St. John (iNFp idealist visionary) who artistically wrote down his visions of the future in Revelations and his Hevenly (N) understanding of Grace in his Gospel.
(4)Artisan SP’s (Spirit Godtype) – Certainly, St. Luke the Evangelist (iSfp Artisan Composer/Producer) Wrote Acts of the apostles in “linear” time (present) – the narrative script if you will. All films of Christ use Luke’s work as their foundation. Yet, Luke was not one of the 12. of the 12, certainly St. James was an SP, who Luther wanted to remove from the Bible because he did not understand his earthly physical teaching of Grace – as upposed to the heavenly grace taught by his brother John. James was the first Martyred apostle and John’s older brother referred together as “Sons of Thunder” by Jesus, who understood the synergy between (James+ Earthly SP/Energy) and John’s Heavenly (NF/Conversion) of that power. SONS OF THUNDER
(5) Guardian SJ’s (Father Godtype) – including St. Peter (eSfj Guardian Provider/Caretaker)Possibly an ESFJ provider/caretaker. On this rock I will establish my church….. Doubting Thomas surely was also a Concrete Thinking (SJ)who would not “Believe” unless he placed his own fingers into the nail prints of the Lord.
Likewise The 4 Canonical Gospels give evidence to each being written by a different Godtype – PAST-PRESENT-FUTURE -SEQUENCE. An interesting fact that is misunderstood by many is that Luke and Mark were not Apostles. They are considered evangelist and were commissioned for their work outside the original 12 apostles because of their talents.
Two Gospels written by Apostles
NF/SON Focus is the FUTURE The Gospel of John. We have established That John was surely and NF Idealist Visionary, The Son type.
SJ/FATHER Focus is the PAST The Gospel of Matthew spends his efforts quoting and reviewing the past, constantly referring to the Jewish scriptures in his efforts to show that Jesus was the Messiah and bring redemption to Gods chosen people –
Two Gospels written by outside Evangelist
SP /SPIRIT Focus is the PRESENT – The Gospel of Luke. Luke’s style and detail to the ‘present” surely locks him in as a SP Spirit type.
NT/ SEQUENCE Focus is All-Time The Gospel of Mark (the evangelist) Mark was assuredly a NT rational.
Mark’s Gospel was written like a Hollywood Movie Script, As if he were “out of time” and intuitively aware of Past, present and future simultaneously. He understood how to write in a digital non-linear fashion as if he were on a modern film project. Because of scant information on all the apostles it is impossible to type them all, But Christ himself along with the gospel records give us the clues which allow us to type at least one apostle from each Godtype. Godtype is simply a picture of humanity. Can there be a better picture of humanity then one modeled after our creator? As a consultant I have referred to this as the most important “system” within a company or group of individuals. “Human Systems”. Though the percentages of “Types” that make a company or group run smoothly must usually deviate from the “perfect” percentages designed by God and discovered on Godtype, Human systems will always run better with a minimum of (1) representative from each of the (4) Godtypes.
*According to Acts, Mathias was chosen by the remaining eleven apostles after Judas’s betrayal and suicide. Mathias is never again mentioned in the synoptic gospels and his commission could be questioned in that it was done prior to pentecost (Holy Spirit 2.0) along with the silly methods that the remaining 11 apostles used to choose him…… They cast lots! Surely the remaining 11 apostles were short of a rational leader! This was rectified within just a short time when the risen Christ commissioned the Apostle Paul. Arguably a NT rational just like Judas with just one minor difference…… A microscopic “moment” in time in which the Church’s greatest persecutor accepted the risen Messiah as his God. Christianity calls this “redemption”. I would argue it is clear evidence for the doctrine of Salvation by Grace and not of works!
Godtype and Time…..
The 13th Apostle commissioned by Christ himself after his resurrection was St. Paul. He represents the paradoxical coming 12th millennium he so diligently preached about. Heaven on earth. The RETURN of the celestial city. The arrival of the New Jerusalem. Yet, Paul in someways represented a “Judas” himself…… As Saul of Tarsus he was the churches greatest persecutor. Corrupted by the devil himself, yet he found redemption in Christ Jesus. A picture of the freewill & sinful nature of man being redeemed by Christ
It seems that both Judas and the un-redeemed Saul of Tarsus represent the First HIDDEN millennium which was usurped by Lucifer – It is just that we are seeing it from a different vantage point. Judas’ clear representation of an Introspective Lucifer shows us A picture of a perfectly created being who Knows the creator of the universe intimately – and yet knowingly rejects him for 30 pieces of silver – A picture of Lucifer’s gain of 1/12 of Space-Time itself….. 8.33% of 12,000 = 1000 years.
A regenerated St. Paul properly REPLACES a fallen Judas. much as the coming millennial reign of Christ replaces the original Broken system of Eternity on this earth. A 1000 year period of time on this earth that is “unknown”. For it was outside of time as we understand – Like Book ends – These two Millennial Kingdoms support Time as we understand. Do you see it? Saul and Paul are ONE IN THE SAME – Millennium Past and Millennium Future are likewise one in the same.
The replacement of the sole NT rational of the original 12 apostles clearly ties into Godtype and its Space-time observations. Though our “System” is based on the energy available from 12 millenniums of total time and its common ration/factor of 8.33. Godtype’s discoveries actually show that time is simultaneously based on 13 millenniums as well given evidence by our “Age of Empires” discovery perfectly running on a 13,000 year time clock. Perfectly matching up with the 26,000 year precession period of our Earth. It is a second calendar that runs concurrently with our 12 base Godtype space-time map. It is the FATHER’s calendar. God the Father ordains all empires on this earth, this is clear in scripture – How shocking is it that all empires on this earth have coincided with a 260/520 year cycles through out all known history? see research here. The missing 13th Millennium within our research! Just as there is a missing 13th floor of your local hi rize building, and this paradoxically “future” 13th millenium These are in fact the two Milleniums of history, they are the book ends of eternity represented by our two NT apostles.
The first millenium of the past, which was hijacked and usurped by a mighty angel, an adversary represented by a self serving rational Judas who was chosen and placed in a position of leadership by the Lord himself? A man who was unable to see the “Future” 2k domain of Grace that was just a few moments away.
The future millenium which will be ruled by Christ, represented by a redeemed rational in Paul of tarsus, a once “fallen” man who looked to the future like no other person in history.