History of Godtype and its parallels to the works of William Blake
* After 15 years of sitting in a box, over a year of research completed in the 1990’s into the the many names of the creator as taught in the Bible – this interesting illustration of “the architect” came across my desk. Without any knowledge of who painted it, I was finally spurred to create the illustration and breakdown of the “image” of the 4 person(ality’s) of the holy trinity. To consolidate that box of research on one page.
That was simply what I “Had to do”, a rare “manic” period where creativity and information simply flowed effortlessly – to find a better way to present the 4 personalities of a Trinitarian Creator we call God. The research and concepts from so many years ago flowed effortlessly and the Venn diagram I “Finally” illustrated seemed natural, as if it had always existed. I was finished in time to actually get some sleep.
Our world is an amazing place, Scientists are beginning to prove supernatural phenomena with concepts such as quantum entanglement, string theory and much more. Science that each day brings us closer to understanding the ancient Judeo Christian texts are much more about science then people are willing to believe & Science is all about God and his creation!
A week after finishing this illustration / Venn diagram of the holy trinity – Image – I sat down to learn more about the illustrator who painted this 1700’s representation of a mythical God (the Architect). I learned that it was illustrated by man named William Blake. Reading his biography It seemed I was reading a parallel story to my own life.
I learned that the image of “The Architect” came from an illustrated book in which William Blake was trying to represent of all things the (4) personalities of a pseudo-mythical God. The Four-Fold Symmetry of the Universe. Further exhaustive research pulled up this eerily similar illustrated diagram by Blake, in which much like myself he visually represents an analogy of the creator through a similar Venn diagram.
The important difference is that Godtype remains true to Orthodox Christianity with a representation of (3) distinct Beings which the ancient Jewish and Christian texts refer to as God. The key to orthodoxy is Godtype’s discovery of “Time” being what brings these (3) persons together. Time somehow represents the combined unity of (3) persons we call the Trinity. Both Blake and WB Yeats (The western worlds most famous Poet Scientists) Call this union the Fourfold symmetry. They called this 4th person (symmetry) “The Mirror”. Surely this is simply the Trinity of Godtype. A man centered view of God, for we were created in his image according to Genesis 1:6 – And all of nature, all the universe mirrors his divine being.
Blake can be seen struggling with the concept of Evil and God’s created being Lucifer (He displays John Milton’s Track for Satan).
More eery is the 4 dimensional aspects of the Godtype diagram, As you see below, A 4-dimensional sphere is represented by a (16) faceted image that matches our original 2 dimensional Godtype diagram. Another coincidence? 16 Faces match the 16 documented personalities of humanity – The 16 Godtypes.
William Blake lived in an era where he was trying to compete (poetically) with John Milton’s paradise lost & Dante’s pseudo-christian works. Blake actually Illustrated both of these giants works.
I believe this is why Blake chose to “create” a complete mythos rather than purport to stay true to orthodox Christianity or even worse, create a pseudo work much like Dante’s and Milton’s writings which looking back created very negative influences upon orthodox christianity due to mythological teachings on the concept of hell. Blake even attacked his supposed mentor Swedenborg within the pages of “Heaven and Hell” for his Elitist views and dogmatic style.
As I was having coffee and contemplating “the image” (my initial title for this research) on my back porch – I Decided to leave a giant tree limb from a massive Elm tree which came crashing down a few months back and yet remained connected to the tree at about a 20′ height. It formed a wonderful arch leading into our garden area. It was surely dangerous if it were to fall, and yet I made the rare “decision” to leave it right were it fell and to simply plant new vines that would one day live in harmony with nature as it is. Around that time the term “Godtype” entered my mind, but surely a 7 letter domain such as this would not be available? As I picked up a Blake biography a few minutes later and continued to read, surprise and an eery feeling of DeJaVu hit me squarely between the eyes. William Blake had made the exact same decision some 300 years earlier for a similar Limb that had fallen in his garden! A typical ENTP decision which took research and “Time” to finally arrive at a conclusion. Add the discovery of Godtype.com being available just a few moments later and my most important research project in light of the strange times we are living in found a new home.
Synchronicity? Pre-cognition? Holy Spirit? I tend to lean to the latter due to a lifetime of awareness and yet what is obvious to me after reading two of William Blake’s Biographies is that we are both of the same personality, the same Godtype. Research proved William Blake to be An unique ENTP personality. A “visually expressive” model as am I.
Blake has often been incorrectly labeled a infp, the reasons for this are simple – his primary function of (e) iNtuition and (e) Feeling which manifests itself through visual illustration and writing. It is just the order which is incorrect, the key to lock down any ones type is first their cognitive order – with so much information on Blake we get further clues not by what he loved but whom he “Envied”! The ENTP’s Brilliant Cognitive Polar opposite, their intellectual nemeses INTJ. Newton!

Godtype’s Book cover using William Blake’s painting entitled “Newton” showing him measuring the earth at the bottom of a mossy sea – A subtle jab at Newton’s stringent and geo centered biblical views in conflict with William Blake’s human centered philosophy
Blake created the following illustration of Newton which in typical entp fashion subtly mocked Newton’s geo-centered biblical view which he thought was blind to God’s personal involvement. He painted him at the bottom of the ocean muck, naked and measuring the earth with his geometry centered science. Though Newton was a Christian, his philosophy rejected the immortal soul, The Trinity, the Lordship of Jesus Christ and literal demons and angels – William Blake on the other had believed in a very unique and mystical fashion these basic tenets of modern “evangelical” philosophy. Blake openly mocked Newton’s Christian paradigm as well as his attacks on the uneducated Christian faithful, a paradox considering Blake’s highly individualistic views of the biblical narrative. Blake made no efforts to hide his feelings (another cognitive clue of Blake’s (e) Feeling)*.
Are these similar illustrations 200+ years apart an amazing coincidence? Apparently not. One of those biographies I read was written by a brilliant author by the name of June Singer. Singer’s book grabbed me from the first page, so as I searched for more titles from her the following book’s title seems to answer my questions.
(Blake, Jung & the Collective Unconscious – The conflict between reason and imagination)
Though I believe what secular and eastern leaning scientists refer to “Collective Unconscious” is simply a misunderstanding of the Holy Spirit, If there was ever a one sentence description of men such as William Blake, “The conflict between Reason & Imagination” would surely fit quite well.
Once again Solomon’s words pound my mind into necessary submission, “There is nothing new under the sun”, “what is has been before” rings so true…
Milton Thomas X
*06/09/2012 Wow! Check out this writing I just discovered by William Blake from his “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell”. Like Blake, I have spent a lifetime studying both the occult (apologetics) and orthodoxy. Understanding that “Ancient Traditions” as Blake references should not be simply discarded. The many Midrash & Apocryphal sources though not part of “Gods word” they are surely inspired by “Man”(Hell) and yet contain nuggets of truth which must be discerned in light of scriptures. Blake quotes in his book a tradition he heard from “hell” itself that the earth will be consumed by Fire after 6000 years! Exactly as the Godtype Space-Time Map infers!
WB Keats? How about Yeats?
Some interesting observations here, but you need an editor.
Amen. Thank you for performing a bit of editing for me…. It is a problem proof reading your own work. I am a researcher / philosopher, not an editor. These two professions are mastered by very different personalities…..Dare I say very different Godtypes! God Bless.