The 8 cognitive processes

Below are the 8 cognitive processes. These are very important to understand because they are at the root of who we are. The evidence for the duality (positive and negative) feedback is overwhelming and yet academia still refers to these important cognitive functions and their amazing order and design as “theory”. Why? The answer is simple, Cognitive science as researched in America by researchers such as Kearsey (Jr. & Sr.) Nardi and Russian Socionics pioneers  give absolute Evidence to a “mechanistic” and “created” cognitive genotype – Godtype.

We have arranged the 16 base temperament types according to our innitial research into the sequence and order we  intuitively proposed for the Godtype Code.   Amazingly, Russian scientists had mathematically computated the exact same order!  Another statistical anamoly that gives credence to inteligent design of our God given personalities .

Conscious Processes


Subconscious Processes

Godtype code as defined by  • Keirsey / Socionics • USA / Rusia 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH 6TH 7TH 8TH
#1 ENTP— Inventor Explorer eN  iT eF iS iN eT iF eS
#2 ENTJ— Strategist Mobilizer eT iN  eS  iF iT eN iS eF
#3 ENFP — Discoverer Advocate eN iF eT iS iN eF iT eS
#4 ENFJ — Envisioner Mentor eF iN eS iT iF eN iS eT
#5 ESTP — Promoter / Conquerer eS iT eF iN iS eT iF eN
#6 ESTJ  Implementor Supervisor eT iS eN iF iT eS iN eF
 #7 ESFP  Motivator / Performer eS iF eT iN iS eF iT eN
#8 ESFJ — Provider / Facilitator / Caretaker eF iS eN iT iF eS iN eT
#9 INTP — Designer Theorizer iT eN iS iF eT iN eS iF
#10 INTJ Conceptualizer Director iN eT iF iS eN
eF iS
#11 INFP — Harmonizer Clarifier iF eN iS iT eF iN eS iT
#12 INFJ— Foreseer Developer iN eF iT iS eN iF eT iS
#13 ISTP — Analyzer Operator iT eS iN iF eT iS eN iF
#14 ISTJ — Planner Inspector
 eT iF eN eS  iT eF iN
#15 ISFP — Composer Producer iF eS iN iT eF iS eN iT
#16 ISFJ— Protector Supporter iS eF iT eN eS iF eT iN



Posted by on Jun 1 2011. Filed under Cognitive Fuctions. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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