“For Now We See Through a glass darkly” Presidential Politics
Is it Biblical if visions of the future come to us in “dreams” or through historical research and what the church has called “listening to the holy spirit” ? – Does not Judeo-Christian teaching allow for this? Or are these prophetic visions “extreme” strategic simulations from pattern “seeing minds”?
“For Now We See Through A Glass Darkly” 1 Corinthians: 13

Alan Keyes Campaign Button 2000. Created by Author and worn by thousands of Republican “original Tea party” Delegates at the National Convention
A personal blog…
In 1998 I had a dream, a “vision” that I did not clearly understand. I woke my wife up at 4am and told her emphatically that America would have our first African American president in 2008! As I researched all the possible candidates from an early Libertarian/Pro-Life point of view I discovered Alan Keyes. This must be him I thought, Alan must be destined to be president in 2008 – So I put all my efforts towards this end by co-managing the Minnesota State campaign in 2000, building one of the most visited websites of the 2000 campaign at DECLARATION.ORG and spearheaded the Alan Keys for VP delegation at the national Republican Convention where 1 in 3 delegates proudly wore the button I designed to the right.
The campaign button I designed and printed above was being worn by 1000’s of early “tea party” republicans at the national convention in 2000 is evidence of this vision.
From the offset my goal was for Alan Keyes to get the VP nomination, my vision was typical of strategic thinkers and long term -it was 2008 which my dream showed would have our first African American President, I was looking forward to 2008, not 2000. To the angst of my co-manager who was leading this endeavor who would catch me positioning for the VP nomination and never the “presidential” office. I also tried to no avail to call this “grass roots” movement at declaration.org the “Tea Party” – every one told me it was silly, the tea party was an “event” not a political affiliation! (dislikeing Keyes favorite term “grass roots”? from the very start) Ultimately, I designed & printed several thousands of Keyes for VP buttons that were being worn by thousands of the original grass roots (tea party) delegates at the 2000 national convention.
GW Bush cut this possible future short with the excellent but possibly history changing choice of Dick Cheney that eased the minds of the early “tea party” which was still unsure of this Texas Governor. (A selfish choice! not positioning a candidate to run in 2008) As for myself I began to realize the first African American president would most likely be a democrat.
Just 2 years later it was prophetically appropriate when Barack Obama was being coronated Senator from Illinois and Chicagoland. Alan Keyes moved to Illinois to ironically run against the Leftist Radical who was being groomed for the presidency in 2008. The Chicagoland machine actually arranged for Obama to run unopposed up to his coronation, that is until Keyes was requested to come to Illinois and debate this unabashed socialist with his contrasting libertarian and Christian ideals. Surely Alan Keyes understood as I did at that first debate – Barack Obama was the “Chosen” one. (spoken to Alan since and he understood as I did in that first debate in 2002)
I Continued to hope and pray for the opposite. Putting efforts to support John McCain even though an entire year of my life was spent politically attacking him in 1999 (our “grassroots” Minnesota Campaign was the only one on Super Tuesday 2000 to beat him – even though the Tribune polls predicted him the winner). So much for polls by our supernaturally controlled media! Is history written in stone? Possibly, but I still believe that Dreams and Visions are calls to action.
In 2008 I had another “vision” that crossed party lines, after simply doing historical research I was left with that same “rare” gut feeling I had not had since 2002 , This time I came to an understanding that Sarah Palin and Joseph Biden would be the VP Nominees. So I took a chance and published my first ever essay to set these predictions in stone. See the article here. The rest is history.
Milton Thomas X
Many years later I got the opportunity to Dialogue with Ambassador Keyes on World Net Daily. He Since reposted our conversation on his Website . Alan it seems has chosen to completely remove himself from any political affiliations unless we have the perfect Christian candidate that meets his criteria? And ridicule any one who disagrees…..
I have grown wiser since my youthful strategist days 16 years ago, and more recently since 3 years ago have finally come to a point that is more in line with what Chuck Missler has said on Christian Voting”
“”Treat your vote as a franchise given by God. Not many countries enjoy this opportunity. You have no right to bemoan the loss of that which you did not seek to protect. Finally, I believe our solution ultimately lies in the prayer closet rather than in the ballot box. I believe God can restore this beachhead for the Gospel to a hurting world.””