Isaac Newton’s Notes on the Temple of Solomon (Translated from the latin)

Isaac Newton Quote: “It is the perfection of God’s works that they are all done with the greatest simplicity, He is the God of order and not of confusion.”
Drafts concerning Solomon’s Temple and the sacred cubit
translated from the Latin to English via Google Translate
Josephus and Philo described thus far from the temple who had seen the place , held his distinct form . and the disposition of the parts to each other . They write these Talmudic agreement , but not the tradition of our ancestors , writing from Ida viewers , description less distanctam set . In contrast, the measures taken in the yards of their tradition , Joseph obtained exactly the same place during the elbows of others for expressing fractional numbers intact for the next round ended, he often , and whom he did not know exactly supplevisse seems conjectando
And from all of Ida Sanctuarij certain general form can be formed , which will be rendered more distinct finally obtained exactly where each of the measures taken . But when Joseph elbows
For the Talmudic Jews , Josephus speaks to the
With these measures, together measuring latitudes atrij females . Turn the corner a little gerentiæ ANTECHAMBER angle. atrij to them so they must be of the great eng . How far . answer . So are their eng . Outer walls and inner walls 30c 1mathML formulac 1C 32mathML cubits the width of the whole formula here and there , adding the width of the court for the women will complete 200 cub likewise as in atr . sup . So, then, will be broadcast Sacrarij width 135c within buildings : 135 cub , within the space of 200 randomly BETWEEN TWO WALLS cub inside the wall , including a wall at 232 C and 220 randomly Chajil cub . Harmony, which I think the breadth of the work enough to be confirmed .
So the court 135 female cub . a little wide and 30 cubits wide and two side wall 200 cubits, the breadth of the outmost 2mathML formula cub side accomplished within the space of as BETWEEN TWO WALLS from higher court . Such consent compute confirm each other .
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Hence it is clear that the mistake writing Talmudic court females was 135 cubits in the square, including a measure that is also the court of Israel and one of the priests with the wall, place the driving kills. atrij fæm . Otherwise, they will be adding to the elbow 46 to the east , however, together with further country court canceled the week it will not be great .
We therefore hold the dimensions of this sanctuarij .
Under buildings just described were dug out of the well to the various baths and cellars under the portico of the north room of salt in which they laid the meat offerings for salt , seasoned salt conclave Hypparvæ in which the skins of the victims and the bath room where the victims were washing the intestines . These cellars were because the roof was equal to only Hipparvæ atrij & bath on the roof of a room rose Hypparvæ snail . But these and similar masses , which we used in the above uses . / The apsidal recess hewn stones sat Synedrion great .
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[ Editorial Note 1]
and went on as far as the post of the second in the wicket gate of the temple, that he was going through the doors of the space between the exterior and in the interior, and gate them . In the thickness of the wall to enter a snail in the corner of the house from where the third wicket gate leading into the lower chamber in the middle of the fourth, the fifth highest in the corner of the Temple for the east and north of the Talmud describe five doors . From there , however, in each of the plates, we enter into the second chamber from the first through the door in the midst of the rest of the wall and in like manner successively from the second in the round about. And these are the things that describe almost Talmudic .
As complete a description of this temple are the measures of Josephus and Talmudic conferred among themselves . Of these there is no opportunity to discuss the subject at length .
So where Joseph and sets the width of an internal porch 20 thru 40 and cub cub wrote 13mathML 26mathML formula and the formula and where he sets doore vestments . eng 25 (perhaps more correctly, 35 ) and alt 70 cub wrote 16mathML formula or formula 23mathML & 46mathML formula. So for Joseph . conciliabitur Talmudicis who place large porch with almost 11 cub , doore the lat and alt 40 20 cub cub . Talmudic tradition had taken measures to cut off , keep the elbows prop. Joseph changing the measure to the elbow of the other sets of integers and round numbers for accuracy and did not know where the expulsion cubits , from the idea of building it once seemed to have assigned neighbors. Except for the talks. Hence it happens that the sacred cubit of been brought back to his Talm not always in conformity with the . / Thus, therefore, or Talmudic at all
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[ Editorial Note 2 ]
The same reason it is also thwarted a walk among the pillars of the east portico of the temple so as to define the dimensions of the length of the Talmudic . 5 cub anterior wall of the porch : Product 11 cub . Anterior wall of the Temple holy place cub 6 40 1 cub cub curtain wall recesses 20c sinful 6 cub . The chamber wall 6 bedrooms 5 cub cub . Total 100 cub . [ Thus, from the center of the veil to get the elbow to the wall 100 and the front porch of the house cub 54 so that all but the temple was standing there in the tabernacle in a separate place in the case that they be assigned to the western part of the inner atrij hundred cubits in length and breadth of the square measure Mosaic . ] so the breadth of the count . 5 IMPLUVIUM wall impluvij cub cub 3 . The bridal chamber wall cubes cub 6 . 6 cub wall of the temple . From the middle to the Temple 10 Total cub cub cub 70 35 duplicate makes complete width . But why drop off a wall of rain check so thick I can not see clearly established . I would play a large and elegant breastplate two cubits high, and to set up the remaining three cubits high, and to increase the width of the chamber . So for the entire width of the house with the bedrooms will be sixty cubits completely affirm that Joseph and Ezra chapter . But Talmudic chamber 38 around the place , I mean, fifteen to one side and to the other 15 that is in each of the five panels of three to the west of the lowest floor in the middle and three in the last two . Read up on the twelve steps of the court . Door wide porch was 20 cubits high, 40 . 10 high 20 wide the door of the temple and she had four doors , two inside and two outside. Opened within the outer wall of the gas to cover the width of the interior within the temple . There were two sides to the entry doors on either side . North of that came in through the doors of the house and he wanted to open it in the middle of the wall
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ta high ] would cut storey [ cœniculo above established ] only the first houses [ Please understand ] open in a perpetual high , and by ninety feet away , with a long [ inside ] and he was twenty five feet across . – Around the sides of the lower house [ to the floor the rising ] many were pervij triple chamber floor to another board , and to both [ the ] side of the entrance gate to them [ the temple , α [1] , in his post, the doors to both the wall side suspended , ] opened. [ From the middle of the wall six cubits wide , winding stairs to enter in the corner of the house leading to the upper chamber and a snail on each other in the middle of rooms doore patent circundabatur temple . ] Upper part of the same was not in the bedroom , it was much too narrow, too high of forty yards and not be so ambitious as a lower . Hundred gathered for the summit , adding that they were in a mere sixty yards . – But before the Altar of the Temple fifteen cubits [ from the original ] deep , wide and long corners castle , and to the south by climbing the steep resupinabatur it mildly . Without iron , however, was built with , and will not at any time the iron had touched her . But most of the rock surrounding the temple aramque mail with most people that stood up to the elbow [ east ] separated by priests . Gonorrhæos seed that is flowing and the lepers, the whole state is barred , and the woman’s monthly pay was closed . And on those [ worldly wall ] lest any pus women go beyond the limit allowed . But the men , who were not all that chastened by the lower court to the east at the beginning of the second { } prasitem ] and by the priests who were pure [ interjected that breastplate ] forbidden . So far , Joseph , who β [2] elsewhere so these last < 2r > repeats . Four galleries [ or arcade halls decorated ] has the temple around and appropriate to each of these , the law had custody . So was all the permission to enter into the exterior of others [ from the court said :] women were forbidden to cross only rags . But in the second porch [ names the podium so that the gallery was constructed in the shape of ] all the Jews and their partners to come in when we were from all the pollution of the world. Third of male Jews in the world and being purified . But in the fourth , putting the priestly robes . In the introduction, the only wise retraced its steps, the chief priests.
Quite in agreement with these write γ [3] The court delivering great Talmudic (which they call the mountain house ) was square , and the long and five hundred cubits wide from outside the porch between the sacred and the stories and a porch that is surrounded by a double porch , surrounded by the inner wall of the first Jewish folk lattice two cubits high , whom they call סורג Soreg , then a solid wall of said inner חיל Chajil , whose height was ten cubits toward the east , but from other major countries , after which the space BETWEEN TWO WALLS ten cubits wide and the last of the gates and buildings apsidal recess . Talmudic confuse the two eastern gates only one describing him ascribentes both conditions , they number three southern advancing from the west , the heat and the water gate, the gate of the offering , the fire in the house of the three, the northern gate of the offering and the projections of the gate . Adds R. Iose occidentaliores two gates , one on the south side of said door upper, the other on the north side of said door Jeconiah . Talmudic six inner Rooms also count in the inner court . Between these two gates are being put together every one of the other two and should be added to the outside towards the west in the gates, so that it was done. For from Joseph [4] understand apsidal recess in two corners atrij west had failed . Projections of the upper chamber and the gate had to watch the high priests and the Levites were acting hells where they had a door that opened toward the wall and the house burning Chajil So Camerata was large and had four bedrooms, two bottome in the holy place , that is in the region of the galleries, which were opened two of the inner courtyard of the profile that is in place in the region of the outer ga < 3r > zophylaciorum which were closed by the court , and as such outside the court in the place that is comparatively profile established. And these two things is a place that is opened toward the space BETWEEN TWO WALLS . Similarly apsidal recess , which told of a square stone was set partly in the holy place, that is, above the portico, and partly in the profile that is above the chamber , and was opened in the place of the common, or the distance BETWEEN TWO WALLS , and was the most honorable and august , sat in it for the great Sanhedrim seventy elders . Definition to frame the remaining gates and apsidal recess were like the court to be appointed a uniform . But they were only two rooms in the eastern gate of hell, living room and bedroom of the gate on the right Phinesi vestiarij cooking pans from the left , from where it is collected in more established side atrij gazophylacijs gone. Outside the place of women in the corners atrij apsidal recess four courts were each 40 cubits long sacred . It surely built Zerubbabel courts that had been in place in the corners atrij great. But this atrij walls were smooth and flat and the place had a porch attached to the podium in the women around to look out above the adoring husband of hell. Under the court of Israel were in the cell which aperiebeantur court females in which the Levites harps psalteries cymbals amp ; her other musical instruments placed. The east side of the stairs going up to the great hall of the twelve women in the court and out of court that 15 semicircular steps into the court of Israel, as a long and 135 yards wide, was eleven . This court was divided up by the court was one of the priests , hence conclude Talmudic court of Israel to have been higher , although climbing < 4R > cubitus Josephus was a mail on a boundary between areas of the same height . He was certainly in the court of the Eastern Argus atrij priests . In the margin between the north and the breastplate of the offering from the region of the altar where sacrifices to BUTCHER’S SHOP was suspended eight columns were stripped of flesh and skins as many arranged on tables and washing. Offering sacrifices were brought in through the gate to the North side of the altar inside the slaying of mail . There were twenty four rings fixed to the floor of the six divisions, which tied the slaughter sacrifices . Between the rings and the tables had four elbow , and it appears that he put on the breastplate of the interval which transijsse [5] Rabbini case where someone was standing outside the court intionum extends his hand inside the blood and sacrifice of the killed or killed welcomes that and where the slain beast foot extends beyond the court . Heereupon breastplate addition there have been clear : that it was a necessary sacrifice to cœsa promptly carried to the massacre . But the opening of mail had to answer the door of the gate , so that the country stood at the gate of the director. After the first of the first fruits brought by opposition Oblation porttam animals that were slaughtered on the South side of the altar . And between those gates Talmudic 135 cubits wide atrij put it so count . Climbing the 30 cubits. The width of the 32 cub . between the altar and place the rings 8 cub . Place rings 24 cub . From tables 4 to elbow. 4 A, the columns of the month at the elbow . From the pillars to the wall atrij 8 elbow. The remaining 29 are partly elbow space occupied by pillars , some space between the wall and the ascent of the south atrij . These [6] Rabbini recent < 5R > divide into two types . But I may be established in such a way that the altar in the midst of so divided and atrij , which will be done if they are to be appointed and a half of the distance between the going up of twenty cubits , and the wall of the altar and the rest of the columns of the four and a half . Yea verily attribute of those four and a half with one half of the breadth of the tables ( Ezekiel 40 and the remaining two bases of the columns . Placed on the line for the month over the same number of columns , each of them one answered likewise arranged in a straight line and, therefore, no more than the width of the space occupied by the the base of one of the pillars . altar in the public eye , then the center of the walls of the gates was distant elbows 67mathML formula from the breastplate of about 50 yards , so the court was within a hundred cubits wide on the breastplate of as states [7] Hecataeus duplicate atrij sure measure of the mosaic , and margins atrij both measures were enacted 17mathML formula. breadth of the building and the space between the edges of the audit so bETWEEN TWO WALLS . sockets of the pillars of the porch 3mathML formula cub . interior width is twice the width of the base of the rows . wall with semicolumnis 3mathML formula cub . interior width of the chamber wall and the location of the steps leading 7mathML formula cub 8 to higher cub . exterior wall 2mathML formula cub . 32mathML Total formula cub . duplicate this add 135 yards and becomes the hundred yards wide, including buildings . frame the same width of the external atrij women be included atrijs corners . add space bETWEEN TWO WALLS ten cubits on both bodies will be made within sacrarij Chajil entire width of the wall 220 cubits .
187 cubits in length atrij Talmudic put it by mail to the west wall so compute . Between Israel and the court of the priests, ministers, not eleven cubits . The 32 cub . Between the altar and the porch of the house 22 cub . Temple 100 cub . Between the church and the west wall atrij 11 cub . Thus compute the length of the temple . 5 cub porch wall . Entry < 6r > 11cub interior width . 6 cub wall of the temple . 40 cub holy place . Veil. 1 cub . Holy of holies 20 cub . Wall 6 cub . The chamber 6 cub . 5 bedroom wall cub . All of which add to the court of Israel 11 cub . and filled the 187 cub . Here, from the center of the altar at the west end of the cube are atrij 149, nearly double the { measure } Mosaic . On the other side of the center of the altar to the breastplate ELBOW towards the east, where the proportion of Mosaic duplicate should be elbow elbow 50 are only 27 , so that for the court that from the eastern side of the temple { } decurtarunt to court women more space left . Hence also the chambers made and there is no margin there atrij third quarter less than they did from the other sides . Also, we assume that walking between the rows of columns and pillars interwoven wall about the same proportion will decrease the width of walking 4mathML formula cubits , the wall like a palm tree , and it was about six or seven rows of eleven cubits , which together with the remainder atrij length makes 198 cubits . Add the entire length of the wall will be completed and a couple of hundred yards west cubits . Thus, the standard length Mosaic duplicate that ought to be found within the breastplate of Jews all over the court , including buildings held . So also the length of the square will be equal in width shrine . BETWEEN TWO WALLS add both space and will be completed within the entire length of the wall that is 220 cubits Chajil width equal to the inside wall of the same , and so the entire area within the wall, it will be a square , and the sanctuary of space BETWEEN TWO WALLS ten cubits wide on all sides, so that his dress sense around the square and make a significant . And thus he has a clear affirmation confirms Joseph shrine above the square was surrounded by a wall and proper . Means for not including the whole shrine < 7r > to court women thought of the chapel but sacrarij plane above that of the court to a woman by the steps going up to fifteen and that was strictly confined His words τετραγὼνον δὲ ἄνω square up perspicuὲ mean higher plane . Furthermore sacrarij dimensions as to the length of the gates and apsidal recess appointment teaches alleged to be on the straight to the side, which is the case .
Joseph is evident from the doors of the seven gates corresponding to them and even { illeg } { illeg } { equals } intervals from each other and the two gates have been several measures { } apsidal recess period of thirty cubits pagans that is sacred about Joseph converting } { twenty cubits of the sacred Greek often uses the numbers next round { } . { } I wrote this place twenty twenty two . Apsidal recess for two columns , each of which they were a smaller space in { } can not be disastrous . These environments consent of Josephus and Talmudic was eight cubits. Whereupon, the diameter of the shaft is 2mathML formula cubits. To this in the proportion of three to capture the breadth of the base will be two cubits 3mathML formula or almost 23 palms . This one is only 22 palms . Intervals bases of { illeg } should not be smaller bases . [ If Philo comparing the two circuit courts not describe it other than this , and in the provision of more austerity submissiorem be carried before him hardly committed some columns so crowded . ] Let intervals equal bases bases ] customary equal (for the proportion that is the simplest ) and two pillars semicolumnis with four and three intercolumnijs occupy For twenty cubits apsidal recess between the gates to one of the two count . But after removing the door of the gate equal apsidal recess . For example, consist with each other thus all things of the best. 32 cubits wide gate offering two intermediate obtained exactly the answer . Apsidal recess two nearby west < 8r > the breadth twenty- two cubits answer the same width space between the altar and the temple . The gates of the fire and two apsidal recess next two gates , and the last will occupy the entire space of 86 cubits from the region of the lateral chamber rises above the porch of the temple . Apsidal recess and the last two with wall three feet thick fill the space left his West 23 cubits to the west wall atrij . To the east were the last two apsidal recess width 22 cub . answer in the space of the same width between the altar and the porch of the east. And the gates of the two wings of the last Westerners breadth eleven cubits east portico capture and doors lead to interstitial space: BETWEEN TWO WALLS of the same width. The doors of the gates of all the Talmudic were ten feet wide and twenty high . [ The wings two Eastern seize the eastern wall space BETWEEN TWO WALLS prominebunt and more women in the court . Hence one of these gates, the gate of the Talmudic term projections . The same Iose calls gate Kent. Of course, the Levites sang in two places , one that is in the space of fifteen degrees above BETWEEN TWO WALLS over this gate , next to the pulpit, putting on the breastplate ELBOW inner courtyard between Israel and the. Through the gates of these two were going into the court of the women , both men and women and so their doors were not brought into the inner court . These gates still stood with the other seven in the inner wall atrij because Joseph brass gate in the courtyard of a woman from the other nine silver distinguishes naming gate ἔξω της νεως outside the temple that is outside the inner sanctuary . And in these circumstances we are setting up the gates of the site confirmed formation.
Forward to the inner courtyard of the court produced qualifier < 9r > Women apsidal recess so the series is produced on both sides of the gates and joined the direct exhedris open ANTECHAMBER or two here and two from there, and the space BETWEEN TWO WALLS prodctum embraces all. Thus we understand from the Talmudists who say they were a little each 40 feet long , and in each of the corners atrij women stood . Whereupon the wings of the east gate of the corners are drawing prominent Westerners . If they remain on the outside and the inside space BETWEEN TWO WALLS ANTECHAMBER will yield more attractive to all aspects of the interior and the length of the porch, to the east of the eastern wall there will atrij females . BETWEEN TWO WALLS space 10 cub . 2 cub wall . Saw 40 cub . Wall 1mathML formula cub . Walk of between 5 little cub . Wall a little further 1mathML formula. Saw it 40 cub . Total 100 cub . Add the inner sanctuary of the total length will be 300 cub . Add the east wall atrij female cub and 2 BETWEEN TWO WALLS space here and there and the whole length of the wall will be 322 Chajil cub . This is the thickest wall set up and that was remote, and also that she had closed the gates to the ram of the same author , Joseph , the bravest , the city walls, which made it easy to quit the habit of constantly ringing through the whole week , nothing at all to profit . So thick was six rivals the outermost wall of the temple of Ezekiel , Chapter 40.5 , and the whole Sanctuarij length will be 334 cubits , its breadth 232 cubits . Weaknesses internal width 135 cub . and the rest of the formula 48mathML half the length of the gate , which makes it easy if you add ornaments completed 50 cubits in length than those assigned to the gates of Ezekiel . BETWEEN TWO WALLS space through the gates < 9ar > { all } doore across ten cubits wide and twenty high pass frame . Which settled apsidal recess height of the door , the local dissenters, and to be broad in females atrij porportione nearly one and a half . For those dimensions in the gates are 48mathML formula and 32 cub . 22 and the exhedris 32mathML formula cub . Put in place a separate entrance in the courtyard, and the female cub and 90 135 and 88 135 cub . The simplicity of proportions in the sacred structures especially motivated . Women want Talmudic court was square . The manner in which we must add the elbow 47 east . But such dimensions together with space for seven canceled and not take any more big court and sanctuarij entire length of 334 cubits above asignata clearly established double argument . The one thing that [9] Hecataeus wrote around the time of Alexander the great stone wall of the temple to be long as five plethris . There Hecataeus breadth sanctuarij puts hundred cubits , that is, within the breastplate . They are so sacred elbow Hecataeus Greek man living in Egypt and measures taken by the Jews to their elbows in it , nor did he know that these sacred to the Greeks who wrote them back . So the thought of listening to vulgar and elbows elbows because of the simplicity of expression put plethros . Elbow and back wall of stone, the length will be 334 cubits cubits 333mathML formula or a whole number as above. The altar must be made in the midst of it is that the second argument to stand sacrarij of the whole. For once stood in the midst of the Great atrij Jews and his place was not easy to change , too, had to stand in the middle of the inner sanctuary of the great atrij their eastern and western borders, and equally < 10r > distant from its sides . The site would be a disgraced and other irregular gates of their offerings to look directly at the gates . It stands , therefore, in general, the center of the altar, And after this, in the description of the case is of us all. Stands at the altar in the middle of the inner atrij that temple porch and the eastern side is terminated , then the distance from the inner wall , right to the whole sanctuarij Chajil 161 yards on either side , and even in the midst of even atrij great. The court can not help but increase the women’s one measure concentricitas cease.
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The interior width of 11 cub . 6 cub wall of the temple . 40 cub holy place . 1 cub veil . Holy of holies 20 cub . Wall 6 cub . The chamber 6 cub . her father’s room wall 5 cub .
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These two were going through the gates of both women and men in the court of the women were not so their doors in the inner court , these are still standing by the fact that Joseph p atrij inner gate tenth of the remaining nine distinguishes naming it outside the gate of the temple that is outside the gate ἐξω της νεως inside the shrine . Therefore only the tenth gate that stood outside the shrine earlier. These circumstances and situations
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stores except the east
atrij FAE
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30 cubits wide for the little courts , including the court against the wall of a woman ‘s own projections and the gate of the gate æq . numbered cub . 40 for the length of their little courts including the eastern wall . And the length of the wall thickness is cubitus little cub will be 39 . wall excluded. Added another court of the same length and the total length between the projections and the east wall of the women will be 79 atrij cub . Add to that gate and the east wing of the door and the total length will be 200 cub . This is the length of women including atrij BETWEEN TWO WALLS interior space . Add to the above the shrine and the total length will be 300 cubits . Add atrij east wall of the women and a whole sacrarij bicubitalem and length will be within the space BETWEEN TWO WALLS 302 cubits . BETWEEN TWO WALLS add space on both sides and the entire length of the wall will be 322 Chajil cub . This is the thickest wall set up and that was remote, and had the doors of the gates to the Roman author Joseph ram this wall , the bravest of the city walls which made it easy to quit the habit of constantly ringing through the whole week of no progress at all . Therefore, the thickness of the outer wall of the model to be six cubits in the temple of Ezekiel chapter 4 . and the total length of the external sanctuarij be 334 cubits . The one thing that is confirmed by the fact that the argument of double G Hecataeus man Josephus writes length
for example, the total length of two cubits and completed atrij hundred yards . Thus, the measure of the two hundred Jews than they should have to keep within the breastplate , retained within the outer walls . Add the east portico of 11 cub . and a further 10 BETWEEN TWO WALLS cub . and the total length will be 221 cubits Chajil within the wall , that is about five plethrorum affirms that [10] Hecataeus . For five plethri are elbow 333. But the Jews Hecataeus man from whom he had learned the Greek measure , expressed bed Atticus round in two thirds of the elbow from the sacred to Joseph soon be evident . 333 elbow so they are 222 sacred . So atrij length and width within the wall Chajil equal to each other (for the difference was one overlooked is ) shrine
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Whereupon the wings of the east gate of the outer corners of the West are drawn back if they remain on the outside and the inside space BETWEEN TWO WALLS ANTECHAMBER yield will be welcome everywhere, and the appearance of the whole length of the east portico . to the east wall, there will atrij females . Wall space int 10c 40c 2c ANTECHAMBER wall atr 1mathML formulac Deamb 5C m 1mathML formula. Atr . 40 . Total 100c . Add to the sacred. interior and the total length will be 300 c
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11 are missing from the total of 187 cubits . They add that the recent court of Israel . Nevertheless On the small internal breadth eleven cubits of the great length of time and perhaps inappropriate to the height of Ezekiel . 40.49 was taken poorly understood . With Joseph who had seen the place if we assume that it was 20 cubits wide and six feet wide wall thereof on every set , the temple we add the length of the bed ( if you want to increase the width of Ezekiel 41.3 ) , but the fact that the entire length of the chamber to the west entrance of the temple is 100 cubits , already she completed atrij length 187 cubits. There are some 13 of the elbow measure Mosaic duplicate it, and this is so , because the court was that the Jews in the East decurtarant to court women more space left . Hence also the chambers and there were no margin atrij there was less than a third were from the other sides . We put the porch , about the same proportion as the total decrease its width is 11 cub . Measure the length of the Trust to be 187 cubits atrij coat both sides is limited. Add to the court of the priests 11 cubits to the east and to the west of walking between the wheel and the outermost gate of the shrine < 13r > was up the square , was Joseph . For women, the court may not understand all of the sanctuary , including the opinion of the chapel , but to that of the upper plane sacrarij court females by up to fifteen degrees . And that was strictly confined . Accordingly , our calculation of the combined testimonies of Joseph and Hecatæi confirmed. Width eleven cubits frame the east portico of the water gate and west wings of the gate of the projections in the corners atrij all set to answer , and the door of the space BETWEEN TWO WALLS . For all of the gates, doors were ten feet wide and twenty high , Talmudicis authors . From other Eastern Chajil length of the wall , about three or four feet , and the other seven or eight yards further prominebunt gate . Projections that stood out was the so-called Talmudic write gate outside court . The same Iose calls gate Kent. Of course, the Levites sang in two places , one step above fifteen , that is in the space between BETWEEN TWO WALLS these gates , the other in the pulpit to putting on the breastplate ELBOW inner courtyard between Israel and the. Similar to the rest of the gate length and 32 cubits long, 22 cubits apsidal recess wel atrij responsible parties from the region . So for the first two apsidal recess answer space 22 cubits between the east portico and the altar , two openings and the length of the gate 32 cubits , 22 cubits apsidal recess two second interval between the altar and the porch , following two gate entry width 32 cubits . apsidal recess gates and two nearby apsidal recess final with their western wall together the whole length of the chamber , and the space will remain the thirteen cooking sacrifices necessary unless you prefer to produce apsidal recess last point . Thus excluding gate doore exhedris become equal . These measures also are made outside of the gate and nearly apsidal recess inside the square , which figure in the sacred buildings desired . Finally, around the temple to pay their Talmudic chamber 38 of which constitute 30
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Sanctuarij , was about five plethrorum . Five are plethri elbow Attic 333mathML formula. But the man has been in Egypt since the Greek Hecataeus Greeks living under the measure to the Kings undoubtedly learned from the Jews of Alexandria , and the thought of hearing or elbow plethros measures Greeks with their attention to the Jews . It is clear from the width of the inner atrij than Hecataeus there puts 100 cub . These are the cubes of the sacred , and to that extent [ that comes from the Jews narrations ] in these . measures taken by the Jews and that they do not know the elbows sacred cubits Hecataeus to the s of his writing are like Attica { i } were . The Jews , therefore, the measures of the temple on behalf of self- sacred in Greek, but not in its ordinary course they have set . Hecataeus for simplicity of expression as laid plethros elbows . The length will be restored to the elbow and sacrarij 333mathML cubits formula or a round number 334 as we have. The altar must be made in the midst of it is that the second argument to stand sacrarij of the whole. For once stood in the midst of the Great atrij Jews and his place was not easy to change . Also had to stand in the middle of the inner Shrine atrij of its territory and the eastern and western sides equally distant from her . Another site would be irregular and unbecoming . The altar stands in the center of the community . And after this, in the description of the case is of us all. Atrij altar stands in the middle of the priests . For, on the one hand for the garments of them were twenty and two cubits . on the other , to the porch of the temple of the whole of the east. On one side of the wings of the entrance of the temple on the other cub width 28 galleries and eastern interior space , in conjunction with similar width { home } On the one hand there is a separate room from the other court, the women’s space, a space of 90 cub cub 90. Then the two sides are . BETWEEN TWO WALLS sacrarij wall space of two to 10 cub . Chajil & wall 6 . cub . So the whole dist. Mu center of alt . to the external face of the wall as well Chajil to the one than to the other side of the { m, } is a cub 167.
[ Editorial Note 3]
the entire space of 86 cubits from the region and the porch of the house rising above the peripheral chambers , and the ultimate apsidal recess Joseph West calls together with their walls three feet thick and all the rest of the space 25 cubits to the west wall atrij . To the east were the last two apsidal recess width 22 cub . will occupy the entire space between the altar and the eastern portico . And the gates of the two wings of the West ulitmarum width 11 cub east portico INTERVAL take the doors wide 10 cub . answer further space BETWEEN TWO WALLS . The doors of the gates of all the Talmudic were 10 cubits wide and 20 deep .
< 13v >
The temple is already written , but to win with Joseph as Talmudicis measures. Of these there is no opportunity to dispute length . I will briefly say that the Jews used for the measurement of the measures under the names of the family who own bed to sacrifice for the smaller step , two cubits major stride for the sacred , sacred cubits Bera for a thousand miles or less , or two thousand cubits sacred mile journey Saturday for a greater measure of the four palms elbow ceremony for the Greeks, the Greeks and the length of the stadium for such measures 400 horses and 70 branches around the region in the valley near the temple or sacred cubits 400 for the larger stage . Josephus describes this stage of the circuit atrij exterior . Stadium kind that is from [12] where the Talmudic equal the miles that is twice the sacred stadijs seven and a half thousand cubits . And Joseph to the writing of this stadij elbow broadcast uses except some sung in St. Scripture quoted strict measures of the temple where the sacred cubit thought to be retained . That , compared with the cost of Josephus cubits elbows Talmudic rites in the following table .
By Joseph placed elbow elbow traveling . back to sacred . Elbow from Talmudicis set .
{ 40 external wall height Chajil 26mathML formula
{ 25 16mathML internal formula
15 degrees difference nineteen answered 10 9mathML formula
Height week canceled 3 2 2 cub . Vulgate .
{ Height of the gates 30 20 20
{ width 15 10 10
{ Height of the altar 15 10 10
{ width 50 33mathML formula 32
Internal height of the temple 60 40 40
Columns circuit 12 8 8
So where Joseph and puts a round number thirty cubits apsidal recess , written twenty twenty two sacred or more accurately , as above. And a similar reduction of the work others have a number of. But I have explained this in the previous four palms cubit by cubit . As a measure of the Roman to the next, the fact that Josephus was writing in Greek to the Romans, and according to his own men, the man whom they may be the use of the elbow , without doubt, they might be able to have without any special error .
11 . 17.5 . 4,5 . 7875 ( 7,1591
< 14r >
gitudo 187mathML formula is long, and the distance between the centers of the pillars of this twentieth part or 9mathML formula elbow . From the ratios of the bases of the pillars whereupon the Archite it follows that there must be four cubits was the length thereof, and four cubits, and the breadth thereof, and palms of the two diameters of the scape . So , too, it will be only as much as three pillars of men joining the arms to embrace each other , they can . Eustyle system according to Vitruvius requires somewhat smaller intervals of columns , but these are more welcome , and for the huge marble epistylijs are present here that can not be broken . The size of the columns and rows as the internal height intercolumniations collected four branches . Upper chambers built with marble walls and thick as two cubits from each other, separated by the length of the inside will have six branches, three width , height (as is done in the temple ) between the four branches , for example , or a little less . Wide spaces should not be stifled by the population . Add the thickness of the floor and roof podijque surrounding the roof height and the total height as the external sixty cubits . But the colonnades, the floor height exceeds floor atrij dimidij run out beyond the elbow and a half inches of the bases of the columns and the like, are facing court buildings where people ate the offerings during the holidays .
Atrij from the gates of the inner perimeter of the building in the same determined atrij . Surrounded him , according to the internal face of the gates with armor stone , then a margin in the open air which enters through the open doors in the sides of the doors, the porch ( Ezek. 42.6 ) than in the open doors of the outer sides of the gates located in the same, while the internal series of columns on the side of the chamber and the external media twined to the wall opposite the outer chamber director. The rooms that are on the wall of the entry in the lower chambers, which Josephus calls , and from there through the thick wall of the outermost ascend to higher levels above the lower chambers of the Princes of the porch and jointly constructed . The outer face of the wall to be established in the same plane as the outer face of the gates as well as the faces of the outermost gate of said inner face atrij Ezekiel 40.19 and also that of the lower chambers of the priests also extended so far . But beyond the floor of the gallery runs the bases of the columns and a half inches of the edge of the sun- and even exceed the height of the floor of the margin dimidij elbow. Which shall be so arranged that in the same latitudes atrij inner temple second , of course , within the breastplate ELBOW hundred cubits , and five hundred thirty two hundred buildings within buildings and inclusive. But these galleries with the equality of all the structures of the chamber with a width < 15r > arcade atrij exterior , this is also the length of walking between them eretut intercolmumnijs equal. Between the manner in which four out of one side of the gate , and four out of the other one with the breadth of the gate side occupy atrij Hundred, organized and stand between the other two out of the area and the eastern margin of the outermost wall of the space inside the left corner atrij other two intercolumniations . Between each of the bedrooms and on each one built on the south side of the twelve will be atrij chambers , as many in the north , with the number of priests who are assigned to the captains of the band . There remain in the side of the eastern chambers, one of which is the great Sanhedrim , and the other rites of the priests and of the Levites, the rest of the morning and evening meetings are to be appointed to the high priest . Sanhedrim great and sacred chambers larger meetings are necessary and should be assigned to the high priest greater than the other princes . Why each of the bedrooms, and six will be handed out between the two chambers on the eastern side, completing a total of thirty rooms around atrij interior . Thus , within a compact, five branches , three branches in those principles long one and a half wide . If, for example, is half the height of the two branches , and the gallery is like an internal height of three , adding the thickness of the floor and the roof and the roof height podij surrounding the entire height of the external spend at least forty cubits . And such is the nature of the high priest , and the building of the interior of Princes in atrij round about .
Of the priests of the lower buildings of the place from side to side in such a way that they have separated . The gallery already described and portrayed interjacent WALKING closets now lie in a straight line , the door to the middle of each interval of looking directly : how old space left ten bedrooms and twenty cubits wide left dimidij , five bedrooms, the cooks and the court toward the outer court nineteen cubits wide and dimidij . < Insertion from f 14v > The width of the first measure taken against the separate place as there is produced a separate mail with rocky heights around , left behind with the breastplate of a three or four bedrooms and palms wide . < Text from f 15r resumes > Paradromi < 16r > is that when one of the chambers, by means of common unto all things, by going after the ascension of some one mounts the ladder by means of Paradromides . But the scale of the thickness of the wall to the east , which conveniently meant for those issued Paradromidum extensive withdrawal must be seven or eight cubits, for example , by constructing the hell in the thickness of the cells that serve to replace the sacred garments of the priests . If the total length of the Hundred stranded walls divided into ten parts , and gives the length of each chamber as internal branches of one and a half . Is about the same width and height of each shelter and the board when they finish above the height of the entire external Podio as forty cubits. And such are the buildings where people ate the offerings of the priests .
< Insertion from f 15v >
Ministers of the temple gates are assigned rooms on the floor, the lowest among the highest . Go down to the lowest of the baths, wells , granaries , and cellars for wine, olive oil, salt and skins of the sacrifices and the like keeping ———–
In the chambers of the east gate to the inner sides of the porch of musical instruments can be replaced Kent. those of the outer gate to the north, there are lambs to sacrifice daily . Excavated around the roof atrij tenths lighter founding perhaps serve .
But Sanctuarij sacred vessels and the like are reserving dedicated peripheral chambers around the temple. In order to enter in at the gate of the temple that by winding stairs , and go up the second time, as in a temple . Internal height of 6.10 , which is five three times in 1 Kings, together with the plates, and the roof will enable external twenty cubits the height to a minimum. The roof and the floor is thinner that can be supported by wooden walls of the chambers . With the height of the wall, and they are described here assigned in this manner in the temple of Solomon . Built [ s ] twenty cubits [ walls ] sides of the house to her pure cedar from floor to roof in 1 Kings . 6.16 . Treasury lowest <text from f 16r resumes> Gazophylacium lowest five wide , the mean of six , the last seven in 1 Kings 6.6 . Such a person, as it were, the length of the altitude is sufficiently congruent , and the breadth was six cubits : thirty chambers, the manner in which , to the twelve , twelve to the north and to the south, to the west in each of the six plates, the temple of the gird . In order to complete all of the chambers of the house and seventy feet wide , with two series of chambers such requiruentur paradromide interval , the walls are constructed of wood on top so that the reflected light . < 17r >
Shrine length width and height were twenty cubits in 1 Kings 6.20 . Cubic shape of this type was the new city of Jerusalem, Rev. 21 . So it is altogether to be maintained . The depth of this holy place was thirty cubits in 1 Kings 6.2 , because the door was twenty cubits high, so that the height and width of it was so doore double height wall above the door was double the width of the walls at the sides of the doore . < Insertion from f 16v > This is the lowest , middle and highest superimponendum the temple with a shelter, their boards and Podio complete a hundred cubits high and twenty 2 Chron . 3.4. Through step by step upwards to the higher levels in the wall of the east . Width, height, so that the rest of the programming is not a lot to overcome to yield a handsome wooden lintel beam . < Text from f 17r resumes > As it is some time before by a tent, so they were none, the Temple of the lower windows . So light that there were burning continually . Turn loose the angels abode in the darkness (1 Kings 8.12 . Psalm 18.9, 11, & 97.2 ) except where the place was to be restored from the upper chamber and the light from above immittebatur . For the upper chamber were windows adorn the outside of the temple . Not experienced a lack of windows below , round about the building lateral . < Insertion from between the lines > Below the temple storehouse deponiatur not honor God’s throne located immediately above the ground before the door of the court, placed prominent brass pillars supporting the front porch of Trade settled . The width of the base of the six directions twelve cubits high elbow to the top of the doore . From the height of the pillars elbow elbow five to eighteen and chapters 1 Kings 6.15 , 16, goes to the polls, the bases of the columns and the height is thirty five cubits 2 Chron . 3.15 .
< Text from f 17r resumes >
Furthermore, when the length of the place is separated Hundred, and the length of the inner atrij hundred cubits, the combined length of the two will be two hundred cubits. Frame the whole temple stand on the porch and a separate place in the whole of the inner court , and a breastplate made of stone , drawn from the angle of the front side of the house to the front corner of the building where they eat the sacrifices of the divide between the separate place , and the inner courtyard . For the inner courtyard of a uniform coat on all sides and a separate entrance manned no clear leader. < 18r > Thus the local latitude to separate sides of the temple will be fifteen cubits , seven cubits to the west and the east side of the building between the east and the lateral face of the coat three cubits . What measures should be added to the lateral width of building seventy cubits in length and will be completed ninety cubits the breadth and length of the separated hundred cubits . Same as the length of the house is completed . Bronze column bases occupy six cubits , twenty cubits platforms , six cubits east wall of this holy place , a holy place forty cubits , the wall between the two measures of the shrine of the western wall of the shrine and twenty cubits six cubits . Total elbow hundred . Breastplate to draw outside the west wall of the same height with permanent buildings and similar wall around clandatur outer court to the same side .
Which we have established the structure of the house, where he uses all secured necessary lacks nothing that can not easily be supplied , no glory is spurious and useless, but all are magnificent and the best order, with the highest proportions connected . And more worthy of the most sacred places in rank and dignity are kept, other property in the appropriate places . Sacred assembly , the Great Sanhedrim and high priest in a place outside the breastplate of stone chambers are assigned to the most worthy , Princes cubuicula worth close, keep the rooms in the wall on the side of greater dignity , keep the rooms on the side of less worthy priests of lower chambers for lower Ministers of the temple gate , the people of all chambers outermost. Corresponds to the use of the dignity and the greatness of the chambers : chambers of princes are twice as large than the ones of the rest of the priests , it is still a factor of two greater things are still a factor of two larger chambers, the chambers of the chief priests, and the people of the greater atrij assigned . They are all either square or twice as long as broad as the other two figures in the constitution once more perfect tabernacle motivated . And in all the number of thirty is observed . The bedrooms are on the outer perimeter atrij thirty , thirty atrij the perimeter of the interior , in the thirty and thirty two separate sides of the temple, and the divisions in the court in each case cubiculorom < 19r > guarantees column. Analogijs amply confirmed by the statement of the rooms which are all assigned to us.
Fast forward to the second temple, the temple of the first steps of our house, so in this description also retained almost everything was a regular in the second temple , as well as all other aspects of the first temple known. He gave a copy of David, the son of Solomon and of the treasures of the temple and the houses thereof, and of his upper chambers thereof, and the innermost chambers of the house of his and the mercy seat, and the exemplar of all things in the spirit of things that had been with him , and out of all the bedrooms in the house of the Lord of the atrijs round about, of the treasuries of the house of God, and out of the treasures and the ministry of the saints , the divisions of the priests and of all the work of the house of God , and all the vessels of the ministry of the house of God, & c, 1 Chron . 28.11 had the temple of Solomon, bedrooms and upper chambers and cellars , the court had both chambers, about the same as that in our description . All of which were designed to be used in a particular race . Thus retain the general constitution of the temple , and to run through the details , < insertion from f 18v >
< Text from f 19r resumes >
Strictly speaking, the dimensions of the temple , a drawing ELBOW around, and about the dimensions of the chambers when the third floor in the [13] , expressed in the Holy Scriptures and number thirty ax [14] Joseph mentioned retain . And when Cyrus the temple as well as the width and height of the contract taking away five five on the other side ( Ezra 6 3) and thus excluding paradromides , we strung gain pardromidibus width just seventy cubits restored . But the pillars of brass in the court so as to retain their use is dawn, the second trip to an enormous size just to have reduced . For who can bear the porch is greater than the house itself .
Furthermore, as the length and breadth of the tabernacle and Solomon, duplicabat his shrine is in harmony with reason then the fact doubled the length of the length and the breadth of the tabernacle of the atrij , how would the breadth of them was an hundred cubits was the length of two hundred . Same width in the temple , held back in the second , despite the fact that the length of the court for a woman somewhat impaired . So we have the same length and width of the hold , along with the regular mail with a marble around. Furthermore, the width of one hundred and two hundred and thirty five between the inner atrij buildings including buildings in the temple to keep < 20r > second item continuous wall in the West and all of the gates , which normally centered Joseph [15] in each of the inner sides of the temple of Solomon, the individual was atrij speaks it, and for the doors of the gates: in the midst of the altar , too, and the location from which the breadth of the situation and the heights to the north of the gate of the inner is called the gate of the altar of Ezekiel . 8.3 , 5. In this temple of Solomon was surrounded with stones, and the order of the inner court with three rows of cedar logs or טורים series of 1 Kgs. 6.36 . The same was done in the temple Zerubabbelis Ezra 6.4 . They were similar to the inner wall of the temple atrij both. We form the second wall of the temple gates kept rejecting only some spurijs which Herod I think those three are said to be implanted in the Book of Ezra rows of stones that is being wrapped columns . There were two rows of columns in the gallery , the third in the mail with the aforesaid , which may be smaller in size , however, was more and more of the art and the name of the said boundary atrij properly should not have been omitted . Cedar logs arranged in the order of the frame the gallery ceiling , each of the two pillars transversely above , together with the remainder to be beating them artistically pleasing look of the wooden ceiling livery upward May . From only one of these orders have been collected in this unique gallery wall . Furthermore, she alludes to the divinely revealed wisdom writes built him a house, dropped seven columns [16] So many are the pillars on either side of the east gate to the eastern flank of the other two gates . But in the court of the outer surface of the pillar , and there are of each, three times and seven, from side to side of the gate .
Separate sides of the building in place where people ate the sacrifices of the priests , writing anywhere except in the visions of Ezekiel . It provided a description of the outpouring of the spirit and, therefore, put in these visions . For the same reason it readily described the gates , but the building around atrij both form which may collect from other sources, the silence almost forgotten. That only put the spirit in these visions as to the form of the temple was the last time < 21r > provided with gathering would be necessary .
< Insertion from f 19v >
Solomon chambers built around this atrij already been made clear . Jeremiah remembers these so . Command of God, to bring it into the house of the Rechabites in one room, I introduced , he said , those in the house of the Lord to the chamber of the son of the Canaanite Iegedaliæ was that [ the gate ] near the bed , above the chamber Maasias janitoris Jer 35.4 . According to the chamber of princes , that is to say of one of them , or the building , according to the chamber. In fact, Baruch read the words of Jeremiah in the house of the LORD, in the chamber of Gamarias the higher the sonne of Saphan, the scribe in the court of [ that is, in the inner court of the ] to the entering in of the new gate of the house of the lord [ ie the at the side of the gate ] Jer . 36.10 , and soon, this Gamaria listed among the first verse . 12, there were chambers, and so each prince . And although it was less than the number of chambers in the temple, the second one leader assigned to each of the talent of this distinction , however, traces of an ancient decorations . For the [17] there were twenty four CHEST or capsule wall inside the temple equipment , one for each of the priests, the sacred courts where knives placed. b [18 ] There were also second in the temple , where the garments of the priests, to put , and ninety -six of the ark, that is to say for each of the four senate-house, and his name was inscribed on each of the court of the castle . Parity of reason to indicate clearly in Revelation where the principles of the crowned elders sit in the back and the twenty-four thrones . For, to the throne of God by means of the temple so sinful by the principles of understanding the seats are in their seats or apsidal recess . Two rooms assigned to the high priest in the temple of the second chamber and the chamber Parhædrorum Abtines , and even sat in the room, a large square stone Sanhedrim . First in the temple where many rooms were in two separate rooms, was a handsome public prayers < 20v > and great Sanhedrim assigned , and by analogy , the high priest assigned to four bedrooms . Indeed the Sanhedrim in the temple in the room, a first inner atrij sat indicates Ezekiel describing seventy elders of idolatry in the room where they sat . Nom. 8.11 , 12 .
< Text from f 21r resumes >
Furthermore atrij outward in the temple was the same size , about both . For Solomon circumscripserat huge mountain wall that remained of the building of the second limit . The outermost boundary of the temple was the same for both , and that the track was a little inner wall atrij the eastern side of the temple, while the second place from the ground or from the walls of the ancient portico of Solomon kept the name . But atrij outer sides were in the temple of the second five hundred cubits by Talmudic put together also complicates Joseph puts it within stadij one that is 400 cubits , or about 70 branches , from the outside in the whole area enclosed by Antonia six furlongs . Six furlongs make cubits away circuit 2400 and 2000 will remain behind the elbow 400 cubits atrij alone who side with the court where it is joined by Antonia failing Antonio area increased to enable the description of Josephus, 600 cubits quite appropriate . Solomon , then the outer court sides had five hundred cubits, and so was equal to the outer court Ezekiel . Atrij in this corner of the little things that have reduced Zerubbabel transferred to the court of the women . The orders which the court of the pillars of Solomon was surrounded with them, or a series of 2 Kgs. 11.8 , we hold on to 15 , together with the form of a double colonnade which was preserved in the temple a second time , particularly in the east porch of his things that he retained the name of Solomon , Herod, and his successors, and how they left untouched . The width of the rows of two sets of thirty cubits , Joseph , for instance, Attic that is sacred to more than twenty . Ezekiel in the court and thus the description of our latitude is between the bases of the columns, the outermost cubits eighteen , twenty cubits between the centers of two columns and a third with nineteen cubits between the pillars of the deficiency or excess of setting up and breaks , but the wall between the spectators and the bases of the columns to the court , twenty cubits accurate. We therefore hold large colonnades carefully enough . Sometimes I wondered why so much desired by the number eleven in the second temple . A walk to the western side of the house was eleven cubits broad. Width of the room were the driving of the priests, the court of Israel and of the shoulder of the gates. The distance between the entrance of the temple and the altar was twice eleven cubits stature were
< 21v >
Distribution was made to agree in praising the people into three parts, and the third part of it was placed out of the temple to the house of the King, that is to say in the valley of the western entrance to the gate of Shallecheth through which extended forward into the way leading from the house of a certain most august of the King in the suburban villa of the temple. By means of which the people of this way since as much as the King of went up into the temple of it so great was the magnificence of the Queen of Sheba had seen him in admiration as he was. 1 Kings . 10.5 . Whereupon his guarded approach , pitching four porters and two above to below the gate Shallecheth Parbar that is two cells to the porters side . Gates between porters lots were placed at the east gate of the daily oversight Shelemiah under six , to the north of it four under Zechariah , four under Obed – Edom to the south , to the west of the four that is on the way to his gate ascentionis Shallecheth and two to Parbar 1 Chron . 26 . Many porters are not established but the two side and two from the two colleges in the country , so there were not many of the gate , where the king by the way it went up around the suburbs to the east gate through which he entered into God appointed Ezekiel 44.2 , 3 people and wiping to the house of the King of went out through the south gate . 2 Kings . 11.19 . Now where porters were placed in the usual manner , there Iehojada , guarded all the entrances to the temple , divided into three people appointed , except to shut the gates of the east, saying the reason was that no one in the temple irrrumperet into custody without first outward and then inward toward either even when attacked .
Finally, if the temple Ezekiel added ascentionis way , shown by all to agree to this as well as all of the temple of Solomon, was a regular in the temple of Herod , as much as they are to their descriptions . The congruence of these in more detail counted —
< 22r >
If the sides of building added to the length and width of 70 cub completed 90 cubits long and the width of the place } { itudo separated hundred cubits . Temple length is computed the same way . Bronze column bases occupy six cubits , realistic twenty cubits , the east wall of this holy place holy place six cubits cubits 40 cubits middle wall opening for two cubits twenty cubits six western wall of the shrine . Total elbow hundred . Breastplate outside the west wall of the draw with permanent buildings around the same height and the same wall encloses the outer court to the same direction .
They considered the height of the Building , the specifications 6 = Ne reminiscaris pillars Reed , 15 steps. CHEST 24 and 24 of the ship Vestal
< Insertion from the right margin >
Hebrews from Chaldea migrants native ancestors took to bed with him to Syria and brought you is reasonable . This means that as well as they confirm the dimensions of the ark – less increasing. So this was a proper and principal Jews elbow , but after I went down to Egypt and the Egyptian government are alive and in recent years more than the leading masters serving hard bondage and that in matters where the architecture of the measures considered were arriving every day , it could not help but learn the lay of the Egyptians . And here are two of the Hebrews elbow , and, that he inherited from his father and adopted by the specific name of the sacred things got [ Editorial Note 4] adopted by the sun so sacred plebeijs uses for common habit : This is confirmed to be the case for the proportion cubits cubit is the Babylon of two English feet to elbow Memphyticum mathML formula to 6 feet to 5mathML formula that is sacred to the elbow to elbow ordinary 5mathML right formula. The difference is small or a larger mass than the Pyramid of the Babylonian antiquity or rather of the dimension of the side of the next round, but the exact numbers are not expressed , [ or short cubits from the diversity of Babylon . If it is less than the side of the elbow , then add half of the finger and elbow will be greater 2mathML formula feet. At this point , however, is to lay down Memphis . Take 6 to 5mathML formula ] could arise . Furthermore, in order to lay down, is adopted in harmony with reason and the common, with the elbows are fitting with the surrounding nations will , by rising from which the Jews are not, we come, and the Persian Memphytico , so to bed that same Memphytico is gathered to be with this argument.
< Text from f 22r resumes >
< 23r >
[ Editorial Note 5]
dure for supreme supreme supreme 197 9
by the multiplication of numbers and the multiplication of that was done by the men in the smaller man a penny. In this way, / of Amram, of the Egyptians , he halted out of a hundred cubits , in length and 100 in breadth . Each year after the flooding of the Nile , and when they should have been plowing their fields by measuring distribute the pen ready for the measuring of the nature seen from ten yards . But let the facts of the two first terms of the development of the larger pieces of measurement . There are also traces the development of this in Hebrew . For, although the extent of their pen elbow consisted of only six cubits yet Bera land that is defined by the length of the pasture the flock under one shepherd sufficaret thousand cubits and Saturday March two thousand cubits . Since then, the East to the West in the elbow fundurent measures in their stride and foot Schæni fathoms should be evident to the Egyptians and other nations, and
The former consisted of measuring larger numbers from round of measures of which derived from the minors , and even schæni Egyptians and the other nations of the East and the Persian parasangs cubits consisted of round numbers . But the youngest of the Egyptians Schænus testimony of Strabo and Artemidorus a level of about 30 miles of the Greeks and Parsanga testimony of Herodotus , Xenophon and others also equaled about 30 miles of the Greeks and the number of so many cubits round stage matches are approximately ten thousand . So from this Schænus Memphyticis 10000 yards and yards of Persian parasangs as many cubits and consisted of both kinds ten thousand miles a level that is 30 feet Attic 18000 and is the Egyptian cubit of the Persian Gulf, as Atticus at the foot of about 9 to 5 .
Confirmed the calculation of the Egyptians through the elbow of the Egyptians in the city today to bed grains guarded in Cairo , which is measured more by the formula 1mathML feet. England. Approaches: an elbow to elbow to elbow smaller than Memphyticum old Greeks and Romans, the Arabs, who ruled in Egypt from Memphytico so I think that had spread . In that , however, is greater than three times more than a thousand years, And what wonder, if by means of the measure of a varied more ? Measuring the feet and cubits now far exceed the parts of men . Three thousand years ago, and yet human posture was the same and is now teaches Ægyptijs grave monuments . Therefore, the authors are measuring . The thing being that there are many arguments can be . Instruments that measure < 22v > of the models are usually reserved contracted { ad } RUST units. Spread through the air, the spirit that pervade marbles and metals passing through, and they can also corrupt thought to spread imperceptibly . But they love to sin and manufacturers manufacture instruments in excess of matter rather than the default , and some measure of how much metal limando and where they think they gain enough , they stop , knowing they are quite small if the transgression can be corrected easily find fault limando , but the failure is not so. Therefore we place all the measures gradually grown and in particular the first ever less cautiously guarded , and a cubit Memphyticus Roman times through the middle between the old and modern bed and closer to the present approach . 1mathML old formula was a cubit feet. England. And modern formula 1mathML feet Therefore intruder will 1mathML formula or formula 1mathML feet about . And like ten thousand cubits of the means to produce the necessary thirty furlongs Attica .
This is confirmed by the calculation of the higher of the elbow Persian } { ارس Arish or bed of Persia who was heavier measures 3mathML formula feet. England. For this is undoubtedly the elbow doubled so that the elbow is a simple formula 1mathML feet. If a double a cubit, and he has been here from the time of Empire , Rom. We can put this to bed, only to have increased the elbow Ægyptij elbow simple Persian Empire from the time of the Greeks and the Romans had grown to be an old Persian 1mathML formulap Ægyptij and elbow . about . This elbow elbows with the Greeks and the neighboring tribes contributed Herodotus calls him to be more moderate and says the Persian king bed with three fingers . Herodotus, and will be used by the royal toes understand elbow royal elbow to elbow with a small size so that 24 to 21 cub . average formula is 1mathML feet cub . 1mathML formula will mess about . And like ten thousand cubits make Attica thirty furlongs as he should .
This must be added a cubit of Samos which is equal Memphytico Herodotus says. [ And these are they of the Gentiles the magnitude of the pull out the elbow vestustiores of which it was granted . ] Has come that we have to consider the confirmation of all of these things And I believe in the same ratio as it has a cubit of a man at the foot of this same man who ought to have the same measure of the chief of the feet and cubits by human about the same time, the members of which have been derived , for example, measuring cubits Eastern to western measures feet . For measuring the elbow of the West are not included in the calculation and therefore no chief should come here . For what reason would also be barred from the Arab elbow elbow Atticus I think ) and the rest is derived elbows seems fresher the elbow
< 23v >
Fast forward to the second temple, the temple of the first steps of our house, so this description is retained almost as well as all regular second was in the temple as well as all other aspects of the first temple known ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
David gave Solomon his son the pattern of the temple and its houses and cellars and upper chambers of his and his chambers in the shrine and of atonement. And the pattern of all the things that had been in the spirit with him from atrijs house of the Lord , and of all the chambers round about, of the treasuries of the house of God and out of the treasures of the saints and of the courses of the priests and of all the work minsterij the house of God and of all the vessels of minsterij of the house of God, & c, 1 Chron 28.11 So had the temple of Solomon, bedrooms and upper chambers and cells involved. He had also the court of both chambers round about, so that in the description of the same as ours. Dimensions of that temple , and the dimensions of the cells in the circuit of about a cubit in length , about the sacred letters of retraction , expressed in 1 Kings 6 2 Chron . 3 hold triple the number of paintings by Joseph thirty ( Ancient Book 100 ) mentioned . Cyrus the temple with such breadth than depth of the contract taking away five and five on the other side ( Ezra ) and thus excluding paradromides , we strung again paradromidibus width just seventy cubits restored . brass pillars in the court so as to retain their use of the second temple was hitherto unknown eluescat huge betting he corrected . For who can bear the porch is greater than the house itself . That Jews be little more than a prophecy of Ezekiel chapter 45 derivarant poorly understood . As Solomon duplicabat length and breadth of the shrine and thus very Templj doubled the length and breadth atrij reasonable is : how wide it will be one hundred cubits was the length of two hundred . remained the same width of the second temple , despite the fact that the length of the court for a woman somewhat impaired , so long as we have the same width as the regular, we keep it on the breastplate of stone around the whole. Width of one hundred and two hundred and thirty five between the inner atrij buildings including buildings also hold that the second temple , the walls and gates of the western side of the continuum is also regulated by Giuseppe located in each of the inner sides of the temple of Solomon, the individual was atrij says , the door of the breadth and the heights of the : and the form of the building and the location of the altar in the midst of the gates in the circuit . In the inner courtyard of the temple of Solomon was surrounded for three טורים in rows or rows of cedar logs and order in 1 Kings 6.36 . The same was done in the temple like the Zerubbabelis Ezra 6.4 < 24r > atrij inner wall in the temple were both. We form the second wall of the temple gates, only some spurijs kept being rejected by Herod I think strung . For Herod, as we learn from Joseph as changes in the form of the temple , the great Sanhedrim authority for such reckless arrogance. Those three rows of stones are said to be in the book of Ezra that is being wrapped columns . There were two rows of columns in the gallery , the third in a coat that may be less rocky mass was greater , however, the art and the name of the greater and that the said boundary atrij properly should not have been omitted . Ceiling beams, each of the rows in the order of cedar logs frame disposed above each column crosswise them artistically to be killed along with the rest of the money of the wooden ceiling grateful look upward May . From only one of these orders have been collected in this unique gallery wall . Alludes to the temple of Solomon writes divinely revealed wisdom built herself a house , convincing seven pillars. So many are the pillars on either side at the east gate to the eastern flank of the other two gates . But in the court of the outer surface of the pillar , and are three times from side to side of the gate of the seventh of each . Buildings on the lower sides of the local separate writing anywhere except in the visions of Ezekiel . It provided a description of the outpouring of the spirit , and so in these visions set during the round shape of the building in which both atrij may collect from other sources, almost silently passing . That only put the spirit in these visions as to the form of the temple was the last time, it would be necessary provided with gathering . The same was true atrij exterior in each temple , about the size of a wall mount for Solomon circumscripserat who continued to limit the building of the second , he was the same as the limit of the temple and a porch on the side of both the East or from the walls of the ancient place name alone retained a gallery of Solomon . But atrij outer sides were in the temple of the second five hundred cubits by agreeing Talmudic also complicates the calculation of Josephus puts stadij one inside or outside, in the whole of about 420 cubits round included six furlongs Antonia . Six furlongs make cubits 2520 . Taking away the corrupt temple cubits 2000 and 520 who will remain behind the elbow with the side, where the temple is joined by Antonia failing reinforced < 24v > produce Antonio area with a description Iosephiana quite appropriate . Solomon , then the outer court sides had five hundred cubits, and so was equal to the outer court Ezekiel . The outer court of Solomon, as well as that Ezekiel had rows of columns that is around three sides of the Kings and the three gates of the item . For example, when God so Iehojada —- And therefore also complained of the kings of Judah , and make them up , he said , according to his threshold that my threshold and their doorposts beside my doorposts , with only a wall between me and them, they defiled my holy name by their abominations which they have committed in the , wherefore I have consumed them in mine anger . Ezekiel 43.8 gateway to the West , then it was not. The little corner Zerubbabel that the court had taken into females in their place we have restored . The gallery also double the temple was surrounded by desert preserve both the east portico of which only Herod and his descendants have left unnoticed ideal colonnades of Solomon as the name may collect . The width of the rows of two sets of thirty cubits Joseph Attic for example , that is more than twenty of the sacred . Ezekiel in the court that the description of the breadth of our eighteen cubits between the bases of the columns is the outermost , twenty cubits between the centers of two columns with nineteen cubits and a third between the pillars of the deficiency or excess clearly despising the wall between the spectators and the bases of the columns to the court twenty cubits accurate. We therefore hold large colonnades . Sometimes I wondered why so much desired by the number eleven in the temple of the size and the number of columns in our region from the second —- carefully enough , as far as is permitted in the south porch of Joseph as more fully described collect . But the depth and colonnades, we hold. Josephus says that this was more than 50 feet on the inside , such as 54 or 24 feet that is 36 cubits Attic ceremony . All these concordantijs finally confirmed temple of Solomon, and Ezekiel was of the same form, and we and others have described the form of that line where such agreement are expected to be erroneous descriptions .
< 25r >
About the size of the sacred cubit .
For præcædentia sometimes depend on a reduction of the pagan to sacred cubits not without reason that the reduction of that will confirm which purpose a few profitable speculation cubits of different peoples .
Dimensions of the pyramids of Egypt , from the heavier English accurately month old Memphytici elbow length so I gather . Side of the pyramid was 693 English feet at the beginning that the measure is determined by its number of cubits , round one is the most probable . Ibn Abd Alhokm says the measure to have been summoned by heavier Meah King. It is likely that the Egyptians, the Greeks learned from fathoms measure four cubits Memphyticorum gave him the name of the royal cubit . So then s side Pyramid . 400 cubits simple formula and a cubit feet 1mathML avail . England. But the size of the bed pyramid was built , verify the most of the measures . Entrance square of marble polished side was high and the formula was 3mathML feet. England. that is, two such Memphyticis elbows . And of the same height and width were other four mines in the center of the Pyramid chamber was polished marble walls feet long, 34 feet wide and mathML formula 17mathML formula that is 20 cubits long, 10 cubits wide putting elbow 1mathML formula. The difference between this and previous to bed
Purchase an English reports [ his friend Allen brick ] exist between the old Babylon in Babylon and Baghdad vast bulk of passengers whose brick brick Allen ‘s friend measured the length of one foot , eight inches wide and six inches thick . Those proportions teach brick regularly be informed so in the formation of the measure have been considered some of the Babylonians , and rightly so because of the number of sides of the walls in length to width and depth dimensions of the artists they collect speedy and vice versa. { Illeg } which measured the buildings with Babylonij cubits , follows bricks to advance . eng & Tomorrow. to make up to bed . But two bricks to advance . three seconds . eng . and four the next . produce the same quantity . Therefore, the measure that is the elbow . Accordingly Bab elbow . worth two feet in England. and the length of the side of one of the three palms and thickness and width two dimidij insignat } { inches of the six divisions of the palm.
Persia. Now cub . men as he measured . I am at the foot of this same man who is as 9 to 5. Vitruvius mentions that the proportion of 3 to 2 , but not by members of the same man, but by the measures taken . Therefore, we may take the measures that are to be the oldest Roman feet Greeks Tungri etc is 9 to 5
< 25v >
[ Editorial Note 6]
Indeed, this is only possible to follow the dimensions of the temple and the altar atrij closely surrounding the length of which we want to move away from a ratio of more than twice the width of the Mosaic Villalpando establish .
That Vnderstanding Sene Vigani Who has been the course of yesterday Performing Chymistry to several of our Vniversity much to their satisfaction , has the honor to be acquainted with the rent you have to 1 upon these Departure innocently copulates presumed by him to the safety of you . When 1 was last so as to remember 1 Happy Enjoy your way round 1
Atrij restored in this little corner of Zerubbabel that the court had taken into females . The orders which the court of the pillars of Solomon was surrounded with them, or a series of 2 Kgs. 11.8 , 15 hold , together with the form of two rows in the second temple preserved , especially in the eastern porch, which retained the name of Solomon and how Herod and his descendants were left untouched .
Finally, we hold the number of gates . For when only the eastern gate open and seldom opened ( Ezekiel ) Iehojada armed people inside the temple as divided into two parts ( eastern gate closed ) to keep one part of the gate , set the posts and the gate of the entrance or entrances (to explain seventy ) 2 Chronicles 11 said so was the south gate , and the other part to keep the gate סוד ( 2 Chron ) or (to better written ) gate סור 2 Kings that is that the North had left the port . Rabbis for meaning that is the addition of the east gate . These gates are kept as long as none of the new King was crowned in the temple break through two gates and not so many people were exposed to in the temple of Ezekiel chapter . Add clausamportam and completed the same number of gates in the temple each Pen not six yards but was six and a precision level, through which the four corners of the court without the four little courts are appointed, not all but one of the smaller outer court to understand that the whole divided into seven atrijs molded the outer surface of the court , by which alone , in a unique and thus not that it acts in all directions , Ezekiel , Ezekiel , he gives the only things that those four little courts , angular to set up , but in the majority of cases , and other matters of this kind of dreams more than the little courts atrijs the outside world to embrace a certain foundation of all the things that they are destitute. Villalpandus proposed to construct an outline the splendor and grandeur, as readers wonder so to bed and tried to snatch the outlaws and numbers and size of the building for increased strength and architecture all in the Greek temple introdixit , pretending < 25r > { only } Greeks architecture of the building of the Temple derivasse us simple truth more smiles
< 26r >
About the size of the sacred cubit .
A description of the temple of the sacred cubit high: and the knowledge of it belongs to , and the things that might be able to contribute to the understanding of any thing, and in the Apocalypse of measures . But his determination to benefit < 27r > cubits knowledge of various nations .
Roman elbow — < insertion from f 26v > Romans and Greeks from the elbow [19] and a half, and they were just as sacred cubit consisted of six palms and fingers of twenty -four. [20 ] In fact, consisted of the Greeks and of the Romans , from the feet, [21 ] four out of the palm and the fingers sixteen . Distribution also foot the Roman ounces or twelve inches and 967 part in a thousand foot level with the English , the English viewed as too serious and careful consideration of the tombs of Italy ‘s former Philandri , farmers, squint , Villalpandi , Snellij and other reasons determined the most accurate of all . A cubit is the Roman formula 1mathML feet. English:
On the feet of the Greeks was remarkable the Attic . This modern writers equal the foot and the foot of that semunciæ , more than that, because the stadium Greeks consisted of six hundred feet of the Greeks and Romans, the larger one thousand yards from the Roman mile or five thousand feet long and eight furlongs, Greek, Roman mile level . Nevertheless it is probable that the number next round, to be used here . And if you say the old stadium sometimes equaled 125 yards , a proportion that could not by themselves but by stadij feet , compared to the proportion of the preceding mile round numbers præterpropter expressed derived . Increases the suspicion that Polybius at Strabo depart from this popular computing and matched with the third of eight miles stadijs why Atticus Roman foot compared . Prior computing favors foot of Ptolemy and the Roman foot semunicæ equal , if perhaps this had spread from Atticus . The latter favors the pillar with the inscription dug up at Rome porphyritica ΠΟΔ Θ that is nine feet . For the foot of this column, which measures Phylandro foot Roman overcame an ounce of only ninth . The difference between the foot of this different from the Roman and Greek incriptio foot outs. Atticus to see whether it was the other foot . Until we have more established nothing more than an assumption that the foot was less than friendly relations nor Roman nor with the TWENTY-FOURTH PART greater. On the assumption that the magnitude of Atticus præterpropter have elbow .
Elbow Derah or Arabic consisted similarly d [22] from six palms and fingers, twenty -four , and I think the Roman cubit Atticumve matched as closely as possible . He was the fifth part of the elbow that is royal Ægyptij (as will become clear shortly ) four cubits simple five Roman Egypt who already are equal . Persia parasangs item that is equal stadijs Athens were thirty three thousand miles Orgijs Arabic or Arabic pace that is four thousand yards , one by one constant: the manner in which the elbow was equal Arabic Atticus . Of course, the first under the Romans, the Arabs vagabond who fight and soon the government in Syria founding , by the people after the defeat of Roman coins, weights and measures and learned Greek . So we are going to date this sending an elbow .
Dimensions of the pyramids of Egypt <text from f 27r resumes> From the pyramids of Egypt by John dimensions heavier English diligently to capture the length of the old elbow Memphytici so I gather . Cone was the first side 693 English feet . That the measure is determined at the beginning of the revolution, most likely in a number of Egyptian cubits . Ibn Abd Alhokm Greavio cited by the measure says it was one hundred cubits of the old rules. It is likely that the Egyptians, the Greeks learned from fathoms measure four cubits Memphyticorum gave him the name of the royal cubit . Pyramid will be 400 cubits side so simple arurarium or four, and a cubit feet Memphyticus avail 1mathML formula . England. But the size of this pyramid was built to lay down most of the measures they teach . Entrance square of marble and highly polished side was 3mathML formula feet. England. that is, two such Memphyticis elbows . And of the same in breadth, and the height of the mines were other four . Pyramid was built in the middle of a room of exquisite polished marble tomb containing King 34mathML formula feet long and 20 feet broad 17mathML formula that is cubits long, 10 cubits wide and a foot placed elbow 1mathML formula. The difference between this measurement and the elbow is a former mathML formula mathML formula or part of the foot that is part of an Inch mathML formula about : setting up some mean error , if any irregularities are far greater than in most of the buildings reflect heavier annotated . But the roof of the chamber consisted of nine oblong stones and were of the same width of the middle of two parallel lines of which seven of the last half of the breadth and length of the chamber of all latitudes together equaled or 20 feet , so the breadth of stones in the middle was two cubits and a half . Furthermore, a walk into this room, a marble that led 6mathML feet wide was the formula that is four cubits chamber . Walking in the middle of this road was of polished marble 3mathML feet wide and two feet to either side of the way the formula is the same polished marble bench from high 1mathML formula feet wide and 1 foot deep and wide, that is one measure . And who now believes the measures separate from each other so many < 28r > ferry with no elbow length randomly assigned by us agree?
Furthermore, the elbow of this division in the palms of six dimensions elucessit Pyramid . Which measures 26 feet in height , was more serious than that is walking for about fifteen cubits . Weaknesses bench height and the rest will remain the height 14 cubits . This was divided into seven parts, according to a series of seven stones in the walls and a series of walking each higher stood out more like three inches lower , as in the annexed figure represents , by the breadth of the way, ACD bench , from the heights of the first stone of the second series and the FG series EF proecturam height and GH of the third of the series , and hi the height of the PROJECTION thereof, and in such a way that the pathways that lead from then up to the roof corresponds to the KL . Therefore the height of each of the stones of the series and was six bicubitalis PROJECTION EF, GH , etc., 600 corresponding to one elbow were masterpiece. There are also in the royal tomb fræfato ideals division elbow. For when the elbow is 600 feet 1mathML formula . span so mathML formula feet. 2mathML formula will span ten feet. with three fingers will span seven feet 2mathML formula . And with a span of twenty five feet two inches will be 7mathML formula . Hard measured the height of the monument internal 2mathML formula feet. the width and length of the external to internal 2mathML formula feet 7 feet 3mathML formula inches. that is the formula 7mathML feet. The monument was an internal height of 10 internal width of 7 palms palms with three fingers and palms outward length of 25 with two fingers without sensible error . The height and the width of the external 3ped was . & 3mathML formula inches . that is 11 palms and fingers 2mathML formula , it may be too serious enough to measure it carefully .
There are other examples of the elbow , so that one of her walking with a subtense angled triangle whose base was 15 feet. height as 5 or 6 , or maybe 7 feet. the total length of the string table was 154 feet. Chord length and remove the remains of walking alone as 138 feet. that is vigecupla latitude or < 29r > royal twenty cubits . And two others are measured separately tunnel 110 feet in length that is sixteen royal cubits , and the other bedroom seventeen feet wide, as if that is ten cubits , and the chamber , some seven feet long and three feet wide, with about half of that is about the size of two of the four cubits in length . I think the weight of the cone and the broadcast of this was built with the elbow .
Measures to this effect , if any remnant of ancient Babylon and other nations of the building after it has been delivered , not too difficult for those countries to rescue ancient cubits . In the meantime, the real meaning of the passage I bring it into his ideal. Reports from [23] Purchase Englishman should exist between the old Babylon in Babylon and Baghdad the vast bulk of passengers whose brick bricks his friend Allen measured the length of one foot , eight inches wide and six inches thick . Ounces foot understands English . The proportions of these bricks teach regularly be informed so that the measure is considered in the formation of some of the Babylonians, and with reason , as the number of sides of the manufacturers get together speedy dimensions of the walls in length to width and depth and the reverse sides of the account number assigned to the wall itself. She Babylonij measured the length of the width and thickness of the brick buildings cubits follows ELBOW together measure must be compatible . But the length of the brick, two , three and four in width according to the thickness of the compound to the same measure, therefore, is a measure of the cubitus . Accordingly Elbow Babylonian worth two feet of the English and the role of the components suggest that the division of the elbow in the side of it as six palms palms dimensions are expressed in round numbers , the length of three palms width and thickness of one to two and a half . Several observations of these descendants , perhaps more accurately determine the elbow .
The size of the Persians from their elbow parasangs I seem to collect . { For } should be noted that the measures that are greater than their human limbs were used to derive < 30r > by multiplication of the smaller and used it to increase the number and sometimes binarij pence . [24] Thus, the Pen or ten feet from the perch , over and scruples of 10 feet in length and 10 in width lines, from 100 feet in length and 100 in width , Climate ( measure derived from the Greek name teaches) in length and from ten Orgijs ten, in the broad , the Acts of the two varieties of climate , in length and two in breadth , of the two Acts of the square of the iugerum in length, ten in breadth , in length and the Acts of the collectors of the ten , hundred , ten , in length and ten in breadth from a collector in Italy, but from the outside the that a factor of two in number, of the Forrest of the collector , in length and one hundred and one hundred in breadth , with steps from a thousand mile , in length and ten miles a day’s journey from the twice . Greeks called a pen ἄκαινα from ten feet long and ten feet wide, ten of Climate , Plethrum from one hundred feet in length and breadth , the Stadium of hundred fathoms in length and route of the day ( according to Herodotus ) from two hundred stadijs : [25] and in the province in the fields of Cyrene Greek King Ptolemy of Egypt , whom the Romans left , there were fifty Plinthides constants limitations in length and fifty in breadth, and of the limits of each of the sides of the squares were ten furlongs. And to the west from the foot so Geites east by the number of inches of penny going to teach some instances . As that in Hebrew nation Kibrah pastoral land or pasture flock under one shepherd , I believe sufficient space defined thousand cubits and the way the two thousand cubits in length , and that the Egyptians consisted FIELD hundred yards long, and one hundred in breadth . And for each year after the flooding of the Nile Ægyptij plowing their fields in the distribution , should have been ready for the pen of the measuring method consists of ten times ten yards to make the repetition of plowing . And similar cause greater measure in the field , which they should have been separated from it and the fifteen centuries of plowing .
The former consisted of measuring from round numbers greater measure of which derived from the minors , and even schæni < 31r > Egyptians and the other nations of Eastern and Persian parasangs cubits from round numbers . But Schænus least equaled thirty furlongs, Greeks and Egyptians to the testimony of Strabo and Artemidorus parasangs testimony of Herodotus , Xenophon , Hesychij Suidae Agathiæ Strabo and others at a level even thirty furlongs, and the number of stages of so many cubits round matches are a thousand million . So from this schænus elbows Memphyticis million and one thousand yards from the Persian parasangs as many cubits and consisted of both a level ten thousand thirty furlongs .
Confirmed the calculation of the elbow of the Egyptians through this bed Egyptians buried in the city of Cairo grains which measured more by the formula 1mathML feet. England. Approaches: an elbow to elbow to elbow smaller than Memphyticum old Greeks and Romans, the Arabs, who ruled in Egypt , and so from that Memphytico be propagated . Still great. More than three times the measure of a thousand years, And what wonder is it if it has been a little dumb ? Measuring the feet and a long cubits exceed the parts of men and yet human stature , three thousand years ago and now is the same that teaches Ægyptijs grave monuments . Therefore, the authors are measuring . There have been no lack of reasons . Instruments that measure, the patterns are usually reserved rust contracted limit. { F } Horma jalleo hammer striking a long time they can relax imperceptibly . But they love to sin and manufacturers manufacture instruments in excess of subject matter , and where limando , a measure of how much of what they think is enough , stop , knowing they are quite small transgression , if the Lord could be corrected quickly limando find fault , but the failure is not so. Therefore we place all the measures < 32r > gradually grown and in particular the first ever where less healed: Memphyticus elbow and around the time of the Roman Empire , will be midway between the elbow and the very old , but the closer to the present approach . 1mathML old formula was a cubit feet. England. and the current formula 1mathML feet. England. So the intruder will be 1mathML 1mathML formula or formula feet feet about . And like ten thousand cubits of the means to produce about thirty miles to the attic should.
Confirmed by the calculation of the higher of the Persian Arish elbow or elbow this Persians whom ( I think double ) measured more by the formula 3mathML feet. England. If half of this is simple and elbow from the time of the Greek and Roman Empire has grown to an elbow Memphytici , who once was the formula 1mathML feet. England. about . This elbow elbows with the Greeks and the neighboring tribes contributed Herodotus calls him to be more moderate and says the Persian king bed with three fingers . Understand the elbow and fingers will be a more average Greeks royal elbow to elbow as the average 27 to 24 , and so with an average cubit feet 1mathML formula . England. royal cubit 1mathML formula will be about . And like ten thousand cubits produce about thirty miles to the attic should.
Addition of a general calculation before comparing the feet and elbows every nations originally received by the proportion of the members of which derived from . For the foot of the bed, the same man as about 5 to 9 am , and the other as he measured easily as any of their own body, can experience , are the feet of the ancient Roman certain information has come to us , and that of Ptolemy and Drusianus Tungri in Germany , of which Drusianus Roman foot equivalent ounces 13mathML formula . For these three correspond to three feet, according to the proportion of 5 to 9 1mathML the cubit of a formula of the feet . Ang. 1mathML formula p. A. and 1mathML formula p. A. and of these , about the size of the older we are the elbow above the determined Memphyticus , < 33r > Babylonian and Persian . Which you add equal Memphytico Samos whom Herodotus . Greeks and Romans, who were measuring the secondary elbow , feet first measures were adopted and adapted to come here, they should not be included in the calculation .
Determined in this way to the East to the Hebrews circundabantur elbows , then we can do about the size of the elbow Hebrew meaning . All those ordinary Hebrew cubit should not be greater than or less than all the sacred cubit . Consequently rejected the opinion of others and who Villalpandi cubit feet equal to two ordinary Roman and a half to the opinion of others who lay down the sacred and equal Atticus be determined . Reed bed was very large and also teaches Hebrew sacred that only six such measures that, the antiquity of the elbow , where the ark, Noah was measured , however , is not so common measure to increase the time of Moses , who was the man of the elbow ( Dt 3.11 ) much exceeds the bed, the men taller . But these measures stricter limits to be limited as follows .
< Insertion from f 32v >
We have said from the Jews and Joseph Talmudicis used measure four palms of the sacred place of the elbow of the Greeks. I therefore went elbow to the palm of the Greeks four Hebrew to five or three , that is smaller than greater than 4mathML 3mathML formula formula s. And so the result is less than six palms 2mathML formula sacred cubit feet less than 2 feet of Attica.
The human body —
< Text from f 33r resumes >
< 34r >
{ original } could be extended by several countries in the same elbow , elbow sacred | Hebrew , from the time they began to be defined less by increasing the sacred things . Hebrew cubit from ordinary Memphytico well as sacred by Chaldean be propagated teaches cubits proportion to one another for common elbow to elbow consisted of five palms , its elbow Memphyticus consisted of five palms in Chaldean nearly elbow . For the above was a cubit feet Memphyticus 1mathML formula . England. Chaldean 2 feet and elbow . England. and prior to that the number is about to posteeriorem 5mathML formula to 6 that is very nearly as 5 to 6 . Only a small fraction of that mathML formula or greater than the amount of the Babylonian ancient pyramids or less exactly the measure of the side could have taken short . So we put the elbows of the Hebrews from the Babylonian and Memphytico sprung , and from elbow Memphytico , at a time that is built pyramids , known as severe discusses two hundred years after Moses common cubit of the Hebrews Memphytico equal to them. Later, all the measures have been increased imperceptibly believed, it is so common that nearly of the same magnitude as the elbow elbow Memphytico always abide by it yet to be overcome as sacred cubit was defeated by the Babylonians . Thus, both the elbow he Memphyticus common than immediately after the time of Moses has been a grave twentieth part of the length of the room in the middle of the pyramid, that is the formula 1mathML feet. England. and between this one and one that we have to be in possession of the Roman Empire under the bed Memphyticum 1mathML formula feet. Ang. about the elbow he quoted the same time the average size of a romance . Whereupon the elbow that is sacred to him, that the ordinary was 5 to 6 feet 2mathML formula . England. immediately after the time of Moses, and in the middle, under the government of the Romans has been among the 2mathML 2mathML and the formula of the formula. To a number of arguments , all of which are confirmed .
< 35v >
22 bases of palms
Intervals along the length of the base of which will be done if the double doors that mathML formula bases the outermost mathML formula columns support a project outside the gates of 50 inches . according to the width of one and a half basis. Columns lengths nocuplæ scapes , bases six times , equal breadth colonnades between the centers of the outermost of the pillars , 22 cubits . The total height of the rows between the base of the columns inward one and a half wide, that is the outermost cub 27mathML formula. Impositata chambers imitate the figures speak { ci } of length. twice the height of one and a half wide, with marble walls, interspersed cubit in length . Chamber so smooth porch lower altitude and latitude . Layer thickness is two cubits, and all of the Herodian temple on the roof of building height will be five to 62 cubits . Add the elbow and the high floor dimidij { } I give you the formula 62mathML cub will be a third of the length . Add podium sur su { } m and the total height is three times the width between the axles as 66 cub outermost pillars .
In the court of the bases of the interior and the intervals are of the same size and the bases of the pillars in the court of the exterior . After semicolumniæ outer join } { primineant outside the walls of the gates ten fingers . East of the two pillars stand in the corners of the square , with the posts six inches . Column cubits 14mathML formula six times scapes are four times the width of the base of the double of walking between the columns to the exterior columns atrij as 2 to 3 . Taken a similar proportion to the rest of the heights and eastern cubic chambers will be long . lat and alt 36mathML formula cub . So great will be the height of the inner galleries .
The length, width and height of the lower chambers of the priests are 9mathML formula cubic cubits . except, perhaps, is the increasing height .
Lateral chambers in the middle of the series, including the length, breadth, and height was six wooden walls and ceilings of the cubes are . The depth of the triplicate along with the roof and the highest impluviali make altiudinem 22 cub .
The pillars on the front porch for a shorter thick high because the bases altogether.
< 36r >
Stature of the human body , from [26 ] , according to the Talmudists , it contains about three cubits from the feet to the head. But if you take one more up on their feet, arms above the elbow to join continebitque four cubits . And yet, men of stature nudipedum average is greater than five feet of the Romans, and the best of six feet shall be made on less than five feet and a half. Assume thirds of the elbow and he will be greater in the vernacular that is less than twenty -four twenty uncijs uncijs the elbow so sacred uncijs less than 24 28mathML uncijs formulation of the same foot .
Josephus writes — < insertion from f 33v > Josephus writes columns atrij been so great as had three great men intertwined in each other arms could embrace . Men commonly set fathoms is equal stature of men , rather exceeds one foot posture palms about Roman . The common people of the next round makes use of numbers , in this case to resort to the numbers of the just are . Why add to the height of a man portrayed on the span and the triple formula will 15mathML Roman feet smaller and larger than the area of the feet 18mathML formula column. And scope of the Talmudic and Joseph as he was eight cubits, at least in the inner court , therefore , about the eighth part of the capture of former sacred cubit numbers will be greater than two feet of Rome , with a third and less than two . Here we assume that is the thickness of the two pillars atrij though not high. Certainly, they were not the interior of the outer pillars atrij thicker and therefore necessarily limit the latter role.
< Text from f 36r resumes >
Saturday was the consensus of all the Jews , and the way the Talmudic two thousand cubits . Whereupon the Chaldean interpreter Ruth 1.6 . We are receiving instructions , he said , to observe the sabbaths, and shew cause any more good days to non- two thousand cubits. This trip for describing Jews elbows substutuunt sometimes suffered . Erasmus 1.12 in the notes in the Act to the road this week has twice the space feels Evangelist mile . Out so far it was not right for the Jews to make his voyage on the Sabbaths. Jerome wrote this it indicates to Algasiam , the tenth question , of course not observed Jewish holy Sabbath walk over two miles on the initiative of Rabbi Akiba Simeon [ just ] & Hillelis Rabbis , which they used to call our teachers . Erasmus , reading these books printed but not the feet that have an Jerome suffered . And for a thousand cubits on this side, 34.4 in Numbers , he gives the Latin interpreter of a mile . Beware , however, understand the suffering of Roman Græcorumve . For the sebbóle lécheth tract . 22 , Ch. of the Sabbath. They suffered so described . Samuel traveled through the valley < 37r > and did not know the end of the Sabbath. The journey of two thousand miles is the term of the lower ranks of the Sabbath. As if he had said , a man’s journey of two thousand miles in a week or so in the course of the rapid pace with the Romans , but not too slow , usually walking at a moderate pace going into Saturday , the Sabbath is a journey . They were men of moderate height so the individual steps that make walking more than two feet, the Romans , with less than two third of that experience can easily be seen , and even with these limitations circumscribes the sacred cubit .
< Insertion from f 36v >
Talmudic write that steps in the inner courtyard of the high elbow and retraction were dimidij dimidij elbow. Understand the elbow sacred , and we saw Joseph in height calculation of these degrees conspire . Moreover, high levels of Vitruvius not greater than ten ounces of Rome’s withdrawal must be made not less than eighteen inches . Since Jews heights equaled the recoil, and is believed to have held them in the middle of the heights to which a drawing or a twelve ounces of Rome’s most tridecim established . Means the ratio between 10 and 18 is about 13mathML formula . No way to overcome this height have been urged not to step up the extreme difficulty . So sacred was less elbow uncijs Romans 27 , no less surely not too much to restrict uncijs 24 .
< Text from f 37r resumes >
< 38r >
Saturdays mile journey was the Jews. Origen in the 5 Stromata , Μίλιον ἓν ἡ του σαββάτου ὁδὸς δισχιλίων πηχων ὑπηρχε & c, mile one way of the day of the week of two thousand cubits, and it does so above all that the holy of the tabernacle and the ark of the so much the intermission of the camp to the order went before and from so great a distance, the tents they pitched , in such a space it was permissible to those who had encamped were added to the holy tabernacle . So he . But it was clear that the Roman mile is two miles so even minor and major thousand Jews mile ( I think ) it is sometimes called , about two thousand cubits, sometimes only a thousand cubits, or as a measure taken by the elbow flexion of the arm or from the heart to the fingertips . Thus, when the cities of the Levites suburbs from mœnijs thousand cubits to measure around 35.4 extended Did she explained through the words of the last two thousand cubits smaller . The same sense that perhaps taken from Arias Montanus Rabbis produces this effect . One thousand miles Emoth [ i.e. cubits ] Control of the land in exchange testifies Ezekiel 48.2 C , but in the book . Misn . Each mile [ elbows and ] parts which are called דיסיין Dizzijm Emoth thousand and seven [ dizzijm ] is defined as half the tract of Jona chapter 6 . paragraph . ד . Mile in this book . Haruch כרוב Chrulb { } statement read . So he . I suspect verὸ כרוב כרב or corruption of voice ברח Berath . For by Gen. Berath 35 16 & 48.7 & 2 Kings 5.19 MILE But everyone understands the Jews of the Jews was double miles , great and small . A mile , said Arias , another name is said to have prepared פרסה nearly four miles from Elijah the Tishbite is seen by Moses and Gerona in the Comm 137 Dt page 1 col . And property, and also the reason of the name is explained in the whose Thame Misnaioth the treatise on the cap . 3 . paragraph ח & Commentator at that place . And this was parasangs Persian poet of the old Hebrew at the end pharasath sekalím
You prepare a ten day trip contains
And any of you got four miles.
Herodotus writes parasangs existed between Greece and 30 furlongs Xenophon parasangs defines stadijs sixty two . The manner in which the Hebrews MILE avail 7mathML formulation stages . [ And then my daughter , I think that the division of a mile in parts of the formula that Rizzo 7mathML or Dizzijm named ] And perhaps it is that Jews share write one mile consists of seven Rizzo ( or Dizzijm ) half, equaling the stadium measure Riz Greeks. So for 8 miles to the formula so 7mathML suffered minor Roman ounces to 30 ounces elbow sacred 28mathML formula.
< 39r >
[ Editorial Note 7]
{ ס } jug collectors limit = 50 = 10.10 Sicculus Flaccus instituting actions . field. p 17 Hygenus of limitation . Const. each book
Forest definition . So . P = 24 Flaccus 100,100 collectors
As measured by ounces foot by foot TEN-FOOT MEASURING-ROD , by decenpedam act , suffered by the act , the pace of the stadiums , the stadium Miles [ definatur ] Frost of clay. Agr . – At the foot of an offered are two inches long and half a foot in the foot deck, 4 to 8 inches long square foot . PalmOS has 4 foot 12 inches , 16 ounces . Palmer has 3 inches 4 ounces . THREE-QUARTERS called the sextant which has 12 fingers and palms 9 3 ounces . ibid.
In Italy, an official [ Companies ] fifty acres , two hundred elsewhere [ did ] Hygenus limitation of Const.
In the province of the Cyrenians, of the field in which they are royal , that is, by those whom the Ptolemies as the King left to the Roman people . Plinthides are , that is the square bricks , using hundreds of thousands of feet 50 China limits the number of acres of enclosed each having bricks 1250 – Besides Ptolemy who called their foot , foot and has MONETARY semunciam . – It is said in Germany in Tungrian foot Drusianus , who has MONETARY & sescunciam , so that wherever that is outside the bounds of the laws that will bear careful wherever something is driven out of Italy , to investigate . Hygenus .
One acre and 240 feet in width . 120 feet to make the three measures .
κλίμα be sixty feet each way that Columbus reports
step formula to be 2mathML feet Boethius declares these words rod ten feet up , suffered 5 , step 2 S
Line is 100 feet , 100 feet and side, For long continued Varro, in the first book on the matter of which the same number of naive. Versus , say , measuring 100 square feet
Weights = 8 fathoms Ovid Metamorpheses . Pliny l 16 40 .
Varus is said to be the smallest part of an acre of land in order to SCRUPLE , that is to say , ten feet in length and the breadth of the square of the
< 39v >
[ Editorial Note 8]
266 suffered such a measure contained in the Hebrew or Rizzo Dizz authors Camilio in Jer 31.4 Misnaioth Ioma c 6 Pagr ד & Tract . of Nezikim . Also written in the same place, one mile and a half to contain seven Rizzo . so two thousand miles Jewish consisted steps cubit in length , and the same was with the march Saturday . Origen in so στρωμάτων 5 ( the code Vernonensi ) Μίλιον , said , ἓν ἡ — approach . And hence some way compare with the Sabbath Roman miles . But if the ways in distingebant miles accurate but not by measures suffered by travelers as the most probable, the slope was not a nation far from the foot of the steps, but his moderate miles estimate . So when Suidas writes valid seven furlongs and a half miles , miles are to be understood not accurately measured by the Romans, but the Walking measured in the ways of what he found . Suidas not know any other source for the foot with stadijs miles Greeks could contribute . Like process defined route miles of established Sabbath gathering partly because Jews never speak of step by step, but the average miles define their own partly because with Suidae THOUSAND divided into parts that Rizzo 7mathML formula or Dizzim called , which undoubtedly arose from the division , compared with the stage of the journey that the Sabbath previously they had received from the Greeks . First of all that they had learned a great mile from the Persians called פרסה prepared . Parasangs it was the Persians and the Greeks consisted thirty Stadijs Herodotus & Zenophon to write , but that the Jews as they write Rabbini four miles . The manner in which it was established, the Jewish seven stadijs mile and a half, and it was the same as the measure of the stadium and that therefore the Riz 7mathML to 8 to 30 ounces of formula, so he suffered a minor Roman sacred elbow to elbow , and he will be able 28mathML ounces of formula. Syrian interpreter to 1.12 in the Act for the way Sabbiti substitutes seven furlongs . If it is not possible to conclude the trip to come nearer than seven to eight furlongs furlongs 7mathML formula and place something sacred cubit 27mathML formula ounces produced .
In short, if the calculation of the sea of brass, it must be added
< 40r >
Elbow length circumscribed by certain limits and thus removed by other writers, false beliefs , we can now safer and more exact measure of his excrement assign . It is performed in the following argument .
Hebrews from Chaldea migrants from the ancestors took to bed with him to Syria to be presented is reasonable . It confirm the dimensions of the Ark of Noah in this tradition kept by the elbow , then the fitness of the elbow with a couple of elbows to the sides of the Talmudic tradition Susan Persians ruled to have been carved , and one of their sacred cubit surpassed half a second finger finger intact . < 42r > Susan was the city of Babylon , and so they were Chaldean elbow. A bed frame to be that city ‘s palace to Susan, one of the city of Babylon . So he agreed with the sacred cubit yards in various provinces of Babylon agreed among themselves how much difference was so small that all the firstborn from the same elbow in different countries could be extended , the elbow of the Hebrews from the time they began to be defined by the sacred things , increasing less . At this point, it was a cubit of the Hebrews , therefore, the proper and principal . But after more than two hundred years, and they went down into Egypt, the Egyptians under the command of hard living and serving with the service and that the owners of these things where the architecture of the measures to be used to come every day and could not help but view the Egyptians have learned to bed . And here are two of the Hebrews elbow , national and adopted . As defined by him and his father from the sacred things sacred name got so adopted by the common people for the use of the vernacular and the profile is a habit. That this is so is confirmed to be the proportion of the cubits to one another. Babylonian elbow to elbow for two English feet is Memphyticum foot 1mathML formula that 6 to 5mathML formula that is sacred to the elbow to elbow ordinary neighbor. Only a small fraction of that mathML formula, or by a diversity cubits from Babylon or greater than the size of the Babylonian antiquity Pyramid or not the exact numbers, but the dimension of the side of the next round, you could express to rise . Set the thickness of the side of English ounces 6mathML formula inches width and length of the formula 8mathML 12mathML ounces of formula, and its length will be double elbow to elbow Memphyticum as six to five . I believe so, at which time the Hebrews in Egypt Memphyticum cubit equals five palms down elbow Chaldean – Jewish , Hebrew, and thus the size of the elbow by elbow five palms of their own definition, is the last to have been neglected Memphyticos palms and among the Jews to bed < 43r > double with only a simple span continues . Furthermore, in order to lay down, in accordance with reason is to agree with what is profane and adopted the heathen round about elbows , Memphytico , Pythagoras of Samos , Persian , so the same is to be with him to bed Memphytico is also confirmed by this argument. Memphytici elbow several measures taken from different parts of the Pyramid , were 1mathML formula feet. England. 1mathML formula p. A and 1mathML formula p. A. To these measures in the proportion of the sacred elbow to elbow ordinary Hebrew are measuring 2mathML formula p. A. 2mathML formula p. A. and 2mathML formula p. A. uncijs on foot are Roman 25mathML formula, and the formula 25mathML 25mathML formula and, therefore, fall within the limits of the sacred to bed now before the swindle , those who were 24 and 27 inches of the foot . Thus, by virtue of these limits agree well with the elbow of the vernacular . Assuming that why the Hebrews in Egypt and that it was their elbow elbow Memphyticum didcerunt common , and even the time of Moses , and after a while, where the Pyramids ( use disputes heavy) , such that the common measure of the magnitude of the Memphytico , the elbow was not doomed by eaem times smaller 25mathML than or greater than the formula 25mathML formula uncijs Roman foot . Who may hereafter lustraturi pyramid are the most rigorous of the many dimensions of marbles month and compared between themselves just Memphytici elbow and elbow too tight will determine the size of the sacred . Meanwhile, in the middle of the room where the Pyramid stood as the royal tomb of great length that was formed, and the skill of the top part of the length of the pyramid of the twentieth and twenty cubits , that, as he himself affirms heavier things from a more rigorous determination of the table was cut out, and the elbow Memphytici preferred , and hence decided to bed Mosaic sacred equal twenty five foot uncijs Roman and six -tenths of an Inch , or that it is as much as two feet, which the Romans had it have the capability to have 16 < 44r > to 15 .
Mersennus in the treatise on the measurement of Prop. : 1, corollary : 4 writes these things . To bed, he said , to which he believes to have been the exact measurements of the temple educated Jew , whom the famous St. Hugenij Michael Knight received a benefit , our thumbs 23mathML formula to try to answer , so much so that a couple of our feet fail mathML formula thumb and two fingers and two feet of the grain that is mathML formula contains fingers . I lived in Paris contributed to this Mersennus foot bed is equal to the English foot 1mathML formula ( which measures heavier ) and, therefore, is at the foot of Rome to 967 to 1068 . Are in the same inverse formula to 23mathML 25mathML formula. So he is able to measure and therefore falls within the limits of the Roman foot 25mathML formula uncijs 25mathML 25mathML formula and the formula by which the sacred elbow last round , so I suspect this to bed by a genuine copy of holding secret Christians have been taken . And no one should be surprised to bed the time of Moses difinivimus 25mathML ounces of formula, not more than three thousand years, grown, who knows how to span the architecture of Rome was once the Roman foot nine inches longer valid mathML formula English parts of the foot that is fifteen hundred years, so the formula uncijs 9mathML increased that it is only mathML formula of the parts of an Inch , and not religious, however, she had been cured .
Bed count some of the brazen sea of Solomon . Any objection to say briefly that the results of the bottom of the sea, not the ball , as usual, but the plane must be established so that all the water flows out of the use of the priests , and the vessel is set conveniently backs of all cattle and oxen epistomia not impede access to the priests . Cylindrical shapes to trying yet . More graceful figure will be subsequent. Ten cubits bisects the line AB and the capture of 100 to EB cubit in length erected normal DF , CG, eh , each five cubits and semiaxes AD, DF , BE , EH described quadrants of ellipses AF BH DF be sent straight FH figure AFGHB Wrapped around the axis CG describes the external surface of the Vessel < 45r > if the thickness of the cavity is OUTSTANDING take about two thousand baths , assuming that the bath is twelve Congijs Romans (as farmer and others argue ) that Congij seven and a half foot bed Roman fill in as a heavy congii Farnesiano experienced . He is also said to have begun three thousand batorum this sea , where some classes have two batorum strive to be some measure of the accumulation of which is equal to half the dry understand the content , others suspect that the variant readings , some leading to daily use of short sea baths of 2000 and took me exactly how they think the 3000 entirely fulfilled . SEPARATE not suit .
And these are things that could make a decision about the size of this impræsentia elbow . Who may hereafter holy mountain < 45v > and Chaldeans are lustraturi monuments of stone , bricks, foundations and walls of various dimensions carefully taken and compared between themselves have more and more carefully worded.
< 46r >
Mosaic tabernacle and temple and future -defined legal Ceremonijs be admitted at all, and that the Apostle Paul testifies enough . 2.17 color . Hebrews 8.5 and 9.23 . The result is that in the future the same, then about prophetijs that have been published , and especially in the Book of Revelation has been hinted at this allusionum ceremonies and to their understanding of the speculation to this prophecy and also } { illeg her son to most advantageous course . But here, where everything was done first to preserving the temple with his atrijs come .
Maimonides Talmudic followed later embraced their errors and o
In the City occurred in the height of Zion , and in Jerusalem, while his Valibus was built . Mountains were the top two or three of whom were of one particular say . Moriah was the situation in the east of the city of Seville { } part . In the of this has been built up over the top of the temple. Courts of the temple at the beginning of the peak of his barely satisfactory. Why places deficiency < 47r > supplied , building a wall between the wall and the mountain city of immense and very deep and fulfilling PLANT until all the squares on either side of the area would be a calculation of Josephus stadij one , or, to speak more carefully Talmudic , five hundred cubits of the sacred . To the inner wall of the other side of the wall on all sides with porticos superædificabatur Meanwhile , such was the height of the walls < insertion from f 46v > southwards to the valley so that there immensely dehisceret calligarent indifference of the eye, if the roof above the portico built close to the height of each board would consider , without dizziness that he could not see because of the extreme lack of depth before the Gulf } { reached . <Text from f 47r resumes> circundabatur these galleries , and there are all to double the whole court , that is, they had three rows of columns and two walks intercolumnaria . Except in the South side . For in his galleries , as they had been built by Herod , stood at equal intervals of four rows of pillars or fourth most remote, had interwoven stone wall. The thickness of each of the columns, and the three men as they could and joined arms to embrace each other . Number of all was the one hundred sixty two , giving each one a double and breathe the beautiful Corinthian capitals sculpted work the miracle . Four of these are done by the space between the earth so that the last two rows of like about thirty feet wide, more than fifty of the height , length stadij blocking each other in the middle of the square of the height in the breadth of one and a half , so much better than both. Joseph , in the old way . l . 15 . c 14 measures that could præterpropter expressing . These two extremes equally with double colonnades , which were constructed by Atrij the other three sides of the court to believe that all sides appear to uniform . But the two pillars of the porch and the neighbors they were five feet high and thirty feet wide , were , as Josephus writes 14 c l 6 of the Jewish war . Whence we infer sacred cubit equals two feet , according to the account of Josephus But whether Joseph Roman feet or be aware of the Greeks or the Jews, perhaps I know not. Furthermore atrij the four sides , in the middle of each side of the gate was , except in the western side . Talmudic write in it only one gate in the south and two in the side , but Joseph, who had seen the place due to the faith . While the one from [29] writes that it was the only one from each corner of the south side of the parallel , in the western side of the gates, there were four, to the outskirts of the city and leading to the Royal . < Insertion from f 46v > Wollen anauli atrij in which two rows of buildings were met by several galleries, For Joseph, from the arcade to the north and east of the words making adds dual ὡν ἡ συνάπτουσα γωνία της Κεδρων ος } { καλουμένης φάραγγος ὑπερεδόμετο whose corners < 47v > both conjoining built above the Kidron valley , where there was also a deep and terrible to his height . Joseph understands the meeting . And that is where the northern part of the east portico of the fire and burned to the development of this corner is the fire died down and the east portico of the minimal benches: as the book tells of Joseph 7 of the war home. c 19 <text from f 47r resumes> this way he held himself to the outer limits of its Atrij , < 48r > as Herod had built him / addime porch these two together with the four gates of the West and to the South side of the porch , and you will have about Joseph expressly Atrij affirms built by Solomon . For twice the east gallery ( which ought to be like the North and South ) and was believed to have remained from the time of Solomon , and this was what was called the Porch of Solomon John 10 , 23. Whereupon Joseph once believed to have been built by Solomon in this case alone ( about the war home. L . 6 . C 14) , and while the building of Herod portrays , affirms this door once adorned many kings ( l Antiq. . 15 . 14 c ) If Herod built anew certainly did not double but triple located in a place of high nobility of course much more than a gallery of South than he did three . Joseph Solomon, which expressly affirms the galleries all around the court, this was a double Josephus expressly affirms Ancient Book 8 . c. 2 . It was , therefore, form three sides of Solomon Atrij For the West side wall without continuous galleries have been built up the interior with the exterior form Atrij must answer. The court , therefore, was such antiquity . .
Atrij whole exterior of doors only Herodian stones of all kinds and was furnished by Joseph sanctuary . By the fact that up to 14 degrees in the inner court of the sanctuary of the Jews commonly set up and the square was named .
Atrij whole outer Herodian was varied only in the open air , all kinds of stone bed , but the inner court of stone to enter the precinct boundaries within three cubits high , and too much of practice deed, where a fair , orderly intervals pillars stood , another Greco other Latin letters dictation into the holy place foreigners should not pass . For the point that allowed the Jews to enter the outside and from whatever was named the international court . From those boundaries intersecto small space up to fourteen degrees < 49r > to the inner court which is commonly called the sanctuary was surrounded by a wall above the square and proper , whose outer summit , although 40 [27] cubits from the ground up yet Atrij of stairs. They surrounded the whole sanctuary 14 degrees for the continuous and uniform . The interior of the wall of that height of twenty-five [17 ] cubits . For the rest of his alititudo could not be seen from the ground as Atrij inner roof about ten yards higher than the outer court . After a period of fourteen , however, was even to the degrees of the plane of this wall was ten cubits . And from this plane of the other stand, again of the same five steps led them to the gates of the wall , which , indeed, from the north and the south were six in number , to wit, three on each side and one in the East, besides the other three located in the courts of the East side of women . < Insertion from f 48v > For the first destination in the outer court admitted that only the Jewish people and Jewish women had not yet been allowed to go inside , that they are distinguished by the number of national , these Jews built a new court to the eastern side of the inner Atrij that since the court extruebatur exterior , barely exceeded the very high for the inner court of the women came down to the court by fifteen degrees , and so it remained for only four degrees in the court of nations . There were three gates to the court of the upper gate Atrij similar and equal to one another from the south east , the north <text from f 49r resumes> The West Gate had no part is there , but the perpetual wall was erected . Between the gates of the gallery wall that somewhat distant from inside the chambers before they were forced to the wall as far reaching and most beautiful columns . There were , however, not in order to double the size of the lower illæin Atrius, besides the simple and in no particular from the lower outer surface but were absent, but the gate toward the south and the north were six and three , as they for the court of the women ) were equal to the size of the roof as well as on all sides with gold, and in silver, and the foreheads of the posts . In each of the two doors and the doors were (30) twenty cubits deep million after coming to the broad shoulders of twenty (30) yards on either side of the towers of the rooms had the example of the wide long and broad (and hence the square ) above , however, 14 (20) yards Celsius. But each of the two supporting pillars of octane (12) Thus, in the context of cubits in the gallery between two groups of three gates between the bow and the chamber adjoining galleries and gazophylacij